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As stated before, we are by no means impressing a set of rules for this collab that you must unequivocally follow. This document I am working on is only to standardize some rules and universal background. You are free to create your own whenever you wish, or bend these rules to create your own. This document is just a tool for your own enjoyment and use.

Of course, I'm not about to create an entire system of magic anyway. It's not out of a desire to enforce my own rules. I'm just lazy. If you like what I have, feel free to use it in your own collab stories. Or even your own personal stories. Whatever works.

8. Magical Gear

8.1 Intro
Feeling brave tonight? How brave? Swords and sorcery, monsters and magic. It’s the primary fruit of any fantasy setting anywhere. Magic in of itself is often construed to only have offense uses: your usual fireball, magic missile, and lightning spells are common for every magical setting. Why stop there? There’s plenty to manipulate, and not just for destruction.

8.2 Spell Types
Spells are often divided into offensive, defensive, and certain types of buffs or debuffs for armor, weapons, and miscellaneous items.
Offensive - Any spell that has the intent to harm or hinder foes in some manner or another. Such magic can be anything from destructive spells, using items enchanted with incendiary or degradation magic, light spells used to blind enemies, or magic that drains or saps the strength of enemies
Defensive - Any spell that prevents harm, damage, or some type of negative affliction. Basic barriers that prevent locomotion are the most common, but that can be expanded into offensive shells that expand and crush enemies against obstacles.
Buff - Any spell cast to gain a specific temporary benefit on a person or item. This can be increased strength, resistance to poison, or increased mental acuity.
Debuff - Any spell cast to decrease an enemy or item’s advantage. This can be decreased strength, resistance to poison, or decreased mental acuity.

8.3 Schools of Magic
While branching from the same source, Magic can be divided into several different categories depending on what the caster is willing to pursue.
Alchemy - The art of of altering, blending, or changing magical regents into a new item. Alchemy is a tricky art, often requiring years of experience in order to master the finer details. Once perfected, alchemy potions and regents can be brutally effective, often lasting days before their effects begin to diminish.
Conjuration - Summoning an item, artifact, or person from one location to another, usually to wherever the spellcaster current location. Such magical arts also delve into summoning and banishing spirits.
Enchanting - The art of giving items or artifacts enhanced or new abilities beyond what they presently contain. The item in question must be capable of containing the new ability, or have other enchantments present to assist in doing so.
Shamanism - Although similar to conjuring a spirit, there is one key difference, Instead of summoning a spirit, the spirit finds the caster, often through an intermediary totem (see below). Shamans gain knowledge, wisdom, and power through their totems and the spirits they are linked to.
Sorcery - The basic blanketing term for the arcane arts in its most basic uses. Basic sorcery usually requires focus and line of sight, and tends to alter a fundamental aspect of the target. Healing magic, illusions, and combative offensive and defensive spells lie here.

8.4 Spell DIfficulty
Spells are classified into how difficult they are to cast. Only unicorns with great mental acuity, strength of mind, focus, and great access to magic can cast higher level spells.
Level 0 - This is where all untrained spellcasters are upon initiation the the craft. Those in this level can do little beyond a little flash of light of minute manipulation of objects. Younglings always start here. Those who are in this stage cannot and should not be allowed to fight with their abilities.
Level 1 - Basic spells that even the simplest and inexperienced magus can accomplish with a little practice. Often enough, some magic users can accomplish basic spells with a little trial and error or innate knowledge of certain spells. These are some basic light and manipulation spells. Hardly something to brag about, but it is where everyone starts.
Level 2 - More advanced spells. Most tend to start specializing in what they are best at here. Previous spells are refined and perfected. Casting time can be decreased, or it can be increased at the sacrifice of greater strength.
Level 3 - Previous spells are perfected and mastered. These are the low to medium level difficulty spells that have been used to the best of their abilities or discarded according to personal preference.
Level 4 - The highest grade, most advanced spells. Spells of this caliber are not always powerful and destructive; sometimes finesse and finer manipulation come into play. A powerful blast of magic that can melt concrete into nothing but slag may be useful, but the controlled manipulation of a dozen or so items at once can be equally useful.
Level 5 - Complete gamebreakers. This is the absolute highest class of magic and encompases the planar entities and gods alike. Only a spell of equal level can counteract such magnitudes of magic.

8.5 Dangers
What, you didn’t think that the arcane arts were without dangers now, did you?

8.5.1 Magical Exhaustion
A severe debilitation incurred by using all available magic. Symptoms tend to include headaches, fatigue, fever, loss of consciousness, nausea, vomiting, and possible cardiovascular problems. Death or decreased magical capacity comes in sever cases.

8.5.2 Magic Flare
This occurs when a magus either loses control of a spell, or attempts a spell beyond his or her capability to control. Such loss of control usually results in the immediate dispersal of the magic, but the worst cases can result in vast destruction. Should the magic involved in the casting not be immediately expunged, it will often rampage on its own until the power that fuels it has been depleted.

8.5.3 Rebound
Spell rebounds occur when a spell is not properly cast and it collapses in on itself. Often enough the spell simply fizzles out, but more advanced spells may rebound with chaotic and often destructive results. Proper research and care must be taken when casting new spells.

8.6 Magical Gear
Entries for magic gear use the following formula:


Name is the name of the item. Price is the cost in bits(ס) needed to purchase the item. Difficulty is the measure used for how difficult it is to craft or cast the object in question. Description describes the uses and functionality of the biotech.

8.6.1 Fetish
A fetish is an object that carries a direct line to a powerful spirit or source of power. When carrying a fetish, the carrier is resistant to certain types of attack. Fetishes are only effective when carried by someone with biological parts and do not protect computers or cybernetics.
Fire - Increased resistance to fire and incendiary attacks.
Water - Increased breath capacity, resistance to freezing, and cold damage.
Earth - Increased vitality, metabolism, and speed in earthy environments. Earth fetishes provide an uncanny sense of direction and affinity for earth and animals that inhabit it.
Wind - Pegasi are granted unrivaled senses of environment, geological forces, and meteorological fronts. Other users are granted spacial awareness of their environment that functions similar to a geolocator.
Illusion - Increased resistance to illusions and mental attacks.
Combat - Increased affinity for combative practices, breath control, and movement.
Manipulation - Increased resistance to mental domination.
Healing - Increased affinity for healing magic and biological acuity.

All fetishes cost 5,000§ each. Fetish blessings are a level 3 enchantment.

8.6.2 Gear
Certain items are magiced and provide advantages over science-based objects.

Name: Spell Focus
Price: 800ס
Difficulty: 2
Description: A focus is an item meant to boost the power of another spell. A spell focus can be cast into any handheld object or bauble, as long as it is neither sapient or sentient. The effective magnitude of a Spell Focus generally does not exceed 20% of the original spell’s strength. A Spell Focus is a one time use object.

Name: Enchanting Kit
Price: 1,000ס
+3,000ס Elite Enchanting Kit
Difficulty: 3
Description: A basic kit that provides the materials needed to cast low to medium level enchantments. Elite Enchanting Kits provide materials for more advanced enchantments.

Name: Totem
Price: N/A
Difficulty: 3
Description: Totems are made, not bought, as only a self-made totem can reflect a true bond between shaman and spirit. Once a spirit approaches a shaman through the totem, he or she is a fully fledged shaman. Totems can be in the shape or likeness of any know spirit or animal, as long as it has some sort of relation to the spirit and the shaman possess truth faith.

Name: Alchemy Stand
Price: 1,000ס
+3,000ס Elite Alchemy Stand
Difficulty: 3
Description: A basic kit that provides the materials needed to cast low to medium level potions and brews. Elite Alchemy Stands provide materials and reagents for more advanced alchemical concoctions.

Name: Herb Bundle
Price: 10ס
Difficulty: 0
Description: Burning herb bundles is used in the conjuring and banishing of spirits for those that specialize in Conjuration. It is absolutely necessary to burn the proper herbs, otherwise the wrong spirit may be summoned. Summoning malevolent spirits is the quickest way to a bloody and often violently painful death. Burn Sage to cleanse the room of evil spirits before a summoning. Burn Vetivert to cleanse a person of a spirit, and Wormwood and Sandlewood together to summon the desired spirit.

8.6.3 Basic Enchantments
These are a few of the basic to moderate enchantments. Due to enchantments being only magic spells, there is no price. Only an experienced enchantress can effectively cast spells without risk of Rebound. Enchatments often require an Enchanting Kit.

Name: Warding
Difficulty: 3
Description: When cast on an object, the enchantment provides a degree of enhanced protection against whatever effect was cast. Wards are often most effective when cast on defensive objects, such as shields or barricades. Warding buffs are permanent unless the object is destroyed or severely damaged. Types of protections include:
Resistance from harm

Name: Blessing of Elements
Difficulty: 3
Description: Gives an elemental attribute to an object. These are often most effective when cast on offensive objects, such as swords or spears. Those with an elemental blessing inflict elemental damage when attacking enemies. Blessing buffs are permanent unless the object is destroyed or severely damaged. Types of Blessings include:

Name: Blessing of Tin
Difficulty: 4
Description: An enchantment places upon a tin bauble or idol. Blessing of Tin temporarily enhances all five senses until the magic wears off. While under the influence of a blessing, loud noises and sounds that would normally be only bothersome may cause extreme pain.

Name: Blessing of Pewter
Difficulty: 4
Description: An enchantment places upon a pewter bauble or idol. Blessing of Pewter grants the holder greatly increased strength and stamina to superhuman levels. The effects last as long as the magic allows, and once it is expended, the holder may experience extreme fatigue and/or pain. If the holder is carrying something heavy when the magic wears off, he or she may be crushed.

Name: Blessing of Zinc
Difficulty: 4
Description: An enchantment places upon a zinc bauble or idol. A blessed zinc idol allows the holder to slightly inflame emotions of those in the immediate vicinity. It may take some practice in order to control the idol’s effects, and by then the magic may wear off.

Name: Blessing of Brass
Difficulty: 4
Description: An enchantment places upon a brass bauble or idol. A blessed zinc idol allows the holder to slightly soothe or suppress emotions of those in the immediate vicinity. It may take some practice in order to control the idol’s effects, and by then the magic may wear off.

8.6.4 Basic Alchemy
Alchemical potions are always short term, but in a moment’s notice can provide a much needed boost. A magus must specialize in alchemy to be proficient and not concoct poisons on accident. Alchemy requires an Alchemy Stand.

Name: Endowment
Price: 500ס
+1,000ס Advanced Endowment
Difficulty: 2
Description: Temporary grants a boost in strength, dexterity, mental clarity, or constitution for the drinker. Basic endowments last an hour. Advanced Endowments last a day. Creation of Endowments requires an Alchemy Stand.

Name: Alchemist Acid
Price: 200ס
Difficulty: 3
Description: Highly corrosive acid that dissolves low to medium density objects in seconds. Acid can be used as a grenade weapon and leaves a pool of corrosive bile after it dissolves objects. It is not advised to step in such pools.

Name: Alchemist Fire
Price: 200ס
Difficulty: 3
Description: A compressed gel that, when exposed to oxygen, burns hot enough to melt steel. As it is a gel compound, Alchemist Fire cannot be extinguished by water. The fire needs either long lengths of time, smothering, or chemical foams to be extinguished

Name: Basic Remedy
Price: 400ס
Difficulty: 3
Description: Grants a temporary boost to the immune system to help fight infection and heal the body. Remedies do not replace conventional medicine or time taken to heal from wounds.

Name: Antitoxin
Price: 500ס
Difficulty: 4
Description: A specialized anti venom cocktail that helps the body build antibodies to break down toxins and poisons. Antitoxin is only effective against weak poisons and is ineffective against higher grade toxins, such as industrial toxins, mercury, wolfsbane, and hemlock.

8.6.5 Basic Conjuring
There are some low to intermediate spells and summons conjurers can use. Some are easy, while some could get you killed. Summoned spirits do not obey or attempt to kill conjurers who are mentally weaker than them. Some will even refuse to answer a conjurer’s call if this is the case. As conjuring is a magical art, there is no physical cost other than what is needed for the ritual summon. A magus must specialize in conjuring to use such spells.

Name: Dire Wolf Summon
Difficulty: 2
Description: Requires an offering of burnt sage to cleanse the area before summoning. The ritual summons a dire wolf to fight for the conjurer. The dire wolf stays until banished, killed, or the conjurer loses mental domination over the dire wolf.

Name: Phantom Scream
Difficulty: 2
Description: Temporarily plagues another with visions of spirits. The spirits themselves are harmless, but are there to confuse, disorient, and scare the victim. The debuff does not last long and can be overcome with a strong will.

Name: Fire Fox Summon
Difficulty: 3
Description: Requires an offering of burnt sage to cleanse the area before summoning. The ritual summons a fire spirit to fight for the conjurer. The Fire Fox stays until banished, killed, or the conjurer loses mental domination over the spirit.

Name: Paracelsus Elemental Summon
Difficulty: 4
Description: Requires an offering of burnt sage to cleanse the area before summoning. Summons a greater elemental spirit to fight for the conjurer. Paracelsus spirits are very difficult to control and often refuse to be summoned. If a summon is successful and the elemental obeys, it stays until banished, killed, or the conjurer loses mental domination over the spirit.

Name: Lesser Fiend Summon
Difficulty: 4
Description: Demon summon. Requires an offering of burnt sage to cleanse the area before summoning. Lesser Fiends are very difficult to control and often let themselves be summoned just to kill the conjurer. If a summon is successful and the Lesser Fiend obeys, it stays until banished, killed, or the conjurer loses mental domination over the Fiend.

8.6.6 Basic Shamanism
Shamans require a tie to the earth, a totem of their spirit, or some other tie to nature. Shamans may be excellent healers and defensive casters. Shamans often make their materials by hand, negating prices. A shaman must have access to wood, earth, and metals to craft his or her materials.

Name: Air Totem
Difficulty: 3
Description: When activated by a shaman, the totem aggravates emotions and increases dexterity of all those nearby, including enemies. Does not affect synthetic life.

Name: Earth Totem
Difficulty: 3
Description: When activated by a shaman, the totem accelerates vitality and strength of all those nearby, including enemies. Does not affect synthetic life.

Name: Water Totem
Difficulty: 3
Description: When activated by a shaman, the totem calms emotions and accelerates healing of all those nearby, including enemies. Does not affect synthetic life.

Name: Fire Totem
Difficulty: 3
Description: When activated by a shaman, the totem increases constitution and mental clarity of all those nearby, including enemies. Does not affect synthetic life.

Name: Gift of the Earth
Difficulty: 4
Description: The shaman must set foot on living earth to use this area of effect spell. Those in the immediate of the shaman are blessed by the earth, freeing them of poisons and healing wounds. The buff lasts lasts for half an hour.

8.7.7 Basic Sorcery
The arcane arts are deep and broad. It takes a keen mind and stout will to become a sorcerer. Many are only capable of becoming moderately successful, so those with true skills are forces to be reckoned with. As these are only spells, no price is attached. A magus must specialize in sorcery to use these spells.

Name: Cure Light Wounds
Difficulty: 1
Description: Cures or stabilize light wounds. The spell has no effect on moderate to severe wounds.

Name: Light Polymorph
Difficulty: 3
Description: Transforms a small object into another object. The caster must have line of sight on the object and know what he/she wishes to turn the object into. Spell had a moderate chance of Rebound. Light Polymorph cannot be used on living objects.

Name: Explosive Rune
Difficulty: 3
Description: Similar to a proximity mine in design. Once the magus casts the spell, the next object or person that passes in front of the rune will cause a moderate detonation. Explosive Rune has a moderate chance of Rebound.

Name: Teleport
Difficulty: 4
Description: Teleports the magus from one spot to another. Target location does not need to be on solid ground. The magus must either see the destination, or have intimate knowledge of it. Teleport is limited by distance and the magus’ magic proficiency. All but the most talented cannot teleport beyond a kilometer, and even then the spell causes extreme physical and mental fatigue. Has a high chance of Rebound.

Name: Petrification
Difficulty: 4
Description: Petrifies the target to granite. Has a high chance of Rebound.

Name: Prismatic Gate
Difficulty: 5
Description: Opens a doorway in space from one location to another. The spell is not limited by distance and can keep the gate open long enough for more than the caster to enter. Has an extremely high chance of Rebound.

Group Admin

It should also be stated that the schools of magic are as follows:
Nature: The manipulation of the basic elemental energys of fire water aor and earth.

Alteration: bending and breaking the laws of physics.

Necromancy: The manipulation of life energy. Includes healing spells.

Space-time: Moving things or the caster through space and/or time.

There are more, but I'll get to those when I have a computer.

Group Contributor

So how did you post if you don't have a computer? Did you send a message through the Aether?:rainbowhuh:

I need more information before I do anything. Also, it would have been nice to know about any extreme additions beforehand.:twilightangry2: I sent you the master link to the document weeks ago.

Group Admin

1185694 I'm on my phone and it hasn't been letting me on g-docs. Really, all I've done with magic is arrange it into Schools and classes (like summoning is a class of space-time), and pegasus and earth pony magic.

Group Contributor

Nature sounds just like Shamanism, the stuff Zecora practices along with her alchemy. I think it would make more sense to use that term, as people are more familiar with it.

Space-time is just a branch of Alteration under your description. Traveling through time and space is just bending the fabric of space time. That falls under manipulating physics.

Now only does Alteration sound like a really bad idea for any practicing magus, as you are completely screwed if you mess it up even once, it's too narrow in scope. There are only four fundamental forces, and while manipulation of those forces would grant great power, it hardly warrants a magical school. The only ones even remotely capable of doing something remotely equal to that are gods and planar entities, and those are obvious exemptions to the rules.

I only see Necromancy as a feasible addition. It's not my forte, but Wade knows a lot about it only you want to write it.

Group Admin

1185816 I'll explain it better latter. There is a reason Alteration and Space-time are seperate.

Group Contributor

I'm not even sure it warrants a category.

Group Admin

1186340 They are much more extensive than you think.

Group Contributor

I think Buff and Debuff can be rolled together as Status.

Group Contributor

I thought about it, but due to the massive influx of role playing games and their usage of the terms buff and debuff, I just stuck with it due to the fact that they are common knowledge terms and easily recognizable. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

Group Contributor

Surprise me.:duck:

Group Contributor

1186473 Nothing wrong with upgrades though. I'm not saying Status is better than Buff/Debuff, but it's a nice retaliation to Ain't Broke, Don't Fix. Feel free to use it if you want.

Group Admin

1186449>>1186473 Actually, buff and debuff are Alteration. I have the next 3 days off so I should be able to get to the library soon.

Group Contributor

Dude, I think you mean category. Are you drinking again? Well, it is almost midnight. That's a good time for me.

And I hope you're writing the Necromancy segment, because I certainly don't want to talk to Wade.

Group Contributor

Black Spiced Rum for me. You?

Group Contributor

1186547 Was that a Deadpool reference? And somepony unfamiliar with necromancy could think it's something like neigh-crow-man-see, which I don't even know what it is.

Group Contributor

Do you have a friend that you love, yet still want to punch in the face? That's Wade.

I'd have to be, as the latin entomology is post Arthurian.

Group Admin

1186547 Catagory? What are you talking about? And vodka for me:moustache:

Group Contributor

I've just renamed it to make it clearer. I guess what I intended did have some vague names. I've renamed them now.

I've sworn off vodka after this incident.

Group Contributor

Hey, I'm not the one writing it.

1185694 I'm scared of Shiro's ability to comment now! :pinkiecrazy:

So much magic! This is all Dratali right seeing as the Alliance just got their first magical planet.

Group Admin

1186655 Necromancy works by pumping life energy (as there is no death energy) into a corpse restoring basic functions. That same energy is used to heal amd revitalize. It's called Necromancy because it has more uses with the dead than the living.

Group Admin

1186905 It'll be a little of both

1186912 And is also frowned upon.

Group Contributor

How do you become an adept then? Everything takes practice, and if you keep giving your life energy away, you die. To animate a life, you have to give it. Equal exchange means this method of Necromancy will mean there are none who practice Necromancy.

Only if you get caught. Anyway, Necromancy is for noobs that need others to fight for them.

Group Admin

1187003 You forget, energy can be transformed. Mana is like the clay of the energy world, it can be molded in any way you like as long as you have the talent.

Group Contributor

So you are referring to vitality? That's not life energy, that's biochemical. If the energy itself is so easily interchangeable, why not use other forms? Why settle for the one that kills you fastest? I think these schools need a little more refining. Perhaps it would be better to use conventional Necromancy.

Group Admin

1187146 This system has been refined over years. The energy isn't so interchangeable, just raw mana. Once it's changed, it's hard to change it back.

The schools are seperated by the type of energy they use. Each acts in a very different way and are cappable of different things. Necromancy involves healing because the same energy that repares a corpse to the point where it can function on a base level does the same for the living.

Group Contributor

How can it be refined for years when the humans have never practiced such an art? Since the show has never made a mention of it or anything resembling it, neither have the ponies. Or the fanfic for that matter. How can there be years of perfecting the techniques when no one practices it? Given your outline, how can anyone practice it when the process uses their own life force? I believe you are using the concept of equal exchange as a means to conduct energy transfer. Using that, reanimating one body would take one body's worth of energy. Your own. Even if you shut down temporary bodily functions and rely solely on the glucose and energy stores in the muscles and fat, that provides you with about ten minutes of extended exertion. The saved energy from shutting down those functions allows you to stretch control over (let's be generous) 10 more people. All I have to do is play grab-ass with the uncoordinated, jerky thralls for a moment before the necromancer not only has no more protection, but has half killed himself. Thralls are useless when they cannot utilize their full potential.

And what do you mean by the energy isn't interchangeable? It's all the same magic. Where it comes from is what matters. From the show, magic is just magic. In D&D, there are a few exceptions to the rule, but it's mostly just mana. Mana is just mana. When it comes form the earth, it's shamanism. When it comes from reagents, it's alchemy. When it is used to alter something else, that's enchanting.

I think you're trying to make this more complicated than it needs to be, and when fanfics are involved, simple is always better. It feels like you are trying to create a school of magic for a very specific plot point. All you need to do is classify it as Dark Magic and you're done. Dark Magic is a known quantity in our eyes, and the name itself implies that it is practiced in secret, eliminating the need for there to be a practiced school.

Lastly, I'm not sure what you are doing. There is a very real difference between manipulation of life force, and necromancy. Necromancy is centered around the dead. It is not a healing art, and never was. I think what you are looking for is Gammakinesis, sometimes called Energybending. Your schools need a few more thrashes through the ringer it seems.

Group Admin

1187391 You're misunderstanding. I've been refining this type of magic. It was going to be used in a book I'm planning on writing. Also it doesn't use the casters life energy, it uses mana. The energy isn't interchangable, the type of energy used defines the school and are thus NOT interchangeable. Mana is a very easily transformed energy. It can be turned into life energy, elemental energy, etc. but when it is, it's nolonger mana but the school specific energy. That energy is whats used to cast spells.

Group Contributor

I think there are a few too many differences between your book and the show for something salvageable. Just as I gave up Rarity on my half-formed story, I don't think you should enforce different or modified rules on magic that clash too much with established material.

For instance, Zecora has been seen using both alchemy and shamanism at the same time. Additionally, You're enforcing a tertiary branch of channeling when there need not be. Why not just have mana be used for all of them? It's already stated that magic is in all living things. Why not just keep that? People just specialize in what they like best or are best in. Rather than having an energy conversion matrix, do away with it and let people practice what they need and want on the fly. Conversion is just busywork. Keep a singular pool of magic.

<- just me ranting, ignore if you wish

ok, I'll admit that I haven't been keeping up with the slight world building stuff on this group but there is one thing under this list that I will never EVER consider magic; no matter what it makes.

Alchemy. This is not magic and never will be magic (the number of things alchemy can do alone should probably get it's own expanded list IMO). Alchemy, at it's finest, is just a 'ye olde fancy word' for science (cause back then, science was the devil:trixieshiftleft:), most of which focused upon medicine or some form of enhancement drug (be it stuff to make you stronger and the like or stuff that gets you high [yes, like opium and the like] or take the edge off)

I can point to a lot of modern medicine and call it all alchemy since that was the main focus way back when and I can even call the "alchemist fire/acid" (man I love my D&D group) a form of modern science what with having to know certain ratios (exception being acid since all you really have to do is move down[?] the Ph scale to get more dangerous unless you really want it to last) and chemicals to make dangerous explosives (which, while ranting on how alchemy is not magic, I noticed a lack of explosives under it's list) or "greek fire" in gel form


On another note, I like the list you have. Especially the explosive rune under sorcery (kinda sad it acts like a proxy mine; I'd rather people read a sentence just to have it explode in their face:rainbowlaugh: [again, I love my D&D group:rainbowlaugh:])

Group Admin

1187440 the mana conversion is natural for casters. You don't complain when you have to pick something up because you have to move five different fingers at the same time, completely in sync, do you? It's that simple for mages. I'm typing up a guide for it to explain it in full detail and will try to get to the library to post it later today or tomorrow.

Group Contributor

Oh, I'm sure you can modify the rune to do just that. I don't care.

What I refer to is that it uses magical ingredients and reagents, but not a magical art in of itself. I put it in anyway because it seems like a major art in Equestria.

Group Contributor

Just keep it simple.

This irks me more than it should. Life NRG is everywhere in this universe due to ambient mana existing. And everything (Cept the cold emptiness of space and some spruce-ships) is alive someform or another, plants. Creatures, hell, even mechanical constructs could be considered alive if they operated independently (Dwemer centurions).

If, you want to correct me, my butthurt fortress is waiting.

feels like a cop out to me...

and rules are only made as a guideline anyways. If I really, really, wanted to argue with you, I would just make a story in the universe with a pony who was an alchemist who believed (like me thanks to old friends) that alchemy is not magic and the people he was assigned with (or just travel with) have the misconception that it is where he debates (winning as much as losing) with them and other ponies who argue that it is.

It's all very icky with the greys, but for the most part, unless you are messing with the very laws of nature (or bending the rules of the universe) like magic, alchemy tends to be more bent towards a science end since it relies more heavily on formulas and compounds being combined in a way to get something new out of them. Calling alchemy like magic because it uses "magical plants" to create, say, a health potion is a weak argument that would actually piss off a few people I know (not me, I was just ranting because of my old friend who loves bending the rules of D&D when playing an alchemist and making some hella new things to fu:yay:k with PCs and NPCs alike and the old arguments kinda popped back into my head)

The rune thing was not so important for me, since I would have bent it anyways:rainbowlaugh:

Group Contributor
Group Contributor

Normally I would agree. I'm familiar with conventional D&D laws and alchemy is considered a job more than a magical art. Even real world alchemy was closer to a science than magic. It's what real world science was based on. Google, Wade, and my books agree with me that alchemy is not magic.

I'm unsure due to the magical nature of the flora in MLP. Equestria has some really weird shit growing on everyone's doorstep. I'd only be marginally surprised if Roseluck or someone else is growing Wolfsbane. However, I'd like to keep the possibility open and address basic Alchemy for everyone. It's useful stuff to know. I put it under a school anyway because it was something interesting to know. Plus, that shit is cheaper and has less chance of getting you killed.


Plus, that shit is cheaper and has less chance of getting you killed.

true, very true. Have I mentioned it was a rant to be ignored if you desired? For that matter, why would I even defend said rant's point...?:derpytongue2: nice to see that you view it that way too though

I'm not gonna argue the point since it's moot anyways (better it's on a list then none at all), but if you get enough ideas for alchemy (or anyone continues to grow that section really - oh look a challenge for my brain:pinkiecrazy:) I'd really argue the point of it having it's own list then.

Oh and this>>1189772 so much so:twilightsmile:

Group Contributor

I'm a rule utilitarian, and my rule is that rules suck half the time and the other half doesn't need rules. I fight for both sides because both deserve a chance.


One minute from now my butthurt fortress will mobilise it's legion of trolls and set them to convene here.

Group Contributor

I think it's kind of funny about a rune only getting activated when read. Wait! I got it!

About three things I was absolutely positive: First, Edward was a vampire. Second, there was a part of him–and I didn’t know how dominant that part might be–that thirsted for my blood. And third, I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love – AHHH MYFACISONFIRE AHHHHHRGRHFGRHFG!!!!

wanna know how reading explosive runes came about? (for me anyways)
My D&D group needed to kill (or reveal at least) the heads of a traitorous group inside a king's court (there were several factions; some of which wanted to establish a new government), but we really couldn't do a whole lot cause our evidence was circumstantial at best. Well me and the bard (we were both just a little more crafty with this politics game; a bard's role in this setting was essentially a spy) got together to come up with a way to kill them and not get caught. What we came up with would make politicians proud.

First, we needed a fall group. While we did like the idea of a republic we didn't like how it was gonna be a bloody "revolution" where these rich arses would still hold power (It kinda makes every move transparent when you're an ass about anyone of lower status), so we got them to set up a meet with our target goal (we only needed the runner to be seen by a group loyal to king; which we did)

Second we needed a way to kill the bastards. Now this is what I'm most proud of. We took a look at explosive runes and thought "can't the runes be in scribed into the words?" Turns out our DM said yeah (boy did he wish he didn't afterwards) but with a DC 15 to make sure it would work. So I got to work writing up a lengthy document for our fall group (we may have disliked them, but we had good standing with them; plus the bard could con cathulu with what he was rolling) to send to them (me and the bard WROTE it out IRL just for the DM) and I was a high enough wizrd that my 3rd level spells was 4+4+however many the ring of wizardry gave you that was in scribed to this document (the DM caught on that we were doing something bad and placed a +2 DC increaser) turning a 6d6 bad day into at least a 54d6 short life (just looked up ring of wizardry real quick, it doubles the number os spells according to the type [type III obviously] which made either 12 or 16 making that 72d6 or 96d6 maximum)

Needless to say, when he and his cronies gathered a read this "alliance" paper through, they redecorated the remaining walls with blood and gore and we got our fall group to take all the blame (cause there was no documents to compare hand writing to) while getting the king to become a constitutional monarchy thanks to this (again, the bard conned cathulu)

And that is why I love explosive runes (The guy playing the bard? He's the same one who caused my rant about alchemy in the first place)

TL;DR one explosive rune makes a bad day (6d6 of dmg), ten makes a bad week (60d6 of dmg ) in D&D

Group Contributor

One of my favorites, although hearsay, is one involving my brother. He was in a game of Arduin and playing a bipolar dwarf mage. I forget the exact details, but it involved him being underground for some time. It caused him to develop bipolar disorder during the day and night cycle. During the day, he was normal. During the night, he was this massive, throbbing duchenozzle that was practically uncontrollable by everyone, even his friends.

One of his signature spells was called Wall of Whimsy. The Wall was a spell of chance. Whatever it was cast upon, it was transformed into something completely, utterly random. I believe the DM's exact words were: "Yeah, cast that spell and it could transform a grasshopper approaching your campfire with malicious intent into a level 34 Fuck-You-Up beast." Literally, the effects were completely random.

The dwarf's first encounter with the main group was the first usage of the spell. He was being chased by a small army of giants. Like, the party would have been completely fucked by this encounter. He cast the Wall, and the guy had the DM was in the most lenient mood ever and they all turned to stone. There's an army of stone giant statues out there somewhere. Sort of like Easter Island, only funnier.

The last instance of the spell I remember, they were about as high level as you can get. They were approaching Mt. Ares, as they were on a quest to kill the gods. I don't know why. They stopped by a small town where there was some odd sidequest concerning elemental children or something like that. The sun went down and the dwarf cast Wall of Whimsy on the door of the tavern. The spell backfired and he was frozen solid inside of a block of ice, except for his head. The bar chipped ice off of him for their drinks, and in return they got him piss drunk the rest of the night.

:rainbowlaugh: I feel like making a D&D story thread here where we can just post up funny stories of what happened in our D&D careers (or any role play game of the like)

The Wall of Whimsy huh? Put that spell on a chaos stick and you could have loads of fun (The story it was in wasn't half bad either:rainbowlaugh:)

Group Contributor

Go for it. It'll make things interesting.

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