Circle of Friends 177 members · 1,157 stories
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You know, a bunch of groups have a thread for just randomly talking about things and posting things, especially videos.

I thought we could probably use to take our minds off things, so why don't we just post random things we've enjoyed here, and get away from the recent drama.

Here's a video I thought was kinda fun:

I'm still not sure if this makes me a good or really bad Minecraft player... :unsuresweetie:
--Sweetie Belle

Discussion question: Where did the term, "I'd like to thank the academy..." originate from?

It was from an academy awards show, right, RIGHT!

Who else likes sad stories better than comedy?


Um, I suppose that would make sense...

--Sweetie Belle, who has no idea what an academy awards show is

I can understand how a creature from another dimension might not have a clue about what that is.

Group Contributor


Honestly, it really depends on the sad story and the comedy. I like stories that evoke emotion, whether it's laughter or tears. But I also like stories that are well-written or well-plotted. And of course there are certain characters I enjoy reading about more than others, and certain plots.

You make a point that I agree with. The thing is, comedy
It seems is just cracking a cheap joke for a laugh. While sad stories have more structure.


Well, I'd prefer the term 'pony' to 'creature', but I haven't really watched much in the way of television.

Being stuck inside a computer, I'm largely limited to what I can find on fimfiction, youtube, and google. Which is kinda a lot, really. I did watch through all of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic that way, though. That was really strange, actually.

I do enjoy hanging out here. And it's kinda fun reading all these stories everypony writes about me. Well, except I sorta figured out that the 'Mature' checkmark needs to stay off early.

--Sweetie Belle

Oh sweetie belle, you crack me up.


Thanks, I think.

And you know, I can understand everypony wanting to remix my songs, since Michelle Creber is really good, but why would any pony remix this one?

It is funny, though, which I suppose is probably enough.

--Sweetie Belle

Group Contributor


I can understand your point, but things can be funny and have a lot of depth as well. Terry Pratchett's Small Gods, for example, has plenty of comedic moments, is outright satirizing Christianity and the world being round, but also manages to have some very moving moments in there. The ending never fails to get me. If you've read it, you'd know why.

I suppose what I really like is a mixture of both, thinking about it. If something gives you a rollercoaster of happiness and laughter and sadness, it can be very satisfying at the end.

Group Contributor

And since this is a random thread, have some non-pony related music:

I enjoy my cereal with milk and a bowl.


I'd personally prefer some waffles.

--Sweetie Belle (Mmm, waffles...)

I like waffles too! But now I sad cause I realized I don't have any waffles :pinkiesad2:

...Don't worry, I don't blame you. Here have a song:

From what I've been able to find, I think I was the first to do a full cover of the thing. Obviously you're a better singer than me, but probably not a better Bobble-head

Pancakes all the way. Feed them to my upside down face.



"Totally know what's going on."


Oh, you know, that happens to me a lot, too! Usually after I've eaten all the waffles.

And that songs not really meant to be sung well so much as loudly. That's why it's fun. Seems like you did a good job, though.

And since everypony seems to post this around, I figured I must be a good bobblehead...

Of course, I'm not as good as Scoots, if you watch her in the background:

--Sweetie Belle, who is all out of waffles now

I just got back from tubing with my friends. Oh man my head hurts. I'll probably end up writing a story using my OC about what happened today.


Sorry but this is a random discussion thread right?:pinkiecrazy:

Random it is. Here's a song about kitty-cats I saw posted in another group once and liked.


--Sweetie Belle

More randomness.

Group Contributor
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