Equestria Girls Fics 3,790 members · 12,297 stories
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Was just searching for images as a reference until a found these. The first two do look like scenes that somebody might actually take a picture of.

Then here is just a piece of art on what Cinch would look like if she was in Equestria. She may not have the qualities of an alicorn, but she does look refined as one.

5793670 (looks at topmost picture)...That's Principle Cinch?! ...What the hell happened to her?

5793756 If that 1st picture is really inline with EQG canon, then something really bad must have happened that would sucked all the innocence and kindness out of her and turn her into the mean witch that we see her in the movie

Teenage Cinch… damn, girl! :rainbowkiss:

Jesus teenage cinch looks adorable, I wonder how far she let them push her over before she finally snapped.

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