Spyro Stories 329 members · 52 stories
Comments ( 10 )
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I was surprised to finally see a dragons episode after so long. And i was even more surprised for not seeing any spyro reference there. But then i came up with the idea of war based fanfiction, where the dragons tries to take over Equestria and Spyro, Cynder and maybe Flame and Ember (from 'A Heroes Tail') support the ponies. I mean come on, they're in a war against dragons with dragons as their allies! *ahem* anyway, i didn't finished the history idea yet, but that's the main concept. So if anyone has some ideas, then share them ;)

one more thing, i'm not sure if i'm gona do the story, i just came up with the idea. The reason is that:

first: I'm from Argentina, and my english isn't that good
second: i've never writed a story before
third: I've been to busy with the college, there's lot's of things that i need to finish, like my seminary for next week

So if anyone wants to make the story with this idea, than go ahead and make a hell of a story!! :rainbowdetermined2:

5190165 Are Spyro and Cynder from the Legendary series?

5193388 they are, but it depends if you want something diferent from the legendary series

5195813 Na, I prefer the Legendary series.

5196375 then we're in the same page there

5196375 Me as well and... can I posted my idea in here too?

5209685 If you mean a new story idea then you may want to open a new thread so it can get attention, unless your idea correlates to the Spyro idea.

5210664 It's correlate with The Legend of Spyro, of course. And I tried on a thread once but no one seems to care.

How can I get a lot of attention?

5211773 I can't really say what the best way to get attention is cause I don't know but having a snazzy title and posting it on more than one group thread helps.

So I can post my idea if I wanted?

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