The Good HiE List 7,163 members · 462 stories
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What are the best finished hies that you have read where the human stays human? He can get powers of any sort including shape-shifting but he just has have the ability to stay physically human.

Tough choice. They have to stay human and be GOOD stories, and be complete. Well, then, in no paticular order......

Celestia's Prophet by Aegis Shield.
This is a good short story about what would really happen if someone were dumb enough to blab to the ponies that they knew the shows cannon. Good psychological thriller. Also twist ending.

What is love by little big pony
Human in the crystal empire but not a Sombra story, he deals with Shining armor and Cadence.

Any of the many Sam stories by Admiral Biscuit. The first of the series being, A Sleeping Rose by Admiral Biscuit
Non adventure stories, all slice of life and all worth reading.

Drawn With the Night trilogy by Dan_s Comments Or anything by this Author.
Dan writes realistic common sense people. Smart characters making reasonable decisions.

The Town Bike by Flutterpriest
A darker story about being an outsider. Short story.

The Mighty Warrior of Epicness by shinigamisparda
Action adventure about a well written displaced.

Logi by SCP Pinkamena
The first and best Reverse Gender roll story on the list. Incredibly short but one of the best RGRE shorts ever written. Even if you do not like RGRE, you should at least read it.


EDIT# removed this entry as it does not fit criteria. My apologies.
Wings of Dawn By The Voice in the Water
A rare gem of a story. A must read if you have never seen it. Were-bird lady in Equestria. Also a realistic view of how shit would really go down. EDIT# Removed entry

You're human and you is an Ok story, but it wouldn't be one of my recommends. It was written at a bad time in this site. Many of the stories written in this time frame had extremely sexually phobic characters and the protagonist in the story is an extreme example of this. He is so against sex of any kind with anything at all, even another human that he comes across as unhinged. If the Author were to go back and edit out those scenes, "You're Human and You." would be one of the better stories on the site. Again, it's not the soul fault of the Author. If you were an Author on this site, during that era, that was how you wrote your character. Thats just how everyone did it back then.


Shame on everypony for not mentioning one of the first and best HiE stories on the platform for 10 years! :twilightangry2:

Arrow 18: Mission Logs

A human that stayed human that I liked reading and wouldn't mind sharing...

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The only one to meet (most) criteria I didn't enjoy enough to subject another to it. I tend to avoid such stories as they eventually have romance. Some that I do like have sequels that invalidate the criteria.


Some that I do like have sequels that invalidate the criteria.

A sequel shouldn't invalidate the criteria, as long as the first book is complete. Now, if it's one of those odd situations where the author never completed the story and yet started a sequel, then yeah, that would be invalid. I've run into a few of those.


Speaking of invalid;

"Wings of Dawn The Voice in the Water" (which is "Wings of Dawn" by The Voice in the Water) is also invalid. The ware raven drops a bomb in chapter 1 (somewhere past the halfway point) that the raven form is her natural form. Being a player of world of darkness* I can confidently say that the raven was never naturally human and is, thus far, unable to take human form.

Though I am enjoying the story so far.

*I prefer vampires and changelings myself.

Well it has been a while since I read it.

I will edit my list.

I do apologize

(Ive been reading Starzgeko's suggestion Arrow 18. And Im loving it.)

Damn.. I mean it deppends if you want to laugh, feel shock n awe, romantic, or just a mix of everything... I will give u my list:
"Nigel M Chalmers Emperor" also "Ponies Pirates and Peculiar Phsycopaths"

"Your human and you" if u are a bit of a snowflake, if you are more like me you will find this story good but frustrating at bits where the protagonist didnt have the balls to deffend his dignity, SUBMISSIVE!!! Thats the word I was looking for, this story is for peps that enjoy being submissive.

Even though this next one is not finished I recomend reading it...ALOT just because of how well its written, if you like the idea of what would happen if you drop a USA military grunt into equestrian backyard you will love this:

This one is not for the faint of heart, what I love is how its written, this story is chaos and its about the lord of chaos and it will make you hate it and love it at the same time, its controversial, full of strife and frustration and yet every action the protagonist takes strikes true for being a human. A human fighting to stay sane in an insane world. Its name is "The diaries of a Mad Man"

Going back to more lighthearted reading and with a twist of Anonymous protagonist comes a fresh read "Everyday life with Guardsmares" .... wait that one is not finished XD, still a great read.

If you are dark n edgy you might like "the Lunar Guardsman"

Have others about human staying human that are good but they are incomplete and a few others where the human turns into an equestrian thing but does great culture shock eather way, still though some are incomplete, if u want them just ping me

Read my first one. You can leave it there or go for the sequel. Idk if its the best, but im blown away i got over 1k+ likes.

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