Power Rangers Crossover Group 296 members · 134 stories
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I was reading the G.M. Berrow book "Lyra/Bon Bon and the agents of S.M.I.L.E." and happened upon the craziest few sentences. It starts with the acronym F.R.O.W.N. or the Friendship Ranger Organization of Worldwide Neighgotiations, which happens to be none other than the mane 6 themselves. It then details other aliases; Purple Rose, White Lily, Orange Poppy, Pink Petunia, Blue Begonia, and Yellow Daisy. A couple sentences later the quote "Collectively, we call them the Flower Rangers".

Apologize for the minimal book spoilers (if taken as spoilers) but this was worth posting about. Whattya ya'll think, is this the official iteration for pony super sentai or just a more likely to be accepted idea thrown out by a pony related author? What about the idea itself, the workings of a flower themed team, villains, story, zords, the mane six being the equivalent to "teenagers with attitude"?

5347493 Maybe, or maybe it's Equestria's equivalent of "Suicide Squad"?

5347493 From this description only, I can completely assest that "F.R.O.W.N." is NOT a version of Power Rangers in ANY way, shape or form.

I can't fathom why would you think that "[this is] the official iteration for pony super sentai" is correct in any way.

If your claim is supported only because they're called "Flower Rangers," I have to counter this by stating that this is just a pun, and using it for this claim is a logical fallacy.

Unless these "Flower Rangers" have anything else in common with SS/PR, they are nowhere closer to be "the official iteration for pony super sentai" than the Power Ponies (which are way more canon than "F.R.O.W.N.")


I'mma just stop you right there. There's a difference between a claim and questioning something, and it's quite evident that the idea of the similarities being a reference was under question, that's why it was brought up in a group of pr fans under discussion. Also there was a second part to the question pertaining to the "ok it's not a reference but it's still the start of an idea" side of the "is it a reference" question. Had I claimed the title would have been more excited, caps lock, exclamation points, etc, and the original post would have been more "OMG I found a power rangers ref in the new book there's no denying", rather than the "hey I saw this in the new book, sounds like rangers but what does everyone think", style I'd used.

Also not really much need for getting bitey, no series names were tarnished and no c and d's were issued. It was just a harmless question concerning some sentences in a book and their meanings/implacations.

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