The Griffon Kingdom 844 members · 516 stories
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So what we know of the griffon culture in Equestria is that they co-exist along side ponies. We know that names of ponies and dragons are very earth-like, but the only griffon name we have is Gilda which is a human name. I know two Gildas irl. So based on what little we know of griffon culture, how would one go about naming a griffon OC?

1098152 I did it based on pegasus/warrior type naming... Since Gryphons can also manipulate the weather but are known (via fic cannon) to be excellent warriors, it makes the most sence. Hence, something that sounds fierce while also relating to some weather type thing... Of course, you can really name them whatever you want since cannon has them with human names (Gilda, Gustave etc...). So pretty much name them whatever fits them i guess...

1098187 true true, thank you.

1098197 Not a problem~ :twilightsmile:

According to my research. Gilda is a Portuguese name derived from an Ancient Germanic name. When I named the character's in my story, I chose to use Ancient Germanic names; Hartwin, Gerulf, and Saxa. That's the extent of my thought into the subject.

When I was naming the griffon OC for my story, I wanted to choose something that sounded like a normal name, but still carried a warrior-like background. I always imagined that the Griffon culture in MLP was more combat and war-based than Equestria, so I decided to pick the name Troy, a name that could easily be associated with that mindset.

How about these?

First names:
Male; Female;
Ares Arana
Baelus Bethr
Cumuli Celene
Daemus Daela
Etheyron Ellena
Furgos Folena
Gildar Gilda
Hephasteus Hephesta
Icarii Ilen
Janus Janu
Kaeloth Kalen
Lucien Lucia
Mordus Melica
Nucerum Nora
Orion Olphellia
Phaelan Petra
Qintus Quix
Raen Raena
Solitus Selena
Thaymor Tirana
Url Ulvana
Valdi Velda
Wyn Wys
Xaxus Xena
Yvir Ynor
Zora Zema

From what I understand is that Griffons have humanistic names that always start with the letter "G". So I would suggest naming any griffon OC's with names that start with "G".
For instance, in one of my stories, my OC befriends 2 griffons who are brother and sister twins named Glen and Garda. And if you look at griffons like Glida, or Gustave le Grand. See the pattern?

Most of those names won't work. From what I understand is that Griffons have humanistic names that always start with the letter "G". So I would suggest naming any griffon OC's with names that start with "G".
For instance, in one of my stories, my OC befriends 2 griffons who are brother and sister twins named Glen and Garda. And if you look at show canon griffons like Glida, or Gustave le Grand. See the pattern?

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