Power Rangers Crossover Group 296 members · 134 stories
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Okay, my good buddy Jarkes pointed out something about Dekaranger. The "Highest Court at the Edge of the Universe"? We never see any of their members, and no matter how minor the Alienizer's crime, if they're found guilty, they get Deleted. Quite literally the only way out is to not be guilty of the crime you're charged with, but instead being guilty of other crimes. This only happened twice.

However, let's review the Judgment Scanners from S.P.D. Those things are purely run by machines and computer systems, meaning it would be all too easy for a mechanical or programming failure to cause an innocent alien to be found guilty, or vice-versa. What's more, the capture cards are an And I Must Scream situation, much like the freezing process from Time Force.

I think S.P.D. is the one that didn't handle that situation very well. But I'd like to know what you guys think.

The cards have a release system supposedly because SPD has full prisons. Dekaranger just straight up kills (Deletes from existance) the criminals, even if the crime is minor. No, I do not believe that SPD is the worst, they have enough lee-way to make mistakes, nobody dies in theirs.

4634966 Xero Key is right plus the scanners in SPD actually can tell whether someone is guilty or not seeing how Boomer confessed to eating the cake and that bounty hunter wasn't arrested for the crime his hunt was guilty of. SO it's obvious in Dekaranger something needs to be fixed in the law system.

4636025 Really fixed when you think about it. If SPD followed Dekarangers rules then Z and Jack, in the first episode, would have been given the Death Sentence for petty theft! Honestly there is a lot of Fridge Horror in how Dekarangers work, and suggests that the High Court At The Edge of the Universe is a corrupt organization that normally would be the bad guys in a series and not leading the heroes... Well that would be interesting for a sequel series if they ever tried one wouldn't it?

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