Humans turned ??? 2,395 members · 1,236 stories
Comments ( 7 )
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I'm curious. What a kind story do you find more interesting to read.
Let's say that a one day, a human, who hadn't watched the MLP, get transported to Equestria.

Is it interesting that a human know about the MLP and it's the events? Or is it interesting to have a human figure things on his own?

I prefer he needs to figure that out himself, I like it if every character, the human or Celestia is suprised by any new form of contact in Crossover stores or just these human in Equestria stories.

I don't mind other stories, but these are more interessting for me.

I don’t like people having essentially omniscience. It especially really gets at me when the main character volunteers the “kiddie show” info to the characters. I’m not saying don’t have characters that have never even heard of horses, but if you do try to change things up or subvert something. And imo really try not to have your character spout the age-old “in my universe you people only exist in imaginations”.

To me it's way more interesting if a human has to figure things out on his own.
The most interesting stories to me, with humans/any other humanoid race in it, consists of a few different fases. Exploration, encountering an obstacle, adapting and overcoming.

The exploration and encounter is supposed to fill you with a sense of wonder and excitement in order to give you this amazing impression of the setting of this story.

If you give the character knowledge of a place that he's never been in, then you almost completely remove the exploration part and that to me removes the sense of wonder and excitement almost entirely.
And if this character shares his knowledge then you also potentially remove a lot of obstacles in the future for him and the others to overcome.

Any story like this quickly becomes mundane and boring to me, unless they do something completely unique.

I prefer when the character has to work his way through, and not have direct knowledge of the events.
At least that's how I'm writing it.

I like it when MLP doesn't exist in the place the human comes from.

I'm already suprised to see that even so many share my opinion on it, even if they are maybe a bit better at explaining it.

Well yes I think that is interessting too, that way at least he can't have seen them already or heard of them, having some kind of trump card when he is in a pickle and stuff like that.

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