Circle of Friends 177 members · 1,157 stories
Comments ( 91 )
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Group Admin

Here you can rant, curse, and scream when you need to. Just let it all out.

Lol.. :rainbowlaugh: Very true.

This, this is a good thing. This is a very good thing.

1010797 My internet sucks.

There was a thunderstorm.

I'm attempting to write.

I like Minecraft.

I like Minecraft too much.

I play Battle Nations.

I play Battle Nations too much.

Am happy.

Am in trouble.

No, wait.

Am happy.

Flower Forward: noun; a sissy power forward. Examples: see Christina Boshtrich and Pau Gasoft. The Merriam Webster's dictionary.


Seriously, fuck this spoiled pampered weak bitch boy Polly Pocket playing with pussy clown piece of trash Chris Bosh. :ajbemused:

Group Admin

GRRRRRR! I am sick and tired of the rude criticism I've been getting from some people on this site. It's like nobody has any manners anymore. My new story was immediately down voted by a bunch of people and some of them made some very unfair comments both in the thread and private message to me.

One person suggested I was crazy for coming up with this story. Another practically accused me of plagiarism.

Seriously why can't people be more polite?! :twilightangry2:

I sorta wish you weren't deleting the messages :/ I'm trying to get a full picture of what's going down by actually reading what's happening!

Group Admin

1019180 Okay this one person called RealityCheck just put: WTF you need THERAPY. I wrote to him and said that was uncalled for and he replied back with: Rude? Maybe. Succinct? Yes. Something you apparently need to be told? DEFINITELY.
You have ventured far beyond the shores of WTFness, mi amigo. This is beyond "perturbing" and into the realm of WARNING SIGNS.

I have since blocked him. :flutterrage:


Was it in response to the content of the fic? You're gonna find people who don't like anything gorey because life isn't sunshine and rainbows enough for them, ha. Or even people who just take what's written entirely the wrong way.

The worst I've seen was the 'this I can clop to' comment when I first posted Sisterly Guidance.

Group Admin

1019202 Yeah it was. I'm just seriously tired of people being jerks for no good reason. It just gets to me sometimes. I'll get over it, but sometimes I just need to vent.


Eh, don't let it get to ya. I just ignore those comments and happily let them add to my 'heat' meter. I'll get on that fucking feature box one day >_>

Group Admin

1019211 Oh my lord, everyone is getting into it now. Everyone just keeps talking about how bad the story is and I barely even started it. They aren't even giving it a chance! Just hating all over it and downvoting it! :twilightangry2:

Don't delete any more comments and don't respond to them. Deleting comments will just make them run crying to their friends for backup, which I have seen happen endlessly since this whole controversy started. Just keep ignoring these dweebs, and enjoy the same sensation as friends flock to you as backup.

I wanted to go to bed, but I think it's time I stepped in on these crystal-clear attempts to rile you up by disguising trolling as 'constructive criticism'.

I do hope you actually read the comments to get context before posting. It's a bit of a mire of intellectual discourse, involving neurochemistry and jedi knights, and the situation is somewhat delicate. It's actually rather civil at the moment, so don't just jump in and rile everything up. That'll just make it explode, messily, and advertise the situation to people who are actually intent on trolling.

Group Admin

1019334 So you think that now you guys can come into my GROUP and start trouble here too? I don't think so.

What? That's not exactly friendly. Where have I started trouble? You're throwing a wild and unfounded accusation at me, here. Literally, completely unfounded. That, and you're swearing at me, which I note is very mature and friendly also. Of course. I saw the group on your usepage, and legitimately thought it was a nice idea. Can we not be friends?

Group Admin

1019345 You and your two buddies were harassing me on my thread. Why would I want you two in my group?

Group Admin

1019376 Fine, she can stay, but the other one has been banned.

Where did I harass you? I pointed out a single logical disconnect from the sidelines, then ended up talking to Sharky, who's very nice by the way. I can see why you're friends. Also, this group is free to join, and I thought it might be nice to see what it was about. You know, make some new friends, like this group is supposed to be about. You're projecting negative intent onto me, I just wanted to read your story and got dragged into this. Can we be reasonable about things for a moment?

Group Admin

1019383 I'm done talking about this right now. NO MORE. I am SERIOUSLY ticked off. Just back off and leave me alone right now. I mean it. :twilightangry2:

I wrote that before I saw your post, sorry. Bit of a slow typer.

Group Admin

1019392 Forget it. I cancelled the fic. This isn't worth it.

Group Admin

1019465 If this is the way people are going to be, I may just quit writing fics for this site.

Group Admin

1019477 I have written for other sites before and never have I been treated so badly. It's disgusting that a fandom that's supposed to be all about friendship has such rude and insensitive people in it. I've never felt so insulted.


This has been more or less the same big group that's targeting you. Once they find a new target to try and drive to suicide, you should be okay. Or just keep writing/posting anyway and ignore them, there's not really much they can do without a response. That's where you're just going to get all their friends jumping in to combat you.

Group Admin

1019519 All anyone could do was point out every single flaw in the story instead of just appreciating it for what it was. I may never write for this site again.


Some people just don't like dark stories. Just look how much better received things like the monster in apple bloom/crown to halo were. I think that's where you excel at. Other stuff is fine, but you gotta ignore the hatred and do what you love to do: Write.

Group Admin

1019530 I've had enough hatred in my life. I need a break from it.

Group Admin

I just joined this group, but I gotta say this. While they were probably trying to point out those flaws to help you in your future chapters, I can see why you're angry. It's very discouraging when so many people come out of nowhere and start bashing on your fics. You have to remember though, not everybody will like your stuff. It doesn't mean it's bad necessarily, heck, I read the thing and I thought it was a pretty unique idea. Perhaps some longer chapters because I would have liked to read more, and a few errors or confusing parts, but nothing that should make you quit writing.

There's a certain strength and dignity in continuing on despite the hatred. You just have to remember that people still love your work. Heck, look at all of those people who jumped in to defend you. If nothing else, I'd be happy to pre-read for you if you'd like.

Group Admin

1019549 No thank you. I am taking a long break from writing for this site. I think I've earned it.

Group Admin

If that's how you feel, there's no real way that I can change it. But don't let other dissuade you from doing something that you enjoy doing. That's just letting the haters win, and I think you're better than that.

Group Admin

1019580 I'll do what's best for me thank you. I don't need or deserve the stress from all this.

Group Admin

Oh goody apparently even a mod had to come put their two cents in. :twilightangry2:

Group Admin

*Deletes then reposts chapter to get rid of all the comments.*

Group Admin

And now a mod got involved, said republishing a chapter is considered bumping and not allowed and got my story revoked. So now a mod is picking on me too. :twilightangry2: I think she/he was just mad that I didn't take their advice and misused the fact that they're a mod to their advantage. Grrrrr... are you allowed to block mods? Because I sure want to block this one!

Group Admin

1019530 By the way thanks for standing up for me. I really appreciate it.

First off Uni, don't quit writing at all. I mean if you don't feel like writing any more fics for this site, that is your choice and no one else's, but don't quit writing. What I have read, you are a great writer and your work deserves to be respected and appreciated. Uni, I just want to say, and this is how I am about my poetry. If I feel that my poetry means something to me, then it is good enough for me. Yes, there will be people who might not like it, but I take that negativity, that dislike and turn into a positive and it encourages me to write better.

What I have read from you so far though, I can feel your writing, and I say this if a reader can feel your writing, then I say that you are doing a great job. :pinkiehappy:

Comment posted by Thunderstorm823 deleted May 23rd, 2013
Comment posted by Thunderstorm823 deleted May 24th, 2013
Group Admin

1020885 Oops accidentally triple posted.

Group Admin

1020885 Sorry about that.

Group Admin

1020900 You seriously rock. Thank you so much.

1020900 Great video man. Indeed, you do rock. :pinkiehappy:

1020997 Thank you, I loved your comment. You rock too

Group Admin

1020997 At least you guys have my back. :heart:

1021056 You bet. It just makes me mad when an author's hard work is bashed, used without the author's permission, and disrespected. There is no sense or no call for it at all.:pinkiehappy:

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