Sunset Shimmer 4,951 members · 6,843 stories
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Familiars, powerful beasts or animals, sometimes demons, that attend a witch, wizard or mage. Celestia has a phoenix, Twilight a dragon (sorry spike)/and or an owl and Luna has some giant star bears (head canon ho!) But what about dear Sunset? What kind of badass animal or demon do YOU think the best unicorn should have? A phoenix like Celestia? Her demon half seeking reformation? Something not seen in the show? What?!

Personally I think a Nundu would work great with her, but I want to hear what you guys think.

4317871 One idea I heard recently (probably in this group) was that Philomena originally belonged to Sunset Shimmer. Sunset hatched her in her entrance exam to Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns, as Twilight later did with Spike, and kept Philomena as a pet/companion. When she jumped dimension she didn't have an opportunity to take Philomena with her. Celestia decided to look after Philomena until the time Sunset eventually returned home.

Philomena as a phoenix, certainly suits Sunset's personality and her flamy visual design to a tee. And Sunset's phoenix transformation in My Past is not Today cements the headcanon in place quite nicely.

4317871 Technically, in the comics Luna gets a pet Opossum named Tiberius.

As for Sunset... I think a good familiar for her would be the kind where it's a soul or spirit of some sorts trapped in a mundane vessel, like Bob the Skull from The Dresden Files. Something smart, snarky, and good for bouncing ideas off of, but can't really help in ways that are physical.

Bonus tragedy points if it's like, her dead little sister or something. :rainbowlaugh:


4317894 I don't read the comics. But I see what your saying, and I love those snarky characters that are useless in most situations. I just said Nundu because, well, its a giant freaking cat (leopards are cats) that can destroy villages with a breath and takes a hundred wizards to detain. Seems over kill, but Spikes gonna turn into a giant monster someday, Philomena is immortal and Luna has . . . a opossum. Plus as a cat it wont do much that you tell it to. Plus, I love the Nundu and Sunset, so I'm more than a little biased. ?Maybe a rubber duck possessed by her baby sitter that died when she slipted and ended up drowing in the tub

4317890 That is brilliant and amazing.

4317871 I never realy gave any thought to that but I would say a phoenix, mabey one of Philomena's offspring. And as for Luna, I believe she has a pet anteater named Noodle.

4317890 There is actual a tumblr comic where Sunset goes to Ponyville and Philomena is her pet. I can find it for you if you want.


4317936 So another person saying phoenix

As I said, it's not an idea I came up with myself, but it's one I like a lot, and plan on making reference to in a future SunLight story. What I like about it is that it shows that Celestia has always considered Sunset to be redeemable, and hoped that she'd one day return. And that she's always had a little reminder of Sunset Shimmer with her. When Sunset was her student, I imagine she took a rather nurturing role, as she did with Twilight. Once she left, she would have transferred her nurturing towards Philomena.

If you can find the comic easily, then yes, I'd like to read it. But if it'd be a lot of searching around, don't trouble yourself. I probably won't have time to read it any time soon anyway.


4317894 Wait! I changed my mind! Sunset definitely needs a snarky Cheshire Cat side kick that makes witty remarks and ditches her in a pinch


I've been in love with the idea of her someday having a ferret. But that's mostly because I like ferrets, and it fits well into the pet dynamic already established with the Mane Six.

4317871 Acording to the comics, Luna has Tiberius, who is awesome. Seriously, top quality opossum.

As for pet, I'm not going for phoenix like everyone else seems to be doing. Nor am I going Harry Potter (I mean really? Mixing the universes like that?). Instead I would give her a chinchilla. Becuase they are super adorable and are actually surprisingly low matinance.


4318470 Okay, I know what your thinking, and no, I was not really wanting a Harry Potter Equestria girls crossover. I had just finished reading the book of monsters and had Nundu stuck on my brain since it is such a badass animal, and I love cats. And I changed my idea to a cheshire cat. I GOT CATS ON THE BRAIN!


Anything having to do with any kind of kitsune and fire. In my mind Sunset matches up perfectly with that type.

It obviously doesn't have to be Kyuubimon, but I did always like her :twilightsmile:

(also, her yin-yang symbol kinda reminds me of Sunny's cutie mark)

Here, have this.

Queen Alexandra's Birdwing. World's largest butterfly. There you go, FimFiction's best unicorn.


4318898 That's more Fluttershy
4318798 I want her. As a pet.

4317932 Rubber duck? You mean like this?

4317936 Nope. Luna has an opossum named Tiberius.

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