Spyro Stories 329 members · 52 stories
Comments ( 12 )
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Have you seen the new spyro trailer?

About 10 times now. Now, to make it 11.

I’m so excited for this!

Yes. Its just a redo of the original trilogy. To be honest, I was hoping for a movie.


according to an ad I got from GameStop, the game will come out on 9/21/18. plenty of time to save up for it.

You can all bet I'm excited. I even went as far as to redesign my version of Spyro in honor of it:

HE. IS. AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
is that new Verizon stays or not?


To be honest, I was hoping for a movie.

Yeah, like that one that they were going to give us before Activision decided to do Skylanders instead.

Yeap. Spyro deserves a movie. I hope this game reboot may inspire more of Spyro games, and not just him being a character in skylanders.

I guess a reboot is nice. Even though I'd like it if they made a new Spyro game that could hopefully redeem the franchise after that Skylanders crap.

Its too much of a gamble.

They tried to reboot early on with Heroes tail. Which was a complete bust
Then came the legend of Spyro (which I loved) but other people hated because it was a whole new story for spyro.
Then the fan base dwindled due to skylanders.
IT would have been too big of a gamble for a new game. (though if done well, could cause Spyro to have it's own series again.)

Perhaps there wasn't a movie. But Skylanders did bring us an entertaining Netflix series. But I do agree that Spyro does deserve a movie. And a Spyro movie, not a Skylanders movie (though I wouldn't be opposed to a Skylanders movie either).

I wouldn't call Skylanders "crap". The games are fun, and the Netflix series is entertaining. I just wouldn't call Skylanders a Spyro franchise. I consider Skylanders as it's own franchise that just includes Spyro and Cynder (and more recently, Crash and Neo Cortex).

Actually, A Hero's Tail did pretty well. It was Enter the Dragonfly that was a bust. And it was a reboot in the sense that it had new developers. Also, there was another game that came out before the Legend of Spyro trilogy. It's canonicity can be debated. But there was Shadow Legacy, the first Spyro game made by Sierra.
Then came the Legend trilogy, which Sierra intended to be an origin story for Spyro. But it became so different that it became its own thing. I do see why people were off put by The Legend of Spyro, because remember how different it felt. After years of putting the game off though, I finally played it and enjoyed it. TLoS is different enough that it has its own fanbase. But people tend to not like change.
Skylanders however is something different. It's not a reboot of Spyro, it's a spinoff. And it has about as much to do with the Spyro series as Torchwood has to do with Doctor Who. And that's a generous description, since the only connection Skylanders has to canon is in the description of the character and in the Netflix series.

Actually a Hero's Tail wasn't a reboot.

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