Power Rangers Crossover Group 296 members · 134 stories
Comments ( 14 )
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So I'm currently writing a PRiS fanfic but I have no idea where I put it. Do I put in 1st Saban era or 2nd? Or do I put it in 'other'? Little help please would be appreciated, I'm still new to this. :twilightblush:

2082307 PRS? If you mean Power Rangers Samurai, Second Saban Era.

2082316 Nah nah nah, Power Rangers in Space

2082307 It's in first Saban Era. The first Saban Era runs from the start of Mighty Morphin to about midway through Wild Force. The second Saban Era begins with Samurai.

2082368 Cheers mate, did not know that. Thanks for the help, hope you guys will like what I produce. :pinkiesmile:

2082389 The first Saban era can be divided into two eras. The Zordon Era (Mighty Morphin thru In Space with a few loose ends wrapped up in Lost Galaxy) and the Post Zordon Era (Lightspeed Rescue through Wildforce).

The Disney Era begins midway through Wild Force and lasts through R.P.M.

The second Saban era begins with Samurai and is currently ongoing.

2082436 yeah with Samurai, Megaforce and all that jazz. I personally like the Zordon era best, they were my favourites growing up.

2082493 Yup. Plus it was more creative when the costumes changed but not the entire cast. It added more depth and allowed for rangers that hadn't been given much spotlight before a chance to shine.

2082540 True that. Also, looking back on it now that I'm older, I watch the very first series and I'm facepalming at every bad joke they made and I just keep thinking to myself 'dear god, I actually liked this'. :rainbowlaugh:

Aegis Steelshield
Group Admin


Thank you for helping in my absence.

2084121 It would depend on how far into the series the crossover takes place. I believe the series changed hands shortly after Cole unlocked the battlizer. By the time of Forever Red Power Rangers was in the hands of Disney.

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