Power Rangers Crossover Group 296 members · 134 stories
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Super Megaforce finally began airing last week. Anypony want to share their opinions on it?

2928456 It's good. The Megaforce cast is improving in terms of acting, but it's more the ability to transform into past ranger incarnations that's making this a good season. It feels like a true anniversary series. Albiet, one that has come a year too late, though you could argue that MMPR didn't really come into its own until 1994 when it starting introducing the concept of new zords, new powers, and new rangers.

Aegis Steelshield
Group Admin

I saw the first episode, and kinda wished they would of lept right into the Mega War.

2928655 Yeah, same here.

Aegis Steelshield
Group Admin

I also wish they hadn't kept the same team, because I had hoped to see at least two teams fighting along side each other.

2928705 That would have been nice.

Aegis Steelshield
Group Admin

Yeah. I'm kinda on the fence about Dairanger being there as well. The only thing said is "These powers have never been seen on Earth!" Which makes me think it was a poorly handled excuse to use more Sentai footage.

2928823 perhaps but it could also be taken as the mighty morphin & wild west ranger's predecessors powers being used once again for the first time on Earth itself fully. Remember Rita was beaten by a previous team before Zordon was put in the hyperbolic time chamber 10,000 years before the start of MMPR. The Dairangers could possibly be those ancient ranger powers canonically. It would explain a lot as they weren't on Earth fighting Rita but a different planet. It's possible Zordon tried to bring them back but only Kibaranger's was fully available while the others weren't til now.

2929276 Ah yes I've heard about that rumor. quite interesting.

Well you can always check youtube for them or wait another day. I haven't watched them yet but have them recorded on a DVR.

2928456 I saw the first Episode but miss the second, however, it was pretty good, I even saw the Super Sentai version.

Aegis Steelshield
Group Admin

Try Nick's website. That's where I saw the first episode.

I heard that theory as well, but I still don't think it was well executed. I personally hope that's the route they take. After all...

The first White Ranger was from Dairanger.

2930318 indeed. And it'd make sense if that was an ancient ranger power that was the only one fully usable at the time while the others were inaccessible at the time.

btw guys anyone see this ranger video yet?

White Ranger Tiger Power indeed. Tap out Scorpy, Tap out. XD

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