Heartwarming 1,101 members · 1,905 stories
Comments ( 15 )
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Bookish Delight
Group Admin

Hi all!

As members may know, Heartwarming is a curated group. There's a lot of My Little Pony fanfiction out there, and we're dedicated to storing... well I don't want to say the "best," but pretty much the most believable (in terms of what canon is currently out there) and the most feel-tastic.

We give everything a fair shake (I can't begin to tell you how many "OC stallion fixes canon characters' problems" submissions I've already read through... okay 12) but the overall main goal of stories featured in our folders needs to be to give your heart a positive reaction (it can't just be a side thing). That feeling in your chest. You know how it is.

However, we can't do it alone. No, really, we can't. We're both busy people and I have the personal flaw of not being able to hold my attention through fics that are more than around ~10,000 words. So while I can scan and approve/reject one-shots like a boss, that doesn't bode well for longer things.

That said, I know there are avid readers out there who check out what gets posted to this group for fun anyway. To whit, we'd love some help sorting through our Submissions box so we can get it down to something not as hilariously bloated as what it is now. People who like looking through long stories are a absolute plus.

I'd say we'd be looking for... three (3) volunteers tops, who would be given mod privileges/the ability to move stories around. If you're at all interested, please reply to this thread, or PM Zocarik or myself with a quick note of interest and some reasoning as to what allows you to spot good feel-worthy fics (especially if you've written your own!). We'd really appreciate it. :twilightsmile:

This thread is open to questions on the matter as well! Thank you!


Group Contributor


I volunteer for tribute.

Group Admin

2192509 Bookish has vouched for you. I trust Bookish. Making you a contributor in 3... 2... 1...

Welcome aboard the mod crew of Heartwarming. You now have freedom to put stories into any folder. If you find a story that you think is worthy of the Heartmelters folder, run it by Bookish Delight or Zocarik. Send one of us a PM and we will check it out. If the story is longer than 10k words, run it by Zocarik. Have fun.

Elric of Melnipony
Group Admin

Quick note: someone with Contributor status can add stories to folders, but will not have the ability to remove those same stories from the Submissions folder. (Learned this the hard way over in Twilight's Library.) So if you're not giving folks full Admin status, you'll want to work out a notification system where they PM one of you with a list of stories that have been sorted, or they post the titles in a thread, or something like that.

That said, I'd be happy to help out. While I have some writing I'd like to do, as well as a reading backlog of my own, I have a little bit of an advantage as far as this group is concerned in that I've probably added close to half of what's in the Submissions folder.

Group Admin

2192763 I have seen you adding stories to the folder. I have read some of them, and agreed to the heartwarming verdict. You are accepted as a Contributor.

I will work out a system for alerting Bookish and me when a story has been moved to somewhere other than the Submissions folder.

Welcome aboard the mod crew of Heartwarming. You now have freedom to put stories into any folder. If you find a story that you think is worthy of the Heartmelters folder, run it by Bookish Delight or Zocarik. Send one of us a PM and we will check it out. If the story is longer than 10k words, run it by Zocarik. Have fun.

Elric of Melnipony
Group Admin

Cool! :twilightsmile:
I can probably make a dent in the sorting later today (at least by thinning out the stuff I put in there) once you've decided how you want to handle us letting you know what to delete from the Submissions folder.

(As approprtiate as the Pony Express would be, I think they shut down over 150 years ago.)

Group Contributor

2192621 While I am gleeful at the prospect of going mad with power, to clarify: should I be going through the incoming folder, or be adding Fic on my own?

Group Admin

2193018 You can add fics to the group, or evaluate fics that are in the submissions folder and add them elsewhere. It is your choice. I will work out a way for the contributors to send Bookish and me a message so we can go in and remove the 'graded' works from the submissions folder. Unfortunately, contributors are not allowed to delete stories from folders.

Group Admin

Check the new thread. It is where you can tell me what stories are to be removed from the Submissions folder.

Bookish Delight
Group Admin


You guys are amazing. Seriously. Thank you.

Group Contributor


You say thank you now, but...

Now I've put this in your head. :twilightoops:

Bookish Delight
Group Admin
Group Contributor


I see you and raise you.

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