Power Rangers Crossover Group 296 members · 134 stories
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So apparently the Rainbow Passes serve many purposes. If something has a PassTouch system, the Rainbow Pass can be used like a credit card. Of course, you do have to work to pay off all of the money you spend. What's more, the Rainbow Passes can do everything a SmartPhone can do, from phone calls to GPS.

And just like on Kamen Rider Den-O, if you lose your pass, you can't ride the train. Luckily for Tokatti, he had Mio to help him out when he accidentally dropped his pass...on the train. And Wagon managed to find it for him.

And the first part of the Mecha Expansion Pack, the Shield Ressha, has made its debut.

A really funny part of the episode was when Right, Hikari, and Kagura were facing the Monster of the Week. The monster was firing a barrage of attacks at Right, and he kept telling himself that it didn't hurt. When the attack stopped, he told the monster that he'd hit himself with a few of those! And the monster actually was stupid enough to try doing that!:rainbowlaugh:

What else...oh yeah. We're going to get an official crossover with the Kamen Rider who shares the Super Hero Time Slot, Kamen Rider Gaim! The Ressha Sentai ToQger Vs. Kamen Rider Gaim Spring Vacation Combining Special!

3071201 It would be funny to actually see this series come to the US, but I can understand that what makes it so funny would probably get butchered. Perhaps though, like the Alien Rangers, they could be a seperate team that isn't the main team.

3073066 Yeah, Power Rangers has an annoying tendency to take the Self-Parody series and make their Power Rangers adaptations Darker and Edgier. I mean, the tone of Carranger and Go-Onger was so different from Turbo and RPM that it wasn't even funny.

3075086 RPM worked. Turbo didn't, though Turbo actually tried to make the comedy thing work.

3081227 Kamen Rider is a series where there's usually only a single main character who transforms into an armored warrior, sometimes with someone else gaining similar powers towards the middle to be a second Rider. They usually ride on bikes, hence the Rider, and Kamen is Japanese for mask. So basically, they're masked riders.

While their powers are usually different between generations, they usually use a move called the Rider Kick to finish off their enemies. As in, there was only one Kamen Rider show where they did NOT use Rider Kicks.

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