Romance is Magic! 1,731 members · 5,409 stories
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I'm looking for stories where a mare falls in love with a monster. Please not the following:

  • Humans don't count as monsters.
  • I'm already aware of Bride of Discord, so please make OTHER suggestions.

Thank you all. Have a good day. :twilightsmile:

6379095 Sadly, I would technically still count it as being among Bride of Discord since it us the same relationship, by the same author only with a different coat of paint. :twilightsheepish:

well most of the monsters fells for a mare is Fluttercord so

6379132 Yay I know. Its kind of a pain. Wish people would try to be a bit more original.

I think there are Fluttershy and Sombra fics but they pretty much the same bride of discord formula.

6379426 Yeah, I did manage to find some Sombra Rarity fics, not sure if any of them are good or not.

Ultimately Fluttershy x monster ships don't have a too big appeal for me because its always her being shy and innocent. It would be nice to see a more competant and safisticated mare like Rarity or Twilight (or perhaps even one of the other mares) paired up with a monsterous sentient being.

I need to make that last part clear, otherwise some body will yell bestiality at me and that's not at all what I'm looking for.

I decided that since I am looking for stories where a Mare falls in love with a Monster to make a group for it as well.

Mare x Monster

So hopefully we can find more romantic stories with mares and monsters at some point soon in the future.

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