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What do you think Shining Armor and Blueblood's relationship is like? Are they friends, or has Shining always hated him? Is Blueblood jealous that Shining has Cadence and he doesn't?
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Honestly, Blueblood's relationship with Shining Armor depends on what Blueblood thinks of Twilight Sparkle.

To be honest, given the recent Friends Forever comic cover of the issue featuring them, I don't think that Blueblood or Shining Armor interact all that much, though I'm sure Shining dislikes pulling that cart. I think that Blueblood probably doesn't think maliciously or unfavorably of Shining Armor, but that may because he is too egocentric to care. We only really know four things about Prince Blueblood: he's related to Celestia and Luna by their mother's side fifty-two times or so removed (which would actually make him more a cousin than a nephew), he's egocentric, he's used to having others do things for him and he apparently made up with Rarity about the whole Gala thing (or at least he doesn't hold a grudge or let it get in the way of conducting public business).

*EDIT* Six things, actually. due to his comments about Applejack food, he might be classist and have a distaste for carnival fare. The former we see little of so it mainly would have to do with degree of classism and how he expresses it that would determined if is a truly bad thing or just a character flaw (a minor one at that, while frowned upon in modern times (supposedly), some places classism is encouraged because it keeps society orderly). As for the later, I can relate. Applejack's usual choices in cuisine are unlikely to be served at a gala and some carnival food is VERY greasy and, depending on your venue, could contaminated or not cooked properly . My family frequently went to fairs and ate gas station food so we are used to greasy food. However, one time the was so greasy we were all nauseated and one of my sisters threw hers back up not even a half hour later. For someone like Blueblood, going for his usual to that would be quite the jump and I'm not sure if his body would react kindly.


I've always portrayed them as a pair of old friends. Not too terribly close to one another, but at the same time unlikely to talk badly about one another either. I've enjoyed the idea that they might spar with one another, doing fencing and stuff in a sort of rivalry.

Honestly I really don't have them interact much headcanon wise. By the time Twilight became Celestia's student, Shining had already shipped out to training and the military academy. Oz and Cadence may have been best buddies though, and may have dated as some point but I don't think it would have cause problems later on.

I like to think he ran interference between between Shining and Cadance, unsure if he he had the right intentions for Cadance- as so many before him did not. Over the years, Cadance and Shining started to get more and more close, until they were dating. Blue warmed up to Shining when he realized how Shining really felt about Cadance. He's happy for them, but immensely envious; he's yet to find the mare to seek him on out for any reason other than his title. -----> :raritydespair:

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