Romance is Magic! 1,731 members · 5,409 stories
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First off let me just establish that I have NO romantic experience of my own. :ajsleepy:

Now in my story I am pairing a background pony with an original character (well as original as you can get these days) and I want to write a story of them going on a date to the beach.

So what is something (or multiple somethings) romantic a couple ponies can do at the beach?

I think quiet time between characters is underrated. Just sitting by the beach and being present in the moment can be incredibly intimate.

They can also walk alone together, have a small picnic, or make a fire and fall asleep under the stars (far away from the waves, of course).

6465333 I will keep that in mind. Thank you.:twilightsmile:


"Don't you just hate them?"


"Companionable silences."

They could cuddle and kiss as the sun sets.

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