Heartwarming 1,101 members · 1,905 stories
Comments ( 32 )
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Group Admin

To all Contributors.

If you read a story from the submissions folder and make a decision about it, put that story's title in a comment on this thread as a reply to this comment. I will then go in and Delete it from the submissions folder. If one of the submissions fails to be heartwarming, comment on that here. It will be dealt with ASAP.

Elric of Melnipony
Group Admin

Two quick questions:
Do you care if I give you links like I did, or are titles enough?
Do you prefer to keep it to one folder per story, or is cross-posting okay?

Group Admin

2196899 Titles should be enough. Posting in multiple folders is totally acceptable. I have posted some stories in multiple folders. Remember to notify me in a PM if you think a story is worthy of the Heartmelters folder.

Funny thing. Even as you updated the locations of the stories, I was deleting them from the submissions folder because I happened to be watching the Feed updates at the time.

Elric of Melnipony
Group Admin

I kind of figured you were on top of things; I refreshed the folder after I posted here and saw it was already smaller. :twilightsmile:

Elric of Melnipony
Group Admin

More sorting!
Lightning Bugs
The Moon and Tharth
Caught in the Rain
Mary Poppins Pony Parody
A Card for Twist
Autumn's End
The way she used to be
Every Thorn Has Its Rose
Every Little Bit

Elric of Melnipony
Group Admin

And more...
A Gift for 'Shy
Twilight Sparkle and the Gift Before Hearthswarming Day
Miss Princess
Royal Promise
Taking Time
A Twisted Crush
First Flight
But Applejack!
Wings Near the Fire
Gifts Ungiven
Inspiring Generosity

Elric of Melnipony
Group Admin

And some more:
All Great Tales Have a Beginning
Playing Pretend
The Zen of Chaos
Be Like Her
Fiddlesticks's Farewell
It came from the closet
Just Like You

I did say I had submitted a lot of these, didn't I?

Group Contributor

I need to... step up my game, here.

Elric of Melnipony
Group Admin

This is all stuff I've read in the past. I'm not reading these hyper-fast, I'm just going back and reminding myself what I liked about them, making sure they really do fit, and if so, what category. I've been adding stories to the Submission folder for weeks...

If it makes you feel any better, I've nearly exhausted my reserve. :twistnerd:

Group Contributor


Still, though.

Did you ever read my only submission? 'cause it's been in the inbox for like six months, and I feel weird placing it myself :twilightoops:

Group Admin

2203041>>2203261 Don't worry. All I have been doing is tracking them down in the Submissions folder and deleting them from that folder. Elric is the one who is going through the folder and sorting them. Thus, you do not have to compete against me, just Elric.

PS. that was all a joke. This is not a contest to see who can sort the most stories. I am just thankful that there are others who can help me sort stories.

PPS. I am twice thankful that there are others around now so that those others can sort the stories with Human, Anthro, and Crossover tags. I tend to avoid those three tags like the plague. They are just three types of stories that I can rarely get into.

Elric of Melnipony
Group Admin

Not yet! It definitely interests me, though, as I'm a Cheerilee fan.

If it helps, there's another contributor listed on the group's front page. I've chatted with him once or twice, nice guy.

Group Contributor


PPS. I am twice thankful that there are others around now so that those others can sort the stories with Human, Anthro, and Crossover tags. I tend to avoid those three tags like the plague. They are just three types of stories that I can rarely get into.

I guess I knew I was volunteering to start at the bottom. (heavy sigh)


I shouldn't like that picture as much as I do

Elric of Melnipony
Group Admin

She's just so cute! :rainbowkiss:

Edit: I'm really not bothered by Human or Anthro, BTW.. I tend to shun most crossover fics, though...

Another edit: I found what I believe to be the last fic that I personally added to the Submissions folder. When you grow up... has now been sorted.

Group Admin

2203810 I apologize if you do not like Human, Anthro, or Crossovers. I will read them. I just have never specifically tried to hunt down one of them. All I was saying was that I have never been a fan of those tags. I don't have anything against them in particular.

Sorry if I have not read a fic you submitted. I had weird stuff in my life. Like helping my brother and sister in law paint their house. (word of advice: Never paint a house in the shoes you wear to places like Church. They will be splattered with paint.)

Group Contributor

2204083 oh don't mind me, I was just being silly. :)

Group Admin


I went ahead and sorted:
Spellbound Fireflies
The Homesteading
Smarty Daddy
Awaken, Scootaloo
So You Want To Be A Draconequus
So Long, And Thanks For All The Fish

I also noticed that "I'll Always be Here for You" is in the Submissions folder, but has already been sorted.


Group Admin


Alright, added:

Girl x Friend
Feelings, Meanings and Definitions
To Remember Tommorow (Just said it was heartwarming, not that it's spelled properly.)

Just judging by the name and coverart, "Pattycakes: The Remake (Continued)", over on page 8, would fall under the "no fetishes" rule, and should be removed.


Elric of Melnipony
Group Admin

Took me a few minutes to locate them all, but those have all been removed from the Submissions folder.
Including the last one, because the story description specifically states it's about a fetish...

Group Admin


Thanks. And given that the cover art showed an adult Fluttershy wearing a diaper, I figured...

Are contributors other than me still using this thread?


Elric of Melnipony
Group Admin

The group in general hasn't been terribly active for a while, sadly. :applejackunsure:

Group Admin


I suppose I can see that; one of the other two contributors hasn't been on fimfiction in almost three weeks.


Group Admin


I have added:
The Night Is Young, And So Am I
An Act of Kindness

All are from near the back of the Submissions folder. I also tried to read "It's Finally Over", but, well, it's a story I would have rejected from Twilight's Library, and needed a good deal of proofreading. I'm not trying to hold fanfics to that standard here, but it detracted enough that I'm afraid I'm not getting any warm fuzzy feelings from it...


Group Admin


I saw "No Longer Lost" come in, and I've read it, so that's been sorted too.

Edit: And "Two Everfree Fantasies" came in, which needs to be removed, due to being mature.


Elric of Melnipony
Group Admin

Removed those first four, but I'll let 2195381 make the call on "It's Finally Over". While I haven't read it myself, you know that my feelings match yours -- if I can't read it due to bad grammar/spelling/puncutation, I can't enjoy it.

Removed "No Longer Lost". The mature story was removed by the person who added it.

Group Admin


Suits me. I'm giving some stories the benefit of the doubt on being heartwarming, too. Sometimes it quite get to me, but there are a bunch of comments from people it did get to...

I may do a bit more sorting. The submission folders backed up, and there are a fri amount of fairly short stories in it.


Group Admin


And I've added:
The Bubble Bursts
How Fluttershy Got Her Groove Lullaby
Taking Off the Masks
I'll Miss You, Big Sister

Again, somewhere near the back. Sorry to make you do all the work...


Elric of Melnipony
Group Admin

Don't worry about it. :pinkiesmile:
Although maybe we can talk Zocarik into bumping you up (or letting me bump you up)...

Group Admin


Might be an idea. When a group doesn't have many active staff members, having the active ones be admins generally makes sense...


Group Admin

3426206 Now an Admin.

Group Admin




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