Power Rangers Crossover Group 296 members · 134 stories
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Six minutes into the first episode.

They appear to have completely abandoned the entire plot of Kyoryuger, which I find insulting after Saban PROVED they could adapt the source material more faithfully with Samurai.

Far too many things in the first six minutes of Dino Charge annoyed me, but the thing that ensured I would not even make it through one episode was when they replaced Torin:

With whatever the hell THIS is:

Eat a dick, Saban. We're through.


My universal philosophy is always "to each their own," but just the same, can't go with you on this one, dude. I found Samurai to be completely unwatchable in every aspect. Like, sub-Overdrive unwatchable.

A HUGE appeal of all the good Power Rangers seasons (save for Time Force; Timeranger's plot was that strong and that non-regionlocked that just adapting that made total sense) has always been seeing the brand new story that can be made with the same assets. It leads to some great Western-friendly ideas and humor, and in the end it's like getting two shows for the price of one. Samurai's adaptation wan't bad on a plot-translation level (pretty good, actually), but that's all the props I can give it.

I found DC's pilot to be rough around the edges but completely promising in a positive way. And the new/old showrunner has a proven track record--again, in a positive way. I didn't headdesk once like I have been for the last four years. :rainbowlaugh: Loved the villain changeup to pieces, too.

(maaaaaaaan keeper is dumb tho)

4078174 I will admit that in this instance, I'm less willing to give Dino Charge a chance than most, because Kyouryuuger is one of my five favorite Super Sentai (along with Dekaranger, Shinkenger, Gokaiger, and Magiranger). I already knew going in that all the BEST parts of Kyouryuuger would be going away. The whole prison ship and Keeper thing just...hit all the wrong buttons for me.


because Kyouryuuger is one of my five favorite Super Sentai (along with Dekaranger, Shinkenger, Gokaiger, and Magiranger).

I know that feel all too well. And that's just it. Kyoryuger is fantastic. But we've already watched it. It's over. Dat lightning can't strike twice.

If it helps, just think of the PR version as an AU of the sentai. Makes for great fanfic imagination fodder if nothing else. (I've wanted to pen a scenario where Lothor takes over as leader of the Jakanja since forever...) The beloved sentai is done; time for the remix. Much as I lked the season overall, I was actually really annoyed when SPD started leaning on/neutering Dekaranger plots after five episodes.

Also, hey, this's been one episode of an obviously serialized story. Some surface elements are gone (and some remain, like Red looking for his dad) but so far what we have (at least IMO) is a solid mix of snappy writing, a bad muppet, likable characters and horrific CG. Judd Lynn's never let the show down before; may as well see if he's got a plan here too, right?

(Kyoryuger, Dekaranger, Carranger, Gokaiger, Timeranger, btw. :pinkiehappy:)

And I will admit that Shinkenger is the only sentai I've never been able to bring myself to finish. We just don't agree with each other. So seeing it again with far worse acting was not my idea of a good time. ^^;

You lasted 'till Dino Charge? I couldn't get past Samurai, with their endless talking during battles and laughable acting, it got annoying pretty fast. One thing that specially bothered me was the Yellow Ranger practicing Kendo on a public area; What happened with the "secret identity"? Then again, Bulk was trying to teach Spike to be a samurai (not the Bulk and Spike from MLP, lol), but those two are reknowned knucke-heads.

As for "Super Mega Force" *quakes in rage*:

1) Adding "Super" before your previous title doesn't make it a new gen, Saban

2) You said that Saban was capable to remain faithful to the source material, but from when is Gokaiger an upgraded form of Goseiger? Also, do they ever adress the Pirate Motif?

Botton line: Saban sucks dick. It sucks dick so hard, that it sucks dick at sucking dick.


You lasted 'till Dino Charge? I couldn't get past Samurai, with their endless talking during battles and laughable acting, it got annoying pretty fast.

I agree with you there mate, it really wasn't that good. I tried watching both Samurai and Megaforce, I was soooo disappointed. ESPECIALLY with how Super Megaforce was compared to Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger. I watched a number of those episodes and Super Megaforce was just crap compared to it. While I did love Tommy Oliver coming back at the finale, it didn't save it for me.

I've honestly just given up on recent power ranger series, and I just stick to reruns of the old and great series. Like in space and lost galaxy.

I'll concede that replacing Torin with that thing is completely stupid when they could just have easily used a Torin suit for the Keeper character.
But judging the whole series based on the first six minutes seems kind of premature. You totally missed the rest of an awesome first episode. If it helps, think of it as its own thing.

Besides, would you really want Power Rangers to do nothing but totally neuter plots from the Sentai?

I'd recommend Dino Charge if you're a fan of the older series like In Space or Time Force. It's pretty good so far.

4078205 I didn't watch all of Samurai. I've only watched scattered episodes of it. I did appreciate that they TRIED, though.

Every sentai adaptation as Power Rangers, I give it a chance. The only one I've stuck through with to the end was Megaforce, and I got two episodes into Super Megaforce before I noped out.

I was willing to give Dino Charge a chance, but predictably, the first episode didn't work out for me.

I'm just...no longer a Power Rangers fan, and haven't been since Time Force. Time Force was the last Power Rangers series I cared enough to watch all the way through (well, no, I watched Dino Thunder and enjoyed it...)

I know it's possible to be both a Super Sentai fan AND a Power Rangers fan. But it's a lot harder to accept Power Rangers' horrible flaws when you've watched and loved the source material for a given season.

I actually enjoyed all of the Saban produced seasons through and through. I was a little hesitant about Disney's era because of my impressions on Ninja Storm (stock BGM, goofy acting villains, etc), but it was throughtly enjoyable most of the time.

Then RPM came.

My main complain about this is that, if all the Power Rangers seasons are in one single timeline, then how the hell did this post-apocalyptic future came to happen when there was either the Time Force Police Department or the Space Patrol Delta? Um... Continuity!
Also, I didn't like the Black Ranger of RPM. From what I get he is a robot, and he only has to attitudes: Angry and snarky.

Never finished watching the series, or a single episode for that matter.

When Saban took back the rights to Power Rangers... well... read my first comment.

All-in-all, Power Rangers was good from "Mighty Morphing" to "Jungle Fury" to me.

PD: I've havent seen anything Super Sentai other than than the Goseiger/Gokaiger crossover episode.


Since you never finished the series (I'd suggest doing giving it another shot, tho, it's quite an awesome story and character lineup* even if people ride that season way too hard; RPM is hardly perfect), I'll go ahead and spoiler the ending that all(?) traces of the big bad are wiped out and the show ends on a note of hope, the world looks like it's slowly getting better and starts growin' stuff again and being able to support life.

Thus if I recall, the most popular fan theory (which makes sense but has stayed theory only because... stubbornness?) is that RPM takes place in between SPD and Time Force, and that Corinth and the surrounding everything is the Wastes where Ransik found the Mut-Orgs in 3000(?) . Meanwhile SPD is 2025, so we have about 10 more years of present-day seasons before continuity implodes in on itself again :pinkiehappy:

...or you could go with Samurai/SFM's thing that says RPM is "in another dimension" which is the dumbest thing to ever dumb and which I do not acknowledge in the least :D

*even Dillon, though I think he and Summer are by far the least interesting members of it

4078162 So, basically, you noped out of Dino Charge simply for following Judd Lynn's usual style?

4079255 I noped out of it because the first six minutes annoyed the hell out of me.

4079320 Wow.

Still, I bet I know something you are looking forward to. The third generation of ninjas in Super Sentai.

4078764 I actually think that R.P.M taking place in an alternative universe makes sense, since R.P.M's setting is a post acypolitic world desimated by pollution. And even though it ends with Venjix defeated, it would take centuries to undo the damage caused by a machine army.

4078476 Part of wht made Samuari and Megaforce bomb so hard, is that they didn't try to have their own endings like they did in the earlier Saban seasons (though Turbo's ending was worse than its Super Sentai counterpart since it not only cost the Rangers their zords, but also their base and their powers). If Samurai had gone on for longer, and not crammed Lauren into the last few episodes, it could've turned out much better. And Megaforce's ending in both seasons was terrible, regular Megaforce ended on a cliffhanger, and Super Megaforce thought that bringing back veterans like Tommy could make up for its glaring plot holes.


centuries to undo the damage caused by a machine army.

Well, shoot, you get nine of 'em with the between-SPD-Time-Force thing.

RPM taking place in an AU technically isn't wrong. I just think it's lazy and insulting. :pinkiecrazy:

Umm... Reds dad is still missing...

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