Sunset Shimmer 4,951 members · 6,848 stories
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(I originally posted this thread under "Sunset Shimmer's Element", but I thought it would be more fitting to place it here instead.)

So I was wondering how many members actually wrote a story that involves/features Sunset Shimmer's family. If so, what's your interpretation of them? I thought I'd start with mine: This is the Daystar Family, as depicted in my stories Sunset Eclipsed and its sequel Sunset Rekindled.

Golden Sun: Unicorn stallion from Vanhoover, retired professor of the University of Baltimare, and father of Sunset Shimmer.

Scarlet Blaze: Unicorn mare of Saddle Arabian descent from Baltimare, disavowed priestess, daughter of Royal Guard officer Crimson Blade, and mother of Sunset Shimmer.

Radiant Dawn: Unicorn stallion of Saddle Arabian descent, former royal guard trainee, and older brother of Sunset Shimmer.

You can also find more detailed profiles of all three characters here:

I also have voice actors in mind for each of them, information of which you can find on their profiles.

But of course, you're also free to post your own interpretations of Sunset's family in your replies, so don't let the contents of my own post daunt you at all.

So you drew these?

4049652 Yes. So, would anyone else like to share their thoughts on this subject? Anyone else?

While I haven't written anything on it I have worked out Sunset's family. Her father was a unicorn farrier/blacksmith from the Free State of Cannover, a former subject of the former Holy Equestriani Empire. He married the armorer of the Royal Guard, "Shining Dawn" in Canterlot. Shining Dawn is an alias used by Celestia, and her husband was assassinated around the time Sunset was 12.

4049775 Hey dawg, no need to be snippy. It was a genuine question.

Well, so far literally nothing is known about her family, except that she wasn't that close with them (linky). Anything else is fan-made until Hasbro says otherwise, which, given both that this is Sunset we're talking about, and the show tends to have little to no focus on the characters' families (exception being Applejack), it's hard to say if Sunset's past will be explored that much at all.

4050082 And who said I was being snippy?

4050262 See? There you go again! You're like that bitch I saw at the veterinarian's office :trollestia: And yes, I was trying to get to that punchline

4050173 Uh...yeah. I think that's pretty clear by this point. But still, that doesn't mean we can devise our own interpretations of what Sunset's family might be like. Heck, some fan's interpretation might even become canon if enough of the people involved with the canon series like/approve of it.

I mean look at the fan-made "Forgotten Empires" expansion of Age of Empires II, which became canon with the HD re-release of the game.

In fact, I showed that picture above of Scarlet Blaze along with a profile of her to Ellen Kennedy (who voices the Mane-iac and Chimera in FiM, and also happens to be the voice actress I had in mind for Scarlet) and Rebecca Shoichet (who, as I'm sure you're all aware, is Sunset Shimmer's voice actress in the show/movies), and they both liked the character. Sure, they're both voice actresses and aren't responsible for what actually appears in the show, but you never know, right?

4050317 Relax, I'm not trying to be aggressive or rude. You're just blowing things out of proportion. But if all you're going to do is make irrational accusations, I'd suggest that you stop now before you derail this thread. If you are willing to stay on topic, then by all means, stick around.

4050355 Dude, you're making me laugh. Look at my profile picture. The whole reason I said all that shit was because I was trying to tell a joke, which obviously failed :applejackunsure:

If you want to know my true, one hundred percent answer for your question, it's this; I don't give a flying rats' ass. I find Sunset Shimmer to be a wonderful and bad-ass character in her own right. Her parents don't particularly interest me, especially who they are specifically, and I find no reason to care about them unless they have a specific role in the context of a story. But if you wanna make a headcannon theory about them, then it's chill. You get what what I'm saying?

I had this theory a while ago where Sunset is the love child of Discord and Celestia and, having been estranged from the mother for so long (and not wanting anything to do with the father), lived with foster parents for some time in Canterlot before getting into Hogwarts. :derpytongue2: In the EG verse, she lives by herself for awhile but is eventually taken in by the MLP verse equivalent of... Ron Swanson. :moustache:
IDK, I thought he'd be a good father figure. (Shrugs)

4050380 Thank you. Was it really that hard to post?

4050397 First, Discord was turned to stone a thousand years ago, so how would that theory even work? Because Sunset Shimmer sure ain't a thousand years old. Second, who the hell's Ron Swanson? Third, even if you were joking, it's called "Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns", not Hogwarts. Hell, if Hogwarts existed in MLP, I think most of the problems with EQG would already be solved.

4050406 Dude, it was a joke. Lighten up. Here, have a Pinkie :pinkiehappy:

Short answer: Basically it happened 1000 years ago, and Sunset was frozen in ice for some centuries during an attempt to try and get away from the guy. She was eventually found...

As for Ron Swanson, He's this guy.

I usually pay no heed to IDW's own headcanon regarding MLP-verse, but in this case they think similarly to what most fans think: Sunset is simply not very close to her parents.

(1) The most formative part of her backstory is her time with Celestia, and its consequences.
(2) Her malign personality prior to reformation gives circumstantial evidence to either an unhappy upbringing, or lack of parental guidance.

We know Celestia takes her prized students quite young. Twilight was recruited as a filly who just received her CM. She retained close family ties because her family lives in Canterlot and her brother eventually started working at the castle. Same may not be true for Sunset.

Celestia making sure Twilight retained all of her family ties may even be a lesson she learned from her mistakes with Sunset.


Then try making a joke that's (A) relevant, and (B) funny, or you're just wasting our time. If you want to just make random dog jokes, then go to the Pound Puppies fandom.

4050442 Which just makes it seem unfair that Sunset should stay separated from her real family when Twilight can go visit/send messages to her own at pretty much any time.

4050463 Okay, now you're getting snippy :rainbowlaugh: oh, and don't worry, I'll see myself outta this thread :P

4050479 And now you're just derailing the thread. If you don't have anything else to say that's relevant to the topic, please stop replying.

4050425 There is no indication anything that long-winded and complicated happened, or it would've been at least hinted at. You're just like this one guy on deviantART who had this theory that King Sombra killed Sunset Shimmer's parents. I mean I don't mean to be rude, but how random can you people possibly get? It makes the "Kids are in purgatory" theory for Ed Edd n Eddy look plausible by comparison.

Look, if you people aren't going to take this seriously, I'd might as well have not started this thread at all.

4050425 Hey look, a guy with a sense of humor! Insta-follow!

I'M A GIRL! :flutterrage:
Huh. Settled my personal gender issues quickly. Thanks! :pinkiehappy:

4050533 And thank you! You'll have to forgive me, I've just grown accustomed to neckbeards around here so..... oh don't give me that look :derpytongue2:


I'm serious! Quit posting comments irrelevant to the topic, or I'm indiscriminately reporting you both. If you have nothing else to add to the discussion, then you have no reason to continue posting comments here.

4050580 Ok, you're going to report us just because of small talk and a couple jokes? We haven't insulted or harassed you or anyone else in this thread and you still wanna report us? Fine, be that way dawg. I'm outta here.

4050345 Oh, I know we can make up our own. In fact, I'm planning to do so myself, at some point. I just wish to know the canon as well.

I've honestly operated under the theory that Sunset Shimmer lost her parents fairly young - old enough to know them, but young enough that she was still quite young when they passed - and that she wasn't particularly close with her remaining family.

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