The Griffon Kingdom 844 members · 516 stories
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Hi guys. I'm happy to have joined and I'm planning on giving the Griffon kingdoms some attention in my fic.
The plot, in summary, Equestria is under threat by a ruthless undying alicorn-hunter and his mercenary army.
Gilda has recently made an appearance and she mentions to Rainbow Dash.

“I’m taking part in a funeral flight over Boulette conducted by the Aviators Council. New rulers of Griffonia. Every so often, when things get bad, the local towns and tribes put aside their differences and get together in a great alliance. Course, not much gets done seeing as they’re all too busy hating each other and when the troubles are over, everygriffon goes back to being isolated. It’s dumb but that’s politics for ya’"

I'm basing them off the Skeksis from the Dark Crystal (One of them whimpers), withered, old, screeching nobles bickering among themselves.
But I've got a sort of sub-species thing going on with them.
They divide their society into ethnic groups. There's the Raptors (Eagles, Hawks, Falcons, Vultures and Condors) Pullets (Chickens and Turkeys), Psitacci (Parrots), Passerine (Sparrows and Songbirds), Strigans (Owls), Corvine (Crows, Magpies and Ravens), etr.
The Raptors are known to have something of a superiority complex and the Raptor War, mentioned several times in Equestrian History in my headcanon is based off World War II when a Raptor King declared griffons the superior race and the pegasi usurpers of the skies.
I've got a Rommel-like hippogryph planned named Hotspur.

Hurricane: Hotspur...You magnificent bastard, I read your book!!!

And a resistance-leader named Hawkeye.

There's also Gilda's uncle who's going to show up later, Skylord Bluster, based off Prince Vultan in Flash Gordon.
Daring Doo also has a Griffon associate named Scarlet MacAwe (Who's nephew, Hyacinth, is a friend of Gilda's)
I'm a fan of animals so I play around with names a lot.
There's also a character named Shrike Slashtalon, a mercenary leader in league with the villains, whose name I based off the bloodthirsty bird people, Shrikes, in the Edge Chronicle books I read when I was younger.
And Gilda, at one point, refers to the Aviators as a bunch of 'cocks', referring to roosters, old males who screech a lot but do very little. This is considered racist against Pullets but Gilda comes from a Pullet background so it's okay...apparently.

This sound good? Your opinions are appreciated.

Seems very interesting

You’re welcome

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