Power Rangers Crossover Group 296 members · 134 stories
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Today, Nicktoons aired the first two eps.

I decided to give it another chance.

I'm pleased to admit my initial kneejerk reaction to this show was wrong. Very wrong.

I still don't like Keeper. But everything else...I think I can get used to, and even maybe get behind.

4085882 Well, they seem to be off to a good start. The morphers having a limited power supply is a nice change, it means the rangers really have to think about when and when not to morph.

4085897 The limited charge of the Zyudenchi is from the source material.

True, but it is cool that they kept it. It means no more 18 minutes of Sentai footage per episode.

I watch them. They were good.

4085882 Yeah! I knew if you would just give it another chance, you would at least be able to tolerate it!

4088173 Not yet, but what few clips I have seen do show some promise.

I mean, the transformation seems pretty damn faithful to the source material, with the dino heads chomping down on them, but they have managed to come up with some new footage using Gabutyra.

Keeper is a grown up version of Mogwai. I would have definitely preferred a Torin dude. Everything else about DC is great!

4086465 I agree with u my friend:twilightsmile:

Personally I think the series has potential. I didn't like Samurai because it was basically a dubbed Sentai with Western actors (though with Shikenger/Samurai there wasn't much option). Megaforce and Super Megaforce where really the only one's I had trouble with. Megaforce should have basically been a dubbed Sentai with no hints of the Gokaiger plot, while Super should have followed the Gokaiger plot but with more American Power Ranger focus, and the downplay of the Disney era as almost trival (the use of the costumes never used in the US were SoD breaking and younger audiences wouldn't know why they were important because they were never used).

I think the main problem, that Judd Lynn has so far avoided, was that Megaforce was a Sentai purist show, not a Power Rangers show. It leaned too heavily on Sentai footage and plot, and left out what made Power Rangers unique from its source material. Dino Charge is still young but it isn't trying to be Kyoryuger, it's trying to be Dino Charge and therefore it's own thing.

I will agree with MythrilMoth that Keeper is uninteresting, he's too much of a Jedi-like character to be an effective mentor, that and his name already defines his personality. Maybe if a different alien or someone more like Ninjor, Sentinal Knight, Zordon or someone of that effect was a mentor it would be better. Keeper does not seem like he would make Rangers, more of making Superheroes. I just hope they expand on his reasoning for making Rangers in the future.


The furry thing in Gremlins.

Since it's once again Dinosaur themed, I was hoping that they'd finally do a proper follow up to Mighty Morphin, where the sons and daughters of the original Rangers follow in their parents footsteps, especially a son or daughter of Tommy who have the added pressure of living up to and living down the legacy of the greatest Power Ranger of all time, and the greatest enemy the Rangers have ever known

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