Spyro Stories 329 members · 52 stories
Comments ( 12 )
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Because ! seriously f*ck up whenever I do, and I'm trying to get a story out here. If you can, PM me. If not, :P

3495657 Dawn of Dragons? Are you taking inspiration from Dawn of the Dragon or is this actually Dawn of the Dragon? If its the former then my advice is to play the ending again and analyze how its structured, what works what doesn't. Basically its the moment every thing in the story before had been building up to, just have confidence in yourself. Failure is not a moment to give up. Its a moment to push yourself to try harder next time. Education in how to write a book is only the beginning, it all comes down to you. Only you know how your book is going to progress and how its going to end. Therefore you are the books only hope. Accept help when you need it, but ultimately this is your work and no one else's. You ready to go Soldier? You ready to test your mettle, to prove all the doubters wrong?! Even if you feel you don't, you have the potential inside you to be a great writer. You. Can. Do. This!

3495690 YEAH! (insert bulk biceps meme here)

3495794 Alrighty (insert meme)

3686998 Ten weeks too late, my friend. Ten weeks too late.

ok but, u don't have to b mean:fluttercry:

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