Power Rangers Crossover Group 296 members · 134 stories
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Okay, we have some scans of the series. First let's start with the suits they'll be wearing.

I've gotta be honest, those suits...look kind of cheap. Still, there are some noteworthy things with the color choices, as we have never had a green and a white on the same team before in Super Sentai. And I'm pretty sure that except for Kakuranger female whites have always had some pink accents on their suits before now. And this is, without a doubt, the first time a female blue has had a suit based on a shark instead of a dolphin.

Next up is their mecha, which transform from cubes into their animal shapes. Kind of seems like a nod to Shinkenger. Here are the first three, in their cube and animal shapes.

And here's all of the Juoh Cubes in their animal forms, with a couple of future additions revealed.

And finally, Juoh King, their primary combination.

Like the suits, this seems kinda disappointing. I mean, it essentially resembles a Minecraft Engine-Oh.

Still, let's wait and see before we jump to conclusions.

4905586 The Megazord looks like a Minecraft version of the High Octane Megazord, except with the Blue and Yellow switchiing places.

4905589 And the High Octane Megazord was the name given to Engine-Oh when Go-Onger was adapted into Power Rangers RPM.

The White Alien Ranger (don't know their Sentai name) was pure White and female. The suits do look cheap, even more than the first Sentai team, but I can see an appeal to them. The Megasord however is ridiculous, blocks are one thing but you should not have your giant mecha look like a Minecraft project!

Who knows, maybe the fact that the zords resemble building blocks and fold out toys will be a plot point, like as a centerpoint of their abilities. Or perhaps their trying to draw in some new blood? I can see young kids liking these designs.

I have some things to say about this. The designs of the suits appear to harken back to the VERY early days of Sentai, which would make sense for the 40th anniversary season. Simple and usable.

Also, this is the first time that an elephant has been a main Zord.

Another thing, so far in all animal based Sentai (sans Gekiranger) Blue has had a shark. Why? Why not a dolphin? Sharks are imagined as cruel, violent creatures. So, why put such a scary animal in the head of a small Japanese child when they think of Juuoger?

Next, the fact that the Zord are cube based could mean that the auxiliary Zords are different shapes, like circles or triangles.

I'm not really expecting much from this series, as the blocks in the Mecha would signify targeting a much younger audience.

4906496 Um, your complaint about blues and sharks has one major hole in it.

In Liveman, one of the first animal-themed series, they gave their Blue a Dolphin instead. Heck, her Ranger designation WAS Blue Dolphin.





4905586 Yay a Geoffrey zord.

4907193 Eh, Hurricaneger's primary theme was ninjas, not animals.

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