Heartwarming 1,101 members · 1,905 stories
Comments ( 9 )
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Bookish Delight
Group Admin

Hi, folks, Bookish here! :heart:

I've agreed to help out with some story organization and group maintenance now that this place has enough stories. To that end I'm making some folders--going to try not to make too many, we're only doing so based on surefire moods/genres we really know these stories tend to encompass--and doing some moving around of stories. It'll be a slow process 'cause I can only read 1 or 2 stories a day--Zocarik might speed that process along but... yeah.

Anyway, point is, if you see some stories resubmitted, now you know why. We now return you to your regularly scheduled happiness! :pinkiehappy:


Group Contributor

1305576 Thanks for all your hard work! It's great to see this wonderful group really getting under way.

Bookish Delight
Group Admin

No problem!

(Congrats on your "feature", btw. :raritywink: I will be reading your material as soon as I get a chance.)

Bookish Delight
Group Admin

Hello to all members, old and new!

So while I was sleeping, Knighty changed things. While all of these changes are awesome in my eyes, one of them (the removal of the Main folder), as best I can tell, temporarily screwed up our ability to take new submissions, and for that I apologize.

Behold the new Submissions folder! Please feel free to submit anything here you think might have a place in this group, and we'll sort it into one of the other "genre" folders based on the nature of feels we believe said story doles out the most of.

Thanks, and we now return you to your regularly scheduled tears of joy. :pinkiehappy:


Group Contributor

1333656 I love the way the group is shaping up, but I'm wondering if we need a separate sub-folder for romance. I noticed a few shipping fics have been added, and that's fine, but it seems to me that they ought to be distinct from "General." Just a thought.

Bookish Delight
Group Admin

I was thinking about this very thing myself just last night. I've held off until now because I don't want to just automatically toss every Romance story that comes through here into the Romance folder. What if the "romantic" aspect is simply there as a stepping stone towards a higher purpose or different style of heartwarming altogether?

But thinking of it now (after having had some sleep), I'd say say there's certainly a place for heart-swelling shippy stuff. I'll go make the folder.

(Watch it become the biggest thing here too :trollestia:)

Bookish Delight
Group Admin

(looks at Submissions folder)
...also wow you guys have been busy. :twilightsheepish:

Huh, remembered another to add. Also, I am surprised that A Simpler Time wound up in Tearjerkers.

Wondering: I noticed one fic is in 2 folders. Is that an oversight, acceptable if it qualifies, or for specific folders only?

Bookish Delight
Group Admin

Hey, all! I haven't forgotten about the group -- I've just been away in general (finishing up some work, then took a short trip). Once next week rolls around I'll be back to my regularly scheduled free time and will be pruning/sorting tout suite!


I tossed that one in there. Ahhh, what can I say. I'm a weeping wilter. :twilightsheepish: Also, I've been meaning to ask Zocarik about the 2-folders fic. I know the one of which you speak.

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