Power Rangers Crossover Group 296 members · 134 stories
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So, Kenji Takigawa, Starninger, has made his debut.

It seems he met Yoshitaka Igasaki over in America a while back, and wanted to become the Last Ninja's student. But he was told he wouldn't be accepted unless he was able to surpass Yoshitaka's Nintality and defeat him.

Ten years later, after helping out with Youkai Ittan-Momen, he made his presence known by attacking Yoshitaka.

Now he has revealed his arsenal. They are:

The Star Sword-Gun, a guitar that can be converted into a sword or a gun.

The Furai Shuriken, which can be set to wind mode or lightning mode and used to empower the Star Sword-Gun.

The ability to create clones of himself en masse.

And the Rodeo Nin Shuriken, which is used to summon his Otomo Nin Rodeomaru and the Bison Buggy, which can combine to form BisonKing.

In his own words, even shinobi have party nights!

4341170 The "party nights" is his own take on the other Ninningers' "No hiding for us" that they use at the end of their battles.

And remember that Yoshitaka told him that he'd have to defeat him. That explains why he attacked Yoshitaka.

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