Power Rangers Crossover Group 296 members · 134 stories
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This forum was inspired by Jarkes' previous Forum. It was just too cool to not doing it.

In my story, after the events of S2 finale (and In Space finale :trollestia:), every sentient being (any animal that has been given focus through a whole chapter) is Changed into humans and Equestria is now at constant danger. It's up to Applejack, Rainbow, Rarity, Pinkie and Fluttershy to protect 'New Ponyville' from this danger as the Power Rangers: Guardians of Harmony (Click this link for more details about the story).

Here's the description of the morphing sequence:

Call: It's Morphing time! (so much nostalgia XD)
After the call, they are all transported to a [color] 'speed fall'. The cutiemark on the right arm of each girl emits a wisp of [color] light that goes to their right hand palm and turn into a [color] crystal orb. Then they place it on their Harmonizer (note: the way each of them place the orb on the Harmonizer is unique for each of the girls) and adopt a generic position, while still falling. They go through a magic ring, which changes their clothes into the suits as they land. Finally, many specs of light gather around their heads as they turn into the helmets. When the morph is complete, they each appear on a different background, do the obligatory cool pose and call their titles.

These are the differences between each of the morphs. They are presented in this order: the way each places the orb on their Harmonizer/ The background they appear on/ the obligatory cool pose/ Roll Call:

:yay: She extents both arms to the sides and brings them together near her chest to place the orb/ She appears on a quite meadow, where the wind is rustle the surrounding trees/ Hands crossed over her chest before extending her left arm upward and the right elbow pointing to the side, both hands extended and feet close together/ Gentle as the Wind. Pink Harmony Ranger!
:pinkiehappy: She throws a punch forward before opening her hand and the orb appearing on her palm, then she raises her right arm and slams the crystal on the Harmonizer/ She appears in the middle of a grey a rocky canyon, some pebbles are seen rolling down the cliffs/ She jups once in place, before pointing her left fist forward and the other one near her whith her right elbow to the side, while keeping a wide stance/ Unmovable as a Mountain. Green Harmony Ranger!
:raritystarry: She raises her hand upwards wher the orb appears, then she brings her arm to the right at the same time she brings her Harmonizer near her left shoulder before placing the orb/ She appears on an icy thundra, with a small mountain ranging through the horizon and a mist of snow dust circling her feet/ Right hand opened near the left side of her face, before doing a diagonal downward chop, remaining in that position afterward, left hand on her hip and legs crossed in a narrow stance/ Pure as a Diamond. Blue Harmony Ranger!
:rainbowdetermined2: With her arm resting to her side, she snaps her fingers and grabs the orb when it appears, then she quickly throws her hand upward while releasing the crystal in front of her, where it hovers a few seconds before she catches it with the Harmonizer (she had to have the coolest, didn't she =3=)/ She appears in the middle of the sky, where a few stormclouds start to gather/ Gives a quick three punches before doing a small uppercut with her left, keeping that position while leaning backwards to her left in a wide stance/ Fast as a Lightning. Yellow Harmony Ranger!
:ajsmug: She takes a fighting stance and charges a punch, inside of which she clenches her orb, then she brings her Harmonizer to the front and throws the punch forward before dropping the crystal in place/ She appears in a desserted plain, where the sun is setting over the horizon/ She gives a quick kick combo with her right leg, before adopting a fighting stance, both fist raised to the height of her chest and right leg the frontmost while in a wide stance/ Strong as a Fire. Red Harmony Ranger!

AJ: Protectors of the Balance. Power Rangers...
All: Guardians of Harmony!


Discord: Comparing a whole millenium of imprisonment to just a few months, his chaotic powers haven't completely recovered, so he can't go back to his crazy antics... yet! He can use what use what little magic he has to turn any Changeling troop into a Chaosling to cause havoc and slowly restore his powers, and when the situation demands it (not as if he likes being demanded or given 'orders'), he can hold himself in a fight pretty well.

Chrysalis: She is the actual brain of the pairing, often seeing things in a more logical and collected way, which sometimes clashes with Discord's cryptic and happy-go-lucky demeanor. She's, naturally, the Queen of the Changelings, and they are completely under her command and the survival of her species is the most that matters to her, though she'd be more than happy to dispose of anyone who she deems incompetent.

Lord Noctus: That's the name he goes by, though he makes it very that he won't share his identity with any of his subordinates. He's a being of darkness, even light avoids to touch him, and has been shown to be cold and ruthless. He can revive defeated Chaoslings and make them grow to gigantic size (that's bigger than an Ursa Major).

Chaoslings: Changeling troops transformed in horrid creatures, that draw the power and strenght of a vessel, living or innanimate, sent to cause havoc in New Ponyville to restore Discord's Chaos Powers. Chaoslings can also manipulate any sort of emotion, very well gathering it for consumption or... other applications. Ussually, the vessel used to create the Chaosling would disappear, only for it to return to it's original place and state.

Changelings: What can I say? Humanoid insects, not very smart, blah blah blah... Though they can't change anymore and are able to shoot green beams.

(I'll be updating this thread as things come up in the main story, so keep an eye on it. May the Power protect you.)


does this mean that your writing your story again?

Gezz what with everyone making their own morphing cry and morph scenes? Me and agent_cupcakes use the MMPR morph and cry for our pony rangers team and where Twilight?

2936230 If you had read his story, you would know that because of Princess Celestia's death, Twilight's spirit was left in a rather traumatized state, making her unable to become a Ranger until her spirit has recovered.

2937172 Well, I'll have a look to see what happen.

Thanks, but it isn't anything that people that read episode 1 (part 3) havent 'seen' before, really :twilightsheepish:. And sorry, but I still haven't gotten around the new ep. yet :pinkiesad2:. I know what's going to happen, I just gotta deal with RL first before typing it down, so don't worry :raritywink:.

I just though it would be fun to add my sequence as well, start a trend or something; and the reason for describing the morphs and all that stuff, at least in my opinion, is to make a story as oringinal (in its own sense) as possible, while still keeping elements related to the PR franchise.

And about Twilight, she's there, right at the end of the thread...

JK (XD). It's what 2937172 said. But yeah, give it a look if you want.

2937362 What I mean for Twilight is where her morphing scene? And I already read it. I can understand Twilight needs to recover before a sixth ranger is revile, but it best to plan ahead right?

Oh, I know. I just don't want to reveal it yet... as well as other thigs :raritywink:

Comment posted by Hidden Scorpius XI deleted Mar 4th, 2014

2936114 2936230 2937172
Whats up guys? I updated the villains description, if you're interested.

2996229 I saw it, I even read your story and still waiting for the next chapter. Has any one check out my new chapter for the Element Pony Rangers?

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