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Metroid Prime
Group Admin

So with Skylanders 5 or "Superchargers" as they call it we can all safely say that this series is no longer considered to be call "Spyro"

to be fair I wasn't mad about decision to reboot the series, I was not mad about the new design they gave our favorite dragon.

But now what I realized is that i am mad about the fact they are basically ignoring and dismissing every fan who grew up with Spyro

Even when they got Death Threats they just looked the other way, which in my opinion is a bad idea, because such threats should be taken seriously....

While certain gaming company have done reboots or retools that have been met with controversy, at least they gave meaningful or understanding reasons why and took the other sides opinion into account.

But when a company basically says "buck you! your not our target demographic" that does not go away for a long time.

now you could argue that given Activison has other older fanboy games like Call of Duty, Destiny and Diablo and their reason for aiming Skylanders at kids is so they could have a younger audience and to be fair its makes logical sense to do that.

Be seeing as they basically used Spyro as a poster boy for only the first game and leave him piled under a growing pile of other characters that no one will care to memorize their silly name, I say the could have made this series WITHOUT Spyro in and still be successful.

Solution? give Spryo another reboot in his own video game while continuing to pump out new landers for that gimmick based toys to life game as everyone happy.

You listing Activison!?

Comment posted by Gundamdragon deleted Oct 13th, 2015

4776314 One Activision dose not own spyro any longer and they don't own skylanders given they only worked on two of 5 games (have all of them) second it's Toys for Bob that owns it and the dragon now as their name is on all the games. Lastly if you read the books spyro is the leader of the skylanders core and while technically is the second in command of all skylanders but acts as general leader as Treerex the leader of the giants the first skylanders and making him by default the leader of all leaves spyro to call the shots. Spyro is actually important and plays leading roles in the novels and comics. But in game play he is not one of the first choice skylanders most use undead skylanders or life skylanders or many others. I my self prefer to stay longer range but if need magic mix range fire ill go to Ninjinie or wreaking ball before spyro. Because overall spyro is not one of the best out there.

4776382 You have a good point about Spyro

5048703 but spyro is good for a pinch as he is one of my oldest and most buffed out skylanders

Might have a touch of maybe good news to this. an uncomfermed rumor is out that insomniac is getting there hands on spyro agen and are going to release a next gen game for our faverit dragon. keep those fingers crossed


insomniac is getting there hands on spyro

If they do, (Oh jeez, I fucking hope they do) they'd better have a good look a Dawn of the Dragon. Because that game... sensational. Gameplay was... not the best but a whole lot better than the previous two games in TLoS. Design was fantastic, you really felt Avalar was a whole world by itself. Characters were a tiny bit odd at times. Cynder had about 600 different moods in the space of 5 seconds and couldn't decide whether she was suicidal, genocidal, depressed, happy or in love. But other than that, the characters were charming and had lives of their own, they all have histories and stories to tell. The story was also fucking magnificent and the ending was definitely worth it. It was a perfect happy ending for pretty much everyone.

However I would be happy with another game like the originals, just pure fun and humour with gameplay at it's heart, as Insomniac do. But this is all just rumour. I'm not expecting anything much.


ya I know how you feel about Rumors, and the only reason I give this one any thot is because of an intervew with Tod Price (CEO of insomniac).


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