Adopt a Human 1,690 members · 271 stories
Comments ( 6 )
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Hey guys!

For a story, what about a human child(male or female) raised by a herd consisting of Trixie, Starlight, Twilight and Sunset?

So a human born with Autism, a HSP(Highly Sensitive Person who has a deeper running immune system and reacts stronger to physical, mental and emotional stimuli) is abandoned and an orphan. They're at death's door and are saved by the said herd who raise them as their mothers.

What do you guys think of this idea?

I like the idea

"So a human born with Autism"

Stop. Speaking as someone who actually does have Autism, unless you have it yourself or are a caretaker for someone who does. You have no idea what it's like to have it. It does not make a character more interesting.

hey I have a question what does it take to be added to a story do I have to come up with my own oc? I've always been curious about it

I myself have it. Apologies for how it came across. I didn't want to mention I have it as people would assume I'm writing about myself.

Great idea i look forward to how you tell it

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