Power Rangers Crossover Group 296 members · 134 stories
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Since this is the Power Rangers Crossover group, I think a good question to ask is "Which Ranger team would be the easiest to crossover with MLP?" I've seen several stories that have members of the Mane Six and other ponies becoming rangers, but not that many that have the rangers from the shows ending up in Equestria or the ponies ending up in one the various PR locations. I personally think the easiest team to have show up in Equestria would be either the In Space or Lost Galaxy teams, though the original MMPRs could theoretically teleport there. If the ponies ending up on the PR Earth, I think it would be best to have them show up in Root Core from Mystic Force. It could lead to some very interesting conversations, at bare least. What do you think?

2683564 Definitely In Space or Lost Galaxy would be able to crossover with MLP. Not to show off or anything but I have my own crossover with In Space in development. Oh, what about Gokaiger? They're space pirates after all.

2683564 I would have to say you're right about In Space/Lost Galaxy. Since these are ranger teams that are so use to visiting other worlds they would find Equestria to be a welcome change, albeit they would still be homesick. The Mystic Force team would likely not question the logic too much, with the exception of how unicorn/alicorn magic works.

2683564 My MLP/PR story did, I had the Mane Six go to the Power Rangers dimension for five chapters then bought them home. I'm still working on the link but the Story call Element Pony Rangers.

Aegis Steelshield
Group Admin

Anything was has space/time travel. Even the originals traveled to another planet once or twice.

2683672 On the MLP side, it would be interesting to see Twilight's reaction to finding a species with a much different way of accessing and using magic if she met the Mystic Force rangers, as well as Spike grumbling that it's unfair that Fire Heart is so much younger than him, but still much taller.

2683792 True, but only a few teams really made that a constant habit. By that logic I think the S.P.D. team might not bat too much of an eye at visitng Equestria. The idea for the crossover could even be that they end up in the land pursuing a criminal, who meets up with a villan like Sombra and plots to take over. The criminal could be anything.

I would have to say Wild Force. I'm working on a Wild Force fiction that includes the Animarium.

Aegis Steelshield
Group Admin

That is a good idea. It might also have to do with the Millennial Message.

Well, I'm a little biased on that topic, but the idea of making any PR team meet with the MLP cast just doen't work for me. According to some people, when you do a crossover there are two ways to do it, one works perfectly and the other doesn't.

If you have Power Rangers and another Action-Centered show, then you can make the casts of both shows to meet. Take for example the episodes of the Zordon-Era where the Rangers met the Masked Raider and the TMNT. Granted, all three were produced by Saban at the time, but nobody labeled those episodes as horrible, because they weren't exactly unlikely to happen. If you take the same premise when crossing PR with MLP, the idea becomes too farfetched.

Now, for my own story, I'm stating that the MLP cast now can morph into Power Rangers themselves, without making so much contact with the rest of the PR-verse. I choose to make my crossover that way because that's more likely to happen rather than one of the cast just appearing in the other's universe, even if it is justified with space traveling.

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