Power Rangers Crossover Group 296 members · 134 stories
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Since we've asked questions about what are your favourite costumes, what you consider the best power-ups and what's your favourite season, I figured I'd ask what do you consider the best and worst Megazords and Zords and why. I'd say my favourite Megazord/Zord would be the Titan Megazord from Mystic Force.

I just love the design, it looks almost regal and has wizard look as well. It's one of the few Megazord that can fly, the individual Zords look cool and are easily able to fight on their own, and to top it all off, the Zords have a combination that turns them into a giant mounted dragon!

That's awesome. As for least favourite, my vote is for the Galaxy Megazord from Lost Galaxy.
It seems really boxy to me and it may just be me, but I find the design of the Megazord looks like it belongs to a much older Sentai series. Also, I find it pretty sad that the Galactabeast that make up this thing look worse and cheaper than a lot of the monsters of the week.
So, what are your favourite and least favourite Zords and Megazords?

Favourite lightspeed megazord
Least favourite
The a squad zord they had when they returned

fav megazord: In my opionion, you cant beat the original

least fav

This one just looks really stupid

2862130 they still used the word zord so it still counts

2862087 Favorite:

Least favorite:

Favorite: Delta Command Megazord

I love its strong threatening, yet strangely kind and iconic look, along with all of its gimmick's.

Least favorite: Dual Drive Megazord

It feels garish, looks stubby, and worst of all look's strangely weak. Which is a big no for Megazord designs in my opinion.

Hoo boy, where to begin.

Favorites: Daizyujin (AKA the "original" Megazord (it wasn't)), OhrangerRobo (aka Zeo Megazord), OhBlocker (aka Super Zeo Megazord), DekarangerRobo, Shinken-Oh (pretty much EVERY form it had), Go-Buster Ace

Least favorites: King Pyramider, ToQ-Oh (at least from the promo art; I'll need to see it in action before I make any real judgements but DAMN is it ever fucking ugly).

2862087 Favourite Zordon Era Megazord: Astro Delta Megazord. It was more creative and original to have two megazords that doubled as command bases. And combining the two together was a nice touch, especially since it had it's own theme music for a while, called "Best of The Best of The Best". I really wish In Space had been able to script a different ending so that Astro Delta could've been spared. I mean really, had the rangers not sent Delta Megazord on it's own they wouldn't have lost it.

Favourite Post Zordon Era Megazord: Super Train Megazord. There's just something so inspiraring about a megazord made out of train cars that also hold vehicles, and space ships. Plus the thing was massive, and had a ton of fire power. It was also one of the few megazords that had teething troubles, and was one of the few that the bad guys quickly learned not to underestimate.

Favourite Disney Era Megazord: Dino Stegazord. It's pretty much a rule that the sixith (or fifth) ranger gets the coolest Megazord, this is no exception. I especially love how it easily kicked the rangers butts every time it showed up, and still remained powerful to the end, even after the redemption. It also had a great "Oh Crap!" introduction. As Tommy Oliver put it "Uh oh! Not good!". Especially because he realized that his mistake had just screwed his teammates big time. Well played Evil Trent, well played. The rangers never saw it coming.

Favourite Second Saban Era Megazord: The newst megazord. It was so cool. The helmet adjustment was great. And I loved how the bad guys ultimately ended up inadvertly using its weapons against each other. That was a great "Oops! Accidental friendly fire." moment.

Least Favourite Zordon Era Megazord: Thunder Ultrazord. It doesn't really feel like an Ultrazord. It doesn't combine all the zords, it just stores them.

Least Favourite Post Zordon Era Megazord: Lifeforce Megazord. No matter how you slice it its introduction was total b.s. How could two super demons defeat three megazords and yet not be able to defeat a forth. Especially since this was a cheap palet swap of the Lightspeed Solarzord, without the cool introduction. And for the record, why would anyone think it was a good idea to make a megazord that relied on the rangers lifeforce to be powered?

Least Favourite Disney Era Megazord: Jungle Pride Megazord. It looked so stupid when it didn't have any attachments, and the finisher was stupid as well. At least with Wolf Pride it got a spin blade leg.

Least Favourite Second Saban Era: Goesi Jet Megazord. It a palet swap of the Gosei Great megazord that only saw action once, as a dues ex machina megazord. Seriously, that was the pincile of laziness. At least the Lifeforce Megazord had a new function to it.

2862087 For my favorites, it's a toss-up between Magiranger/Mystic Force and Kyoryuger.

For my least favorite, it would have to be the Buster Machines from Go-Busters, simply because of how complicated the combinations were. I mean, for such a small number of Zords, the combination for Go-BusterOh was excessively complicated. And then there was Great Go-Buster, which could only be formed in the hanger.

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