The Shameless Self-Promotion Bureau 5,476 members · 49,573 stories
Comments ( 27 )
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SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

One thing I've noticed in the past is that since this group is just for promotions, there isn't really much outlet for just talking here. I've got a thread for talking about promotions (that no one uses) of course, but that's still pretty limited.

So that's the purpose of this thread. Discussion about whatever you want is fine here, as long as it doesn't break site rules, and the usual stipulations. Don't go around attacking people and flaming and such, nothing nsfw, etc. You can promote things in this thread that aren't pony or site related, though. Or just post cute pictures if you want.

I would ask that you don't use this thread to get around the limit of only promoting something once a week, of course. If you want to post about your latest Skyrim character or even promote your let's play in this thread, though, go for it!

--Sweetie Belle

I feel like there's literally no one over here, but I'll still post this random parody I found while exploring the depths of Youtube.

Enjoy this magnificent work of art!

6724457 talk talk talk talk. Yup yup, nice talk.

This thread seems really empty and it's pretty sad. Let's start a totally useless debate (I feel like this attempt will completely fail and that no one is going to ever read this thing):

Which number is your favorite, if you had to chose between 1, 3, 37 and √(-86.98652) ?

Fail maybe, but we can fail together, forever:pinkiecrazy:

6746916 Choose between three primes and some rando complex number?

Like, I'm a bit grumpy at complex numbers in general but at least I've got to respect the tenacity of √(-86.98652) for hanging out with a crowd he clearly doesn't belong in.

Group Admin

Well except 1, who as we all know doesn't do crowds.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

--Sweetie Belle

√(-86.98652). Because its an imaginary number, and who doesn't like working with nonexistent numbers. They are ever so useful

well, i would have to say 3 because it can be multiplied into 9 and.... idk XD

I guess despite the valiant efforts of its heroic protectors, there may be no hope left for this thread's survival...

It won't stop me though! I'll trifle in Necromancy if needed!

Perhaps another shitty question could help: As the official and absolute monarch of the table spoons, what would be your first decision?

Sir/Madame I am a level 185 Lurker with +64 skill points in Necromancy. :moustache: Let me show you how it's done.

It is very nice of you, good sir, as, by the very action of commenting here, you already did this thread a great service.

I wouldn't mind as much additional help as possible however, so, if you may proceed, I would be extremely glad to witness the demonstration of your necromantic skills.

I want to thank the guys from Thanks to them, I found my dream job for a week!

So like, do I reccomend stories in a certain folder or thread?

Group Admin

You can start a new thread in The Shameless Self-Promotion Bureau's forum to promote your story. Go to the forum page to see how others have done it.

Note that since your story is Mature rated, you'll need to embed it, like this:


It is a site rule that you can't link to mature content - embedding gets around that since it will be hidden for anyone who has View Mature turned off. Also it looks better than just linking, since it creates a nice preview box too.


Hi guys, I'm playing Animal Crossing!

I did not know that embed thing, thanks. 7062694

Enjoy my non-pony sh:yay:tposting.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

When Offprint gets groups, I'll start a Shameless Self-Promotion Bureau there that allows non-pony stuff...

--Sweetie Belle

You do that and I'll start an I Just Want a Comment/Writer's Group there as well. Already have the Discord server for it worked out to allow non-pony.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Go for it with IJWaC, though I'll probably start the Writer's Group there, too, if I get a chance. Mind you, while they'd be sister groups, I doubt they'd have the same admin list. Could always use some help.

Of course, I have no idea when groups will be implemented there. Only had an id there for four days.

--Sweetie Belle

This is a masterpiece

Sending this to my friend KingSombraTheTyrantRuler (author here. look him up) for a good laugh! This is legendary!!! :rainbowlaugh:

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