Into the Black 323 members · 4 stories
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Because I'm too tired to write my own stuff and am currently suffering through a sugar crash, I thought I'd attempt to do something productive. The thing is, I have a thing for science. Mad science in particular. I've watched sci-fi stuff since I can remember; Star Wars was one of my first movies that I can remember. It can be difficult to think up new tech and space age wizardry. I can make my own conlang from scratch, but technology? Screw that.

But that's not always the case. We can actually do some pretty awesome stuff already. Here's some current scientific advancements that seem far in the future, but are actually pretty close to being feasible today.

I'm making this thread to provide some ideas for sci-fi gadgetry, science, medicine, bioware, and cyberware for the oncoming collaboration. Feel free to add, but provide links whenever possible.

tl;dr version: steal this shit to your heart's content.

Everlasting batteries in the body
Piezoelectricity, or electricity generated from pressure, is a new method of powering pacemakers in the future. Current batteries for such devices last a couple years and need to be replaced, but this new technology can have those batteries last as long as the human body is alive.

You can stretch this science and theory and provide it to other technology. Suppose you make a character for the colab. Hmmm... say he or she has their spine replaced with a fiberoptic cable so that their reflexes are close to the speed of light (like a boss). With new batteries like this, you don't need to hook up your character to a car battery whenever he or she needs to recharge, or have to deal with possible dangerous batteries. Try having a fision reactor in your chest; see where that gets you.

Although there are thousands of life forms crawling under my skin, you can have thousands of robots under yours. Nanotechnology has successfully restored the sight of a blind rodent. These little bastards can be programmed to do just about anything in the future.

Or create a zombie apocalypse.

Change your Iris
I walked into a bank, and when I walked out, the all the lights stopped working and the place was considerably less wealthy. This was due to me fooling the retinal scanner in the back. Actually, I just gave the guard some hookers and blow, but you can totally change the color of your eyes. It's still in the experimental stage, but why not fib a little? This is space science!

Stop aging
You know, aging is not that difficult of a concept to understand, biologically speaking. You can pin the entire process on a little asshole enzyme called telomerase. I'll put it in easy terms. For every second of your life, your cells divide into new cells. Every time they divide, that enzyme diminishes ever so slightly. Slowly, that enzyme corrupts and diminishes little by little until it's gone, and that's the process of bodily aging explained in very simple cliffnotes. Halting the decay of telomerase would pretty much stop aging altogether.

Never breath again
Your lungs make you breath. You know this. If you get water in your lungs, your lungs down't work, or they're just being lazy like the two roommates I got upstairs who don't clean up after themselves.

But you'd be wrong. My roommates are lazy, but you'd still be wrong. The flow of oxygen to your body doesn't quite work the way you think. The water doesn't stop the air you breath in from getting to your lungs, it simply blocks your lungs from a necessary ingredient. If your lungs could extract oxygen from water, it could totally do that. Your lungs are just where your body can extract what it needs. So, if your body had a way to collect oxygen other than from the lungs, you wouldn't really need them. As I said, the lungs are just where the process takes place. It's most certainly not the best.

You can totally survive without breathing, when it's done right. And it's about twenty years in the future. They filled tiny microparticles with oxygen, and then surrounded those with fats, and injected that shit into the lab rat's blood. It went 15 minutes without using its lungs.

Uploading the Mind
Our brains are lame, mostly because we don't understand them. That makes them stupid. Also, our active memory is only about a flash drive worth of gigabytes. It does some kind of weird biology magic to store 2.5 petabytes, but no one really understands how (2.5 petabytes = the entire internet's worth of porn). But image in the future if we had the software and hardware to solve those problems! We could upload a human into a cybernetic organism at will. Deus Ex, anyone? Shadowrun? Cyberpunk?

That's all I got for now.

Hmm. I knew about a couple of those, but for the most part, that's all news to me. I'll have to scrounge around my head to see what I can find to add to this. :applejackunsure:

Anywho, gadgetry, sorry, that was bothering me.. :pinkiecrazy:



Uploading the Mind

see Ghost in the Shell for more on that. on a side-note; lets use the tanks from Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex.

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You know, you could come up with a pretty nasty form of torture by using that. Suppose you capture a guy, you could just imprison his mind in a vision, showing him images of torture again and again for the rest of time.

It's actually pretty horrifying, come to think of it. You can never die from it, but your mind could end up shattering.

999602 that's not all, the first ep. of SAC or SAC 2nd GIG they had body switching

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I'd prefer to bind their body to a chair and have them experience a live vivisection via augmented reality. Just hook up their brain to a computer. Much more satisfyingly evil, and far more terrible. Fearing death is all well and good, but now you can be scared of something even worse than death.

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Restoring senses
Did you know that we can implant cyberware into the human body already? Yes, they can. In fact, one man had his blindness cured, partially anyway. We can actually repair and replace pieces of the brain and neural pathways with hardware.

999722 2 things: are we still talking about 'uploading the mind' or have we moved off that topic? and if they ain't alive it ain't a vivisection, redundant use of live, i think.

Group Contributor

We still are, or at least I am. Suppose you capture a guy guilty of corporate sabotage. Just hack into his cyberware and upload his brain into a private server. Augmented reality is the same concept: reality that has been changed, or delivered in a means not typical, meaning your eyes. If you have someone's brain saved on a private server, you can show them anything you want, providing you can crack their security.

And yes, I said live. I didn't say 'alive', I said live, as in current.

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Implanted harddrives
I know a guy who's seriously contemplating something weird. He wants to surgically implant a flash drive into his skin so he can carry it and upload and download information at will. It's actually quite feasible now, providing you have money for the procedure. All it requires is some surgery and space in the human body to place it.

People can already get skin graphs and reworked nerves, so feeling pain around the flash drive should be easy.

999749 ok.

on to the

Just hack into his cyberware and upload his brain into a private server.

way ahead of you; cyberbrains, your own prison in a box:trollestia:

Group Contributor

I was thinking along the lines of Shadowrun, but whatever works.

999849 never heard of Shadowrun. 'sides there's a 'Lyra gets a human body' story just waiting to be written with the removable cyberbrains found in GitS. BTW can cyberbrains be removed without killing the ghost in Shadowrun?

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I'm not sure Lyra gaining a human body would be anything more than a novelty. "She gets to be human"... and that's about it. I've got nothing personally, and if she's in a human body, she wouldn't know how to use it, as she's a quadruped. Plus, she'd lose her magic, as she would no longer be a unicorn.

I'm not sure what you are referring to with the term ghost. I think it's a Stand Alone Complex term, but I'm not sure; haven't seen it myself, despite owning the box set. If you are just referring to someone with a cyberbrain, than yes. You can both upload yourself into other compatible software and hardware, and switch your brain into a new body entirely. I'm not up to date on all the rules, so I don't know all the details.

999913 'ghost' = human consciousness

as for the Lyra story, the appeal, for me at lest, is the whole quadruped to biped transformation. I was just going to 'deus ex machina' the transformation with Discord, but with cyberware there are more options to work with. as for magic, IMO the horn is a focuser and amplifier, if it's gone magic is week and hard to control, but still there.

Dis seems uber-ly cool to be put into words.

I think the 2.5 petabytes thing isn't that hard, military secret bullshit tech and all that. I mean, a Rainbow :rainbowderp: 8 sided computer was state of the art 70 years ago. And since we can get Terabyte Hard Drives with moniez, you could probably have an ever expanding thousand upon thousand of the buggers and upload them into whatever Area 51 has right now in the line of Epicomputers. Would be hard but feasible.

TL;DR Area 51 could do it with a warehouse and some UNSC neural implants

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It's already common to be able to buy terrabyte hard drives. Not me, because every single hard drive I touch gets fried. I've already destroyed three terrabtes of space. Somehow...


I don't know how far this into the future, but it's more than possible to have commercial petabytes. It's not an exact science, but hard drives increase by a factor of ten every five years. That means we should have commercially available petabytes within five to ten years.

It could work. The exact science (magic?) has never been fully explained, both in the show and the fic. It's all kinda wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey. Given the statement above, there will be plenty of hardware space, as long as this is far enough in the future. All you'd need now is fast enough processors and enough RAM to run a super computer.

I'm actually going to be including threads about genetics. You can grow your own body, as long as you have the cash. Genetics? Gene splicing? Chemical baths? You could grow your own body parts. All you need is a couple of credits.

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Since mine is going to be one of the main sections of the collab, I'm going to be developing the world at large. The companies that build the ships, chemicals, and medicine. I built the companies. I'll be describing everything in full later in a thread post. Companies and all.

1001865 Yes, that was the point I was trying to get across at 11pm (Higher brain fizzled).
Gene Splicing, Rapture didn't like that.
Also, technically, by that factor of 10, you would need 20 years at the current rate of computing evolution. As a petabyte is 1k terabytes.
With the chemicals, an en at the start of the companies make them look so much more futuristic (Or is that the one with the drugs themselves)
Chem-baths exist already I think

Group Contributor

Yes, chemical baths do exist.

Actually, it would still be about ten to twelve years, given nothing goes wrong. Fifteen tops. We already have hard drives in the range of five terrabyte. In five years, that would be 50. In ten, that would be 500. In fifteen, that would be 5,000.

Don't worry. I have already created the science, all i need to do is apply it so small scale applications, depending on what company I'll be doing.

I have three primary corporate types that I will touch:
Cyberware: You're standard biomechanical implants and gel packs that can mimic or carry electrical impulses consistent with the human body. This includes replacements or adaptions that are not consistent with typical replacements, like shoulder-mounted weapons, hidden compartments in the body, and maybe a chainsaw dick if I can work it in. This also will touch on transhumanism and how the human mind functions in conjunction with cybernetic cranial implants.

Bioware: Using science, medicine, and chemicals to alter fundamental aspects of the body itself. Perhaps people could grow eyes that could see in infrared or in the dark. Or maybe get a shine job like Riddick. It's the act of changing a fundamental part of your own genetics. It's a lot mroe expensive, but can be a lot more useful.

And the third is heavy industry. In short, it's what makes all the ships, guns, and bullets.

Now how can I be evil with all this potential...:pinkiecrazy:

Cyberware = Star Trek Voyager
Everybody loves Riddick
Everyone knows about the gunz factory, Misriah sounds cool and it's on mars, BECUASE HALO LIKES YOLO!
Anyway, onto sane evaluation. That evil could not be expressed well within the Industry because all you could have is a black market thing and applying more phlebotinum(?) that is needed makes the story slip out of place.
However, mr vague the Bioware could be very much used as a delved into battleland. Deus Ex was shit for doing that in that way, not the conspiracy + Dukem Nukem with superpowers that people love in biotics (Mass Effect Dicks)
I'm rambling way to much here.

Group Contributor


I'm rambling way to much here.

Yeah, i didn't understand half of that.

TL;DR The most obvious one has no substance to it anymore
TL;DR the TL;DR Read you hippie

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Use your words. It felt like I was reading a sentence that was spliced with another.

I want to help, but I'll get buttfucked over by someone somehow and it all goes to shit in my eyes. So I'll try and restrain myself from suggestions.

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Suggest all you want, but I have to understand what you are suggesting first.

If you haven't watched the fuck out of Voyager. You need to learn about gel packs.

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Bioelectrical circuitry that mimics neural pathways of a biological organism? Saw all seasons. Never liked it that much myself, but it did have promise.

1012534 Hooray!
Yeah, bit boring with Janeway being the eternal fairy godmother to her crew.
Anyway, suggestion timez!
One, Pressure electricity (Not arsed to write piezoelectric {Wait, shit}) could in theory be used to power a battlesuit as well as becoming a Sith Lord if you ride on a Jackhammer made of bass cannons. It could also be used for sustained torture, as the heart beats painful electric shots jolt through their body, no sleep means madness and when you go koo-koo you're probably gonna dob on your buds.
Two, relocation of matter through using charged antimatter (Big boom booms) Could be created through a stable chemical X that when in contact with solid matter, vigorously morphs into anti-matter plasma. (Glorified photon torpedo but fuck light right up it's wavy arse)

Three: Fryers (Something I personally spent around £300 upon making perfectly [Batteries not included] {Silver costs a lot even on low price ebay) Which are silver (Like a bauss) coated rubber gloves (They go up to my shoulders) with a high voltage electric current (2 batterypacks full of 9v's {I have like 150 in each [Power level un-transformed was around 2700V's) that look like car batteries and a small industrial grade transformer bringing the voltz to just under 5kv). This also had the feature of having a small piston like item driving a second spiked plate of carbon steel at quite a speed (Pressed through 6 ply wood). This thing was an absolute mega monster and I had some plastic stock in my fists to hold it steady, on a side note I looked like I was in hazardous material gear with all the insulating rubber and plastic. However, with some magic wumbo jumbo you could make this into what I'm working on making it now, the spiked knuckles on the plate would spit tesla induced plasma in between the spikes. Burning through even matter itself through sheer blazing heat and intensity (I have the cool looking plasma, but it won't be a good dream turned death weapon and contain itself)
If you call bullshit then fine by you, however it seems a cool idea hypothetically. I'm also mr cautious when even around these things (The battery packs get unloaded when not in use however I installed capacitors very recently that cannot be dismantled less I get an x-ray just before I die) THEN BLACK OPS 2 COPIED IT WITH SHITTY GALVA KNUCKLES AND NO-ONE BELIEVES ME AND THINK I RIP OFF SINCE I CANNOT SHOW THEM A PICTURE BECAUSE I'M AFRAID OF THE DAMN POLICE KNOWING EASILY. (I have permission from the police in my area as long as I give them in for periods of time every three or four months or so)

1009574 Oh, I'll never do that correctly, my sentences are half assed usually.

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It does make sense, and could be used for some kind of supersuit. As for the fryer, I'd prefer to use a tungsten rod when possible, as it is far more dense. Say there is some kind of space mine where there is a limited supply or something, but plenty more than what is on earth. You could also take a book out of Dead Space and have a pneumatic launcher and infuse the spikes with a tiny generator. The spikes, or rob, could punch through armor when present and short circuit another suit, or stop someone's heart. Try pulling a trigger when your bones are melting and your muscles are twitching from 20,000 volts. And six Amps across the heart would kill a man.

I verified this myself through science.

Yes, here is the problem about tungsten, I'm a weak fuck except my back is like bethesda's characters.
I was going to use a hot rod pnuematic 16 spike spear however the electric insulation required to keep a small capacitor (I'm big on electricity) in it at present day would kind of nerf the speed.

Oh, also, I'd like to see your ideas on a battlesuit. Would be fun seeing another persons mind in war about stuff that the military isn't making even though they could.

I have more suggestions than a cow mother has milk.

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Go to the Think Tank thread and drop your ideas in there. I'll see what I can do.

Link, nao. Also, I can tell you have a nice IQ and a big aptitude, a hell of an advantage in the world of imagination.

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It's the only sticky thread in the group, but here is a quick link for you. It's where everyone can brainstorm and fine tune ideas. Drop whatever you have in there, and people can pick apart the problems and suggest fixes. It's also become the impromptu story suggestion thread of the group.

As for IQ, not a chance. I'm not smart, I'm just a thinker.

Well, thinkers are always nice when a story hinges on thinking.

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