Power Rangers Crossover Group 295 members · 133 stories
Comments ( 5 )
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When creating a story that combines elements from two different materials, there's a bit of trial and error when making the combination. Most of the times a story is "The cast of X meets with the cast of Y in the latter's world", as we've seen when "MMPR" met Masked Rider or the time the TMNT on "In Space", but what made those ideas work is the execution of it.

This kind of crossover is in the aproximate middle of what I like to call "The X-pectrum", that categorizes crossovers according to the originality of the idea. the extreme where the story is the most original would be "The Cast of X, in their world, is thrusted on a setting similar to Y". One idea for an example of this kind of crossover would be the girls from RWBY (look it up, it's really good) are in a version of Remnant where Digimons can manifest from the Digital World. More on topic examples would be, admitedly, my own story and Jarke's idea (which didn't seem to take off, sadly).

However, I can't stop to notice that the majority of the stories that cross-over Power Rangers with MLP are "Adaptational fics" or "In the world of X, with its characters and whatnot, develops a story close to be exactly the same as the story from Y" kind of fics. These, are the least original type of crossovers that could be made, and no level of execution can salvage their concept. Now, I don't know how good are the authors writing skills, they could be incredibly amazing or they could not be great at all, but the thing is: I would never know that because the premise of those stories don't appeal to me. From the title of the story or it's description, all I gather is that it is "Power Rangers season x, but with ponies"; the same plot as the tv show, now in written word and changing the human cast with a pony OC.

I, as a reader, won't be interested on reading any of those fics because 1) I already watched the actual show on tv and 2) It will only bend both sides of the crossover for convenience of the plot so much that neither would be recognesible.

But, that's just my opinion.

So let me hear yours.

3631049 Any crossover can work, if executed properly. It's all about the execution.

Comment posted by SuperPinkBrony12 deleted Sep 14th, 2014

3633362 Indeed. The key is understanding the universes you crossover, what's similar and what's different. What they try to do, where they come from, and what they accomplish.


I would like to invite you to read my Mystic Force crossover with MLP and TMNT 2012.

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