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Let's just say near future (within 300 years max), so no Star Wars or 40k or Forerunner, Promethean (from Mass Effect) over the top-ness.

for me:

(Obvious reasons)

I think you missed something

so no Star Wars or 40k or Forerunner, Promethean (from Mass Effect) over the top-ness



Meh, looks near future enough for me. Could even be alternate 1948 diesel punk.

3514375 Well, for starters, the US are developing an advanced armor system called TALOS which will be coming out in 2018.

Brilliant! Which branch will get that armor.

3514375 Well... we've already got the statue version so I don't see why these won't be common;

3514461 Army and Marines.

MECHS! That is how I predict 250 years will be.
(The list could be in a evolutionary order, but it might not be. you decide....)

*Looks at links*
Nope, Everything looks fine at this end.

Wow, thought it was just my computer. :rainbowlaugh:

Unless the military of the future is comprised of tiny black and white X's then it's borked.

3514375 Since battles in the future are typically a butcher house for us... why have Humanity die in the masses when you can have expendable machines do it for us!? :pinkiecrazy:


*sobs in corner*


why have Humanity die in the masses when you can have expendable machines do it for us!? :pinkiecrazy:

Have you even watched the movie that picture is from?

3514741 Yes I have, but why not have robots do the fighting for us, eh? :trollestia:

Because, like in Terminator, they'll go insane and turn against us and nuke half the planet.

Don't you know that AI is always a crapshoot?

3514757 But Nuclear Winter is FUN

3514757 That's why they should die for us in the battlefield, eh. So, they get destroyed before they have the chance to betray us! Then the next batch will be killed off again in glorious martyrdom! :pinkiecrazy:


I'd expect it to be the same. Kinda like Ghost recon and Halo but a slightly less advanced halo. Like no Spartans

I'd expect the soldiers to have full body armor and helmet's some kinda of upgraded weaponry no idea what kind definatly not lasers. Drones would most likely dominate the sky nd sometimes the ground too. Tanks...well i have a feeling they would kidna look like this sexy Israeli-an beast

Basicly...More tom clancy shit! :pinkiecrazy:

Assuming we don't become little shits and spam drones and/or develope tactical nightshade weaponry to sabotage the enemy's drone and computer systems and then roflstomp with good old fashioned man power?

I honestly don't know, probably something to do with commercially available power armour being a thing and also directed energy weapons.

3514375 FUCKING POWER RANGERS!! :rainbowwild:

3514752 Do we need to remind you of the Iron Men from 40k?

3515390 OH GOD! NOT THE IRON MEN! :raritydespair:


Who needs armor when you can control time?

3515435 Well, apparently that`s what you want...


A Canadian guy is making power armour called Trojan. He says they'd cost about $2000 CAN to mass produce.


>good economy
>not 1600s
>top kek


Time to mighty morph my foot up your ass.

3515769 Terminators are cool, eh. :moustache:

3515807 I'll be sending one after you then.

Or making them fight is the reason they turn on us.

You picked the evil team.

So 50 cents Amerrican?

3515831 :rainbowderp:

3516003 The machines will be unable to rebel, because they'll be dead before they can! :pinkiecrazy:

3516255 Your time is up, Pat...

Or they stop in the middle of battle and take all of the highly advanced weapons we gave them to the nearest populated area. :duck:

3516281 wot? :rainbowhuh:

3516339 Then we nuke the shit out of them if that happens, eh. :pinkiecrazy:

3516360 No u die. :3

3514375 You said "Promethean", It's Prothean.

Okay...okay....if anyone didn't say it... I will!

*Ahem* Human armies in the future will be a mix between spartans (HALO), the terminator, robo-cop, have the stability of the robots from iRobot, crossed between those titans in titan fall and probably have the strength of iron man x30! :trixieshiftleft: (This describes the man-sized version of a super soldier)

....I dunno if I can get or find an actually picture of what I'm taking about but...the way I imagine those guy/girls would be really cool! :twilightsheepish:

Near future I'd suspect Fallout type power armour, T-45d and T-51b.

Because no full face helmet is complete without a spot lamp. :moustache:

3515447 I thought I was the only one who's played Singularity here. Yay for best game that needs a sequel but will never get it. :fluttershysad:

That said, I'd still think armour would be in order if everyone had a TMD, so yeah.

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