Humans turned ??? 2,398 members · 1,236 stories
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I like to ask your opinion about get turned into a opposite sex. ( A male human into a female creature )
Would you hold on your gender identity?

Would accept your new life as a opposite sex or keep denying it and stay true for your sexuality?

Even if Stallions and males see you as a sexy female and wanna get closer at you? :raritywink:
A noble: "I like what I see, my dear. And believe me, I don't say that to everyone."

Here's a few of samples from chapters I was writing: ( About a human turned into Gilda. )

Entering Ponyville

I walked around of Ponyville. Oh boy, this is so freaking awesome. Like a virtual reality, but with a better graphics and phycical contact. I could almost squeak like a fangirl for this feeling.

Ahem! No. I told myself. I decided to keep my cool. I may be a chick, but I need keep my manliness intact.

"Suited for Success"

"I've never gotten a chance to test my fashion on the griffons before. First things first, we'll-"

I raised my hands up for protest. "Yeah... How about "no", sweetie?" I said sarcastically. Hoping to knock Rarity out from her wet dreams about me dressing one of her "girly" dresses. No thank you.

"First of, no dresses. I like my style as how it is." I said, stroking my stylish hair.

Rarity seems to be shocked by my refusal.
"But Gilda! You're Princess's the honored guest at a Gala! It would be truly disrespectful toward her royal highness and the nobles to have you showing up without a proper dress like a common ruffian... No offense, Gilda."

"None taken." I replied bluntly.

"Look, if I'm going dress something for the party then I would rather pick a one by myself. Just show me where you keep those a penguin suits."

"A... Tuxedos? Why would you wear... Oh." Rarity covered her mouth from the realization. "I... I'm sorry, my dear. I didn't know that you had such proclivities for such things."

What the heck is she babbling about-- Oh for the love of god!

"Woah woah now! I'm not transgender!" I shouted, holding my hands defensively. "I'm just not into a girly stuff, alright?"


If I had been turned into a female when i was originally male, I would say that I identify as a male... Though that's just me and my opinion. :scootangel:

It depends on what the character really wants to be identified as. The character can even say what was *ahem* between their legs before and just say some type of magic transformed him into a female or something along those lines. In a world where the sun and moon need to be raised, clouds need to be moved manually, weather that is manufactured, and talking unicorns kinda makes less sense then being turned into a female when originally male. :raritywink:


Would you hold on your gender identity?

I guess you mean if the character should freak out, see himself still as "let's say male" and maybe like woman/Mares?

Would accept your new life as a opposite sex or keep denying it and stay true for your sexuality?

Even if Stallions and males see you as a sexy female and wanna get closer at you? :raritywink:
A noble: "I like what I see, my dear. And believe me, I don't say that to everyone."

hhmmmm okay now I understand I think....well I guess I would think it would be somewhat an interessting opportunitiy in a way, at least if you count suddenly being a pony to being turned into the opposite gender.

"But Gilda! You're Princess's the honored guest at a Gala! It would be truly disrespectful toward her royal highness and the nobles to have you showing up without a proper dress like a common ruffian... No offense, Gilda."

Well I would probably prefer it to start out as a foal to get a bit used to it, but after a while I maybe would accept it, but probably not right away.

Ahem! No. I told myself. I decided to keep my cool. I may be a chick, but I need keep my manliness intact.

well...being a tomcolt or whatever was the human version again is still an option I guess.

Like I said a suit would be okay too.

I had something to drink tonight, but not to much, anyway I see nothing wrong with it, I might even would like to see this story, is it written already or is it just a test if we would like to read it?

I would have no issue besides dealing with the frustration of dealing with the difference of biology and having to adapt. Your anatomical equipment does not define you, you define you. If anything it opens up new doors to explore socially while closing others and simply allows for new experiences in life. New perspectives to view life from. Such a change only bothers you if you let it.

Well, I guess rolling with it would work. After the freak out I'd just try to get use to the new body and have a little fun.

Fair enough, :twilightsmile:

Well that's start. Accepting yourself as it is.
*Imagine you changing your girly appearance to something more masculine to reflect your personal style*

Changing your sexy apperance...

To more radical apperance.


Well, I guess rolling with it would work. After the freak out I'd just try to get use to the new body and have a little fun.

Having fun indeed. :raritywink:

*Becoming Spike's the best friend and take him to adventure with you*

Always did wan't to try dyeing my hair fun colors.

So changing from a male asshole to a female. I would keep acting like I do now. So I would just be a female asshole, who acts like a dude.

I think I'd adapt fairly quickly, but that's something of a consequence of how I view myself. I don't put a lot of stock in physical form; what I am is merely what I am, and if I were something else I would be something else. I don't see my identity as tied up in being a specific height or weight or even gender. Who I am, to me, is a matter of my mind more than anything else; even then, masculinity and femininity are tropes to live up to, masks to wear, and everyone has a bit of each going for them, if usually more one than the other. Adding to that, I can't easily be made uncomfortable by unwanted sexual advances since I'm more attracted to folks for their intellect and sense of humor and kindness; I'm close to a three on the old Kinsey Scale, just about as bisexual as one gets. And as if that wasn't enough, I find gender-bending in general to be entertaining. If I could be pretty then I could take pleasure in being pretty - much as presently I take pleasure in my magnificent mustache. My interests wouldn't change, but I could simply repurpose my already-weak interest in "looking good".

Ultimately, if I was going to have issues with being turned into a feminine or alien form, I expect they'd either be about loss-of-capacity (since I do like my thumbs) or late-in-coming due to eventual dysphoria. I can't say for sure that it's not more important to me than I presently believe, but if it were I expect I'd discover it after things had had time to sink in.


"A... Tuxedos? Why would you wear... Oh." Rarity covered her mouth from the realization. "I... I'm sorry, my dear. I didn't know that you had such proclivities for such things."

What the heck is she babbling about-- Oh for the love of god!

"Woah woah now! I'm not transgender!" I shouted, holding my hands defensively. "I'm just not into a girly stuff, alright?"

Liar liar. Being transgender is exactly what this is; having a gender identity that does not correspond with the body you have. Anyone with a male identity in a female body is, by definition, trangender, just like anyone with a female identity in a male body.

Look this stuff up before you post it.

Oh but you would do the same thing, if you're confused first and then quickly deny it. Without thinking what you were saying. As part your pride and lack of understanding of your situation.
Technically you ARE transgender. ( Or just tomboy. I liked that name more. )

6388344 Well, actually yes, I am transgender. Kinda gives me a unique perspective on the question at hand. The irony of course being that going to Equestria and having my sex changed would put me in the correct body for my gender and leave me overjoyed, but it also disqualifies me from the main question at hand since I would more than happily toss aside the facade of masculinity I hide behind while transitioning and deflecting questions as much as possible.


Your anatomical equipment does not define you, you define you.

Indeed. What I'm doing here is to focus on a hardcore mindset.
A human will doing that because he thinks "this is all wrong". Your mind will denying it all and refuse to accept yourself as how it is.
I believe it is a "fear" that holds you back.
*As a male, no one wouldn't dare mess with you. But as a female, you would see yourself vulnerable.*

Similar case in Shining Armor/Gleaming Shield.
Turned into Gleaming Shield and now every stallion in Equestria wants her.

Because your sexuality will deny stallions, you'll keep resisting and stay true for your gender identity.

Now that's just being awesome.


I like to ask your opinion about get turned into a opposite sex. ( A male human into a female creature )
Would you hold on your gender identity?

Yes, maybe, unless it’s in the “it’s not really him, just a clone” sort of way where the brain is actually entirely new and uses no original parts. Such as if you have one of those “human dies and actually, physically goes to Equestria” stories. Sometimes that works out just fine, but that’s only bordering on one percent of the time. Thing is that gender identity relies on how masculinized your brain is, if you’re physically male in the majority of cases you get enough testosterone supply to the brain during childhood and puberty that your brain is fairly masculinized and it’s set that way once your brain starts to become less plastic. So if you have like a shapeshifter or a gradual human-to-pony transformation, the character should take on more typical characteristics of the opposite sex (more empathetic thinking for women, more aggressive thinking for men), but not abandon their original personality or outright change their gender.

Would accept your new life as a opposite sex or keep denying it and stay true for your sexuality?

wut? gender and sexual orientation aren’t linked at all

Of course, this post is only how I understand it and I could be completely wrong, I don’t usually read up on psychology/biology texts.

I think that the frase "You define you" from Keiger would be correct but not 100%. Because if it's a full biological transition from human male to whatever female, then there are also changes accuring with the brain that your mind inhabits. And with those changes you will be limited in certain ways and no longer limited in others.

And for me it would be that since I'm kind of fond of the way that I am, I would try to resist these changes and these new limitations. But I'm not sure if I could hold on to that. Since the biological differences within the brain would make it function differently, it would only be a matter of time until my mind would become used to these changes and mold itself accordingly. I don't know how much time, a few days or a lifetime, but in the end it will happen and I don't think that I would be aware of it until it gets pointed out to me. And I'm also not sure if this change would alter my personality all that much.

If the brain doesn't change with the rest since it still has to accommodate the same mind then I don't think I would change at all because like I told before that I'm kind of fond of my personality.


Would accept your new life as a opposite sex or keep denying it and stay true for your sexuality?

wut? gender and sexual orientation aren’t linked at all

Well I mean how they affect on you.
Gender - For sample: How people are treating you, depending on your gender.

Sexuality - For sample: You're a straight young man. But then you turn into a girl and you still find women attractive. But that will make you a lesbian.

Exploring the new situation makes it interesting. But I always hope that the character is able to come to terms with it eventually.

I think it is usually love, that make character change. ( Either a stallion or a mare. )
Realize that he need come to terms with himself, if he want live happily. There is no return to a normal life, that he once knew.

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