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So I am working on a romance story with a mare and a diamond dog deity. The thing I want to ask is how do I make them fall in love aside from the "you saved me" trope?

Like it's hard to see what common ground they might have, considering that one is a pony and the other is a wolf deity.

Any suggestions?

There's no shortage of myths about gods falling in love with mortals, and a lot of them for little more than the woman was beautiful. So... how about the deity wants to spend time with the mare because he knows her time is short compared to his, and he'd rather have her spend her youth and beauty with him instead of anyone else?

6433615 I mean that could work but what is her motivation? Why would she find a wolf (ignoring the whole deity thing) romantic?

Maybe she knows who he is beforehand. She's heard stories of this foreign god and is fascinated by them, maybe not even thinking he's real. She could travel to Diamond Dog territory to learn more. Which catches his eye, a pony so curious about. And when he does approach her, what's she going to say? What could be more interesting or important than a god wanting to have dinner, or whatever other way they could spend time together you can think of?

I did something similar to this in one of my own stories. Except that the approach I used was that the female Goddess masqueraded as a normal mortal because she simply wanted sex, love, and companionship without the usual hangups of being feared/revered as a divine entity. She eventually revealed her true nature, but in the end, it didn't matter because her partner still loved her all the same.

Start with the God wanting to take a break from his duties, and meeting the mare by sheer chance. It's not always about immediate attraction. Try building it up through daily interactions, conversations, and ever increasing familiarity that eventually develops into a romantic relationship.

6433624 My only problem with that is I'm not sure how a pegasus (especially one who decided to train for the Wonderbolts) would be aware of such a being or even be interested in studying him.

Maybe she could crush into a temple for this deity during a practice run. Finding herself trapped this deity helps her out. Finding that this deity after years of not being worship has forgetten about itself.

Or maybe the Deity after countless years of being stuck on land turns itself into a Pegasus. ( Mainly beacase he was impressed when he saw Daring Doo go to one of his temples). To find out what flying is like inexperienced he bumps into the mare. She is training to be a Wonderbolt , after a display of her tricks he get inspireted and asked her to teach her. Feeling pity at his aweful flying skills she accepts

6434268 I mean I already have a method of how they meet, I'm mainly trying to figure out how they grow closer after that, aside from having him take care of her or something (because that isn't cliche or weird at all).

6433651 It might be interesting to have him first introduce himself to her in his wolf form and as their relationship grows he reveals his true form. :pinkiesmile:

I'm mainly just trying to find a way to encourage the relationship between them without it following the trope: Pegasus falls out of the sky and nearly dies, wolf deity saves her, she falls in love with him, blah, blah, blah, etc... You know what I mean? :twilightsheepish:

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