Silver Spoon 691 members · 489 stories
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Oh hey Silvy got a few moments of screen time. You know what that means? It's time for a post!

Silvy sits at the back like the rebel that she is. She don't play by anyone's rules.

SHADY DAZE: Featherweight?
SHADY DAZE: Lily Longsocks?
APPLE BLOOM: ...nuh-uh.
SHADY DAZE: Pipsqueak?
APPLE BLOOM: Nope, sorry.
SHADY DAZE: He's the class president. You've known him for years. You were his campaign manager!
APPLE BLOOM: Not ringin' any bells.
SHADY DAZE: I swear, there are twenty other foals in this class!
APPLE BLOOM: You sure you're feelin' all right?

This is what happens when you don't give Silvy any dialogue, MLP staff. I can do this aaaaaaaaaaaaaalllll eternity.

Glasses fillies always stick together.

Also, Snap Shutter somehow avoids jail for reckless child endangerment. I guess he really is the only pony who can do his job.

Best foreground ponies.

Eeeeeee squatting Silver. It's like our group's front page image come to life. Alternatively, she kinda reminds me of a Pocket Pony. Wait, let's get a more icon-friendly shot of that.

Glasses fillies share a knowing look.

TWIST: You've got Diamond so well-trained. How do you do it?
SILVER: Oh, just a little enchantment on the tiara.
DIAMOND: *happy giggling with faintest hint of desperation*

APPLE BLOOM: I only have thirteen episodes left to tell her how I feel!

[insert Cupcakes joke here]

Okay, so this quilt is actually the main reason I wanted to do this post. 'cause lookit that spoon in the corner there. Did the CMC help Silvy out with a cutie mark problem offscreen? I mean, you could say that it represents the reforging of Diamond and Silver's friendship, except they didn't really have anything to do with that (they were focused on helping Diamond out, not Silver). Or maybe Aunt Lofty just thought it looked good. Whatever the reason, it's nice to see Silver included in the CMC tapestry.

I'm sorry but when I saw this shot all I could think about was this. Please leave your comments about how I'm a terrible person below!

One curious absence here is Rumble - the ponies from his episode are here, but he isn't? I mean, the CMC very definitely helped him with a cutie mark problem, even if he didn't actually get his mark. Weird. Maybe the CMC are still bitter about the whole taking-over-the-camp thing.

DIAMOND: Don't forget how much you owe me, Apple Bloom!

DIAMOND: Griffons eat ponies, don't they? Why aren't we running?
SILVER: *paralyzed with fear*

Oh hey look, Twist actually is taller than average (assuming Babs is average height). For some reason they put these two together in this town hall scene and I don't know why but it's cute. Maybe they're friends now. Someone write that.

And that's all the spoons! A shame not to get any more lines, but at least best gray filly showed up for the final season I guess. I blame Smolder. That dragon stole Silvy's voice. And Scootaloo's colors. She's absorbing the Filly Five, I tells ya

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


Oh hey look, Twist actually is taller than average (assuming Babs is average height). For some reason they put these two together in this town hall scene and I don't know why but it's cute. Maybe they're friends now. Someone write that.

You're just discovering babstwist?

--Sweetie Belle

Off topic to the thread I know, but does anyone notice that Scootaloo is absent in the first image?

Group Admin

It's technically on-topic. Scootaloo is off-screen at that point :)

Group Admin

Yay, thank you fandom :twistnerd: I can't remember if I already knew about this ship

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