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to the American demographic and target audience, British culture would be so alien to them and it's also old fashioned and backwards compared with the US. People over there still live in 100+ year old homes and some still drive old cars that are many decades out of date. Heck, they even still use TVs from the 1950's/1960's. Sometimes they still possess the mannerisms of Victorian Era Brits.

how do you think that dilemma would have been handled? Trying to make British culture modern and trendy like how they did it in the OG spinoff without offending the Brits?

gapty #2 · March 8th · · ·

Europe is a continent that still lives like cavemen. We don't know what computers are and still wash our clothes by hands. Any electronic costs a fortune here, so we borrow by stealing from the American tourists coming here :trixieshiftright:

OP encountering Brits (2024, colourised):


People over there still live in 100+ year old homes and some still drive old cars that are many decades out of date. Heck, they even still use TVs from the 1950's/1960's. Sometimes they still possess the mannerisms of Victorian Era Brits.

Dude, real Britain's worse than that.

gapty #5 · March 8th · · ·

If these Brits were so stupid to show their most valuable possession to Romans, they deserved to be invaded. Do you know how hard it is to collect so many rocks?

Thank you for telling me you've never been to England without telling me you've never been to England. You seemed so nice over in that other thread smh.

The UK is just as modern and trendy as the USA; there's very little we have that you don't. Excluding a few people who choose to live lives without modern technology, all of us have modern cars and smart TVs. Bold of you to complain about our televisions at all - the Scots invented the television, so you wouldn't have one at all without them. The 100+ year old houses were connected up to the gas, electricity and water grids years ago. They are arguably built better than a lot of modern housing and are definitely going to last longer than your little American trailers.

Yes, there is a side to British culture that is very traditional and old-fashioned, but who the hell said that something should be destroyed and replaced just because it's old? Other than the corporations who want you to keep buying and who now create smartphones and other essential items that are built to break so you keep buying and their billionaire CEOs keep raking in the billions, of course. The 1950s TVs and vintage cars you speak of are actually very highly sought after and are usually only affordable to those who are very rich. They, like the old houses you spoke of, are going to be around for a lot longer than the modern cars, because they were built to last and not built for small consumerist minds like yours.

Please educate yourself before making sweeping statements about another country's culture.


to the American demographic and target audience, British culture would be so alien to them and it's also old fashioned and backwards compared with the US.

I think the hardest part is that in Britain they speak British instead of English, so Americans can't understand. It sounds like someone speaking German, but babbling with their mouth full of pebbles.

You can get translator apps for your smartphone, but as Gapty mentioned above, your smartphone might be stolen in your first hour on British soil so it can be used to teach children how to read and write a proper language.

This is why a lot of Brits, first chance they get, leave Britain and live in some other country instead, like Canada or Poland.

Some people say that Stonehenge and Buckingham Palace, two of Britain's most popular tourist attractions, are just fancy rockpiles, so this checks out.

GT3RS #9 · March 8th · · ·

Jeremiah, I sincerely fucking hope you're joking lmao

My car is a 2008. My neighbour's a 2023. Funnily enough my sister lives in an ex-miners house so it's small as shit, but it still has all the modern amenities. It's also built WAYYYY better than all the modern houses too.

Also, our public transport is miles better than yours. Ever heard of regular passenger train service guys? You should try building some!

Actually, I'm gonna answer this question in a semiserious manner; the majority of the plot wouldn't even need to change, but the depiction of the school certainly would. UK schools are much more secure, as in most kids can't leave during free time. The general layout is different, etc etc.

The years are also different. For example, Secondary school goes from about age 12 to age 16, with college from 16 to 18 and then university onwards. If the EqG cast are around the age of US school graduation, so 18, they'd likely be in college in the UK.

Deep #11 · March 9th · · 2 ·

Counter to all that:

You're incredibly obnoxious, you know. Thank goodness we're friends and I can tell that this is a joke lol

I explained all of this to them in a different thread that I unfortunately can't find now, where they were being relatively nice and polite. Sadly, I didn't realise at the time what their true opinions were. I'm fairly sure they would've responded apologising and saying that this thread was a joke if it was, since they were last online less than 10 minutes ago. So yeah. Turns out people like this exist... :facehoof:

Obviously I wouldn't post that if we weren't friends and you didn't know it was a joke haha.

Imo, you shouldn't take it too much to heart. It all depends on the intention and reaction afterwards. It could be that someone didn't know better and took at face value either what someone told them or a portrayel of some media and didn't bother to confirm it.

What should happen now is seeing the reaction and realising that the view was incorrect. As long as the person knows better now then it's all good—someone could've always just not know better in the moment. I mean, there are so many misconceptions running around the world, and many are meant with a good heart to help (even if they're factually wrong). Open communication is the key, and beating down on someone immediately just breaks the will to learn more and admit not being knowledgeable in areas.

Of course, if they still stick to it, that's another issue. But if it was a mistake—even if caused by lazyness to properly research—and they're willing to change their mind, then the world has become a better place. And even if not, then being for a long time grumpy about it just makes one unhappy.

Buddy, congrats for telling everyone that you have no idea how the one country, and by extension continent, that birthed or just pooped you out, actually works


to the American demographic and target audience, British culture would be so alien to them and it's also old fashioned and backwards compared with the US. People over there still live in 100+ year old homes and some still drive old cars that are many decades out of date. Heck, they even still use TVs from the 1950's/1960's. Sometimes they still possess the mannerisms of Victorian Era Brits.

how do you think that dilemma would have been handled? Trying to make British culture modern and trendy like how they did it in the OG spinoff without offending the Brits?

This seems like pretty much the same 'problem' as setting a story in G4 Equestria, which has steam locomotives but no automobiles, and no smartphones and probably no computers either. G4 ponies live in old fashioned houses thatched over with straw.

Because modern audiences had so much trouble relating to this, G4 was succeeded by G5, which was 100x more popular.

Jeremiah, you have confused Britain with another island country: Cuba.

I would just like to leave this here:

My British Pony: Stereotypes Are Magic

I assure you it is a very accurate depiction of Bri'ish pee-poe with no exaggeration whatsoever.


Thank you! I found it very helpful.

Also, I'm happy to see documented evidence that you still exist in horsewords land.

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