Power Rangers Crossover Group 296 members · 134 stories
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I notice alot of attention on the Power Rangers (well it is their show) but what about the real stars of the show? Bulk and Skull? Funny theme, interesting character development, the one thing to remain consistent for 4 seasons, the loveable bullies turned heroes, showing how comic relief should be handled, have the comedy but make them likeable and give them moments to shine, and boy did they get a moment to shine in Power Rangers in Space! Hopefully they can come across Snips and Snails and gives them a crash course on how to properly act the idiot and be likeable.

"Snaps and Snoils, or whatever you call yourselves, you are giving comic relief characters like us a bad name! Let Uncle Bulk and Skull show you how its done!"

"YEAH, we'll show you how its done!"

"I just said that numbskull!"

"Yeah you just said it."


3557941 Indeed. And Bulk was probably the best thing about Samuari, especially when he made that call back to Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.

The most glaring plot hole in Samurai (and forever red), Lost Galaxy had Bulk as part of the Terran colony on Miranoi so how in the world did he get back to Earth from Miranoi unless by Samurai travel between Earth and the Miranoi settlement became common place (ala the NASADA Space Port)

3582658 Maybe he and the Professor that made the journey with him aided in the construction of the second Astro Megaship, which then brought them back to earth.

That would explain how Andros was able to get in contact with Bulk and tell him to put Tommy on the phone.

That's a possibility, except that the Astro Megaship Mk. II was built in KO-35, Andross home planet. Though it's location in relation to Earth and Miranoi is a mistery.

You can argue that in the aftermath of In Space some form of alliance or trade between Earth and KO-35 was established, and the military siezed the remains of the Dark Fortress and the Power Chamber and have been reverse engineering the Rangers technology

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