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So, i just got in an argument with a vegan and, as usual, all that resulted was everyone getting impatient and mad (except for me), but in the other guy ended up saying I won. Though how I won ended up being a surprise to me honestly, he accused me of being a Nihilist and, though i heard the term before, I decided to look it up. Come to find that i fit the Existential and moral nihilism description rather well.

So, I want to ask what are your opinions on Nihilism?


This man is mah nigga 100%

3987315 it's nothing. It's literally nothing. The whole word nihilism defeats itself. I can't even say 'it'.

Group Contributor


Sounds really fucking boring... but whatever floats your boat, I guess. Keep it to yourself and all shall be fine.

Spoken like someone who learned all he knows about philosophy on TVTropes.

They're both factually true, but otherwise useless. There's no real qualitative difference between existential nihilism and plain existentialism, except that the latter involves a moral obligation to ignore all the meaninglessness and find a reason to keep having a satisfying life anyway. Moral nihilism is just what you start with before developing non-cognitivist ethics to justify your gut feelings. Otherwise there's not much to say.

3987339 Yep. It's a self defeating philosophy. It was invented by some lame German philosopher who had absolutely no training in the field of of philosophy or even anthropology for that matter and he mostly used it to criticize the Enlightenment movement which many historians agreed generated some of the best scientific and political ideals out there.

3987322 God, someone kill me now of I am doomed to being a teenager again.

3987361 3987339 take it as viewpoint, I really don't see an objective reason for why things happen and most rules and laws only upheld if they fit an agenda or if someone morally belive their right. Besides, I see as more freeing then anything.

3987368 Oh no the shame of not being accepted by the internet, now I have to dress in all black grown my hair long and start wirting poerty of how the world hates me and how I hate it.

I just read the description of it on Wikipedia (the part that is under the link to goto the site).
I think it is stupid you can set yourself goals and try to complete them like for example:
Skydive,scubadiving,riding a bike across the entire country,make a custom gun.
And if they are going to?comity suicide why not join the army that way the people have some sort of respect for s/he.
But if they mean why do I exist search it up on the internet because why not.


So, I want to ask what are your opinions on Nihilism?

It doesn't make any sense. Especially in modern times when we've found evidence that some morals are hardwired into us because they give us an evolutionary advantage.


There's your problem, no one likes them. Not even us vegetarians.

What is it with you and being judgmental of other people's degree of success in life, anyway? You're not even old enough to buy beer and write fanfiction as a hobby.

Public school, I guess.

3987408 Went to wikipedia too. Though what i got was that nihilism argues agaist an objective meaning, such as thoughs religions would tout not subjective ones like the ones you listed. Honestly I am against people saying that there an objective reason that humans exist.

3987414 "It doesn't make any sense. Especially in modern times when we've found evidence that some morals are hardwired into us because they give us an evolutionary advantage"

Okay, but I am on the side that morals are subjective and there isn't a catch all morality in the universe dictating right form wrong.

Group Contributor


take it as viewpoint, I really don't see an objective reason for why things happen and most rules and laws only upheld if they fit an agenda or if someone morally belive their right. Besides, I see as more freeing then anything.

Ah, I see it now. You don't see any point to life so you then proceed to state that there is no point to life because you can't find one.

Cause that makes total sense. Not like we should be sure to search for more evidence before we come to an assumption that drastic or anything...

I really don't see an objective reason for why things happen

Do you really fucking need to? Because I don't see much of an overall point to shit other than to make something of my short ass life span in this vast universe.

Besides, I see as more freeing then anything.

Well, when you say that life is pretty much meaningless and that nothing matters, you tend to fucking confine yourself to the official "I have stopped giving any fucks" status and won't move to anything else. I don't really know how giving up (in a way) really frees yourself... but hey, I'm not you.

I sort of agree with you on a main goal.
But also why shouldn't we exist?

3987450 Clam down.
For your first point, think of it as me not believing the current claims of why life exists. It dosen't mean I think life is pointless in fact I am on the side that we make our own meanings.

Second, just because I don,t see an objective reason for life dosen't that I don't have goals for the future, in fact I once post a forum on Transhumaism on here. If I die knowing that humanity future will be bright then I can die happily even I will cease to exist.

Third, When i said I see it as more freeing I meant that I saw it as opening a chance to truly take in the world as it is and though the filter of what others may believe.

wlam #19 · Jan 19th, 2015 · · 1 ·

Nihilism is basically the logical conclusion of having a physicalist worldview. Only physical things and laws are real. Things don't happen for reasons, things just happen. Meaning exists because we invented it. So do ethics. They just aren't any more a natural part of the universe than magic or unicorns are. It's a pretty serviceable philosophy for someone more interested in living well than in living right. You spend a lot less time thinking about pointless things and more getting useful stuff done. Plus, you don't ever have to worry about what other people believe, only what they do about it.

3987465 What do you mean by us not existing?
All i am saying is that we make our own goals in life.

3987495 You seem to be the only one whom has gotten what I actualy think.

I was also saying that but differently and also, I just had a quick glance of what it was so I don't think I comprehended the point before.

Group Contributor


Clam down.

My clams are down, I assure you. Fucking hell, why do people always think I'm losing my shit? Do you people think I only have the ability to hate shit? Like I'm constantly just fucking tearing apart my room in anger and fucking screaming in pure wrath?

Because I'm not.

For your first point, think of it as me not believing the current claims of why life exists. It dosen't mean I think life is pointless in fact I am on the side that we make our own meanings.

Wait, there are current claims? Oh wait, there are... Anyway, I guess that makes sense.

Second, just because I don,t see an objective reason for life dosen't that I don't have goals for the future, in fact I once post a forum on Transhumaism on here. If I die knowing that humanity future will be bright then I can die happily even I will cease to exist.

So, you see no reason for life, but keep at it? That's somewhat admirable, I guess. Better than revelling in the angst and just being a useless emo motherfucker.

Third, When i said I see it as more freeing I meant that I saw it as opening a chance to truly take in the world as it is and though the filter of what others may believe.

Well, I always thought people looked at the world how the fuck they wanted to really, regardless of their circumstances.

Well, with how you apply Nihilism, it actually makes some fucking sense rather than straight up edgy "Fuck the world" shit.

Probably because I'm the only one who actually knows what it means, instead of assuming anime villains are representative of it. What kind of idiot would believe that going from "so I guess nothing is telling me how to live" to "I should kill myself/you/everything" is a natural reaction from anyone, so long as your life is otherwise perfectly fine? It's not like anything factually changes, just your opinion on why you do things.

3987543 Sry for some reason when I read your post my mind defaulted to angry yelling.

I am least greatful that you actually listen to what I had to say.

Group Contributor


Eh, well my reputation for being a raging crusader against all things I don't like tends to be pretty truthful...

I am least greatful that you actually listen to what I had to say.

Yeah, unlike others in the Old Guard I'm not an over critical prick that uses the internet to completey define how I see people...

Well, the first part of that statement is true at least.


Because I'm not.

You just look/sound like you are, I guess.

3987322 That's like the best philosophy, eh. :trollestia:

3987739 *strokes your neckbeard*

Really? How vunderful, eh.

3987315 It's a terrible philosophy, if you can even call it that.

Of course, the part where it says that no opinion is any less invented and false than another may also be a reason why it's so unpopular. It pisses off people who base a lot of their self-worth in being morally and ideologically superior to others.

3987414 Remind me to buy you a 20 ounce T-bone steak and a can of shaving cream.

I'm a vegetarian for medical reasons, I don't want to have kidney stones again. As for the beard, I keep it a reasonable length and off of my neck.

3987796 Kidney stones? Never had 'em. There are ways of having meat and avoiding the little calcium deposits having to be passed through your urethra....Yeah, sounds painful. Reminds me of this one time when I was either numb to pain thanks to my beer, or just too drunk to care that I was hurt. Yeah, that beer bottle put a knife into my dating life afterwards. And my face.


The attending nurse said I was feeling pain equivalent to childbirth. And it's not just calcium, the urologist recommend a low protein/low calcium diet with plenty of water to prevent any more stones from forming. (Also no tea or spinach, but I have no idea what those had to do with anything.)

3987811 Tea and spinach have moderate levels of caffeine in them, which contracts blood vessels, and should another calcium deposit form, contracted blood vessels would make it feel like another stone before the plasmic enzymes in the bloodstream can dissolve the deposit.



...Then why did they say nothing about coffee?


Just sticking with the Medic theme I've got going.

Could someone remind me what Nihilism is?

This amazing leap of seeming illogic is a result of the negative space left by religion.

According to a particular philosophy of Christianity - popular right to this very day - we are all born inherently evil and self-destructive. The only thing keeping us from destroying each other and ourselves is the saving grace of Christ.

Now, imagine someone who believes that. They believe both of the above sentences. Then they disprove to themselves the second one without fully realizing that the first one is also a part of their (now former) belief system. There is no God and all of us depraved sinners are doomed without the faintest hope of divine rescue.

It's easy to laugh at it now from our secularized and cosmopolitan worldview, but it made a frightening amount of sense to the first batch of people to stumble upon it.

Sorta; we both had the same basic idea, but I went for a different quote.

3987932 I believe Wlam had it best.
"Nihilism is basically the logical conclusion of having a physicalist worldview. Only physical things and laws are real. Things don't happen for reasons, things just happen. Meaning exists because we invented it. So do ethics. They just aren't any more a natural part of the universe than magic or unicorns are. It's a pretty serviceable philosophy for someone more interested in living well than in living right. You spend a lot less time thinking about pointless things and more getting useful stuff done. Plus, you don't ever have to worry about what other people believe, only what they do about it."

Basically that id what I think it is too, but everyone here seem to jump to the conclusion that nihilism is also the same as being an emo teenager who has a Fuck the World mentality.

3987797 "Crawling in my skin these wounds they are not real."

Now, it is time to develop a messiah complex and become a misanthropic prick because I think that in the 16 years (I have been age regressed) that I have been alive I believe that only I can lead mankind from their simple minded ways.

It makes just as much sense today, but really, if you're that hard up for a way to cope with human evil, you probably already hate your god for being too weak or too evil to fix things and don't lose much if you give up on the belief.

Ask your parents. They probably ought to explain that to you at some point.

What John Hood says. Nihilists are just a bunch of self centered cynics who think they're all that because of an inflated ego, but mostly from their material conditions that spoiled them and caused them to feel contempt for their fellow man.

But wait, it was the VEGAN who accused YOU of being a Nihilist.

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