Sunset Shimmer 4,951 members · 6,843 stories
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This is something I've been wondering for a long time. Even before Rainbow Rocks, there were 1001 Sunset redemption stories here on fimfiction (including mine), and several of them involve Sunset reconciling not just with the other students, but with Celestia as well.

Of course, that makes sense. The Princess was the first one she wronged when she turned evil, and to make her redemption complete, Sunset would have to involve her Momjesty at some point.

If done correctly, it could have as much emotional impact as Sisterhooves Social or Sleepless in Ponyville.

So my question is this: how would you imagine the great reunion between student and teacher?

4483373 I've written this exact scene in at least three stories by now...

Yeah, my partners in writing did a great job of addressing this in Seven Days in Sunny June, Book II. I would say look at that or 4483408's works and get a feel for that.


So my question is this: how would you imagine the great reunion between student and teacher?

Sunset would be very, very nervous and feel quite guilty for all the trouble she caused.

Celestia would just hug her and be like: "I missed you so much!"

This would be followed by lots of adorable crying from Sunset.

Then Pinkie throws a party.

Awkward as hell, with a lot of tip-toeing and self-recriminations.

I do have a reunion scenario thought out, going with the idea that after Sunset tasted the Rainbow she fell over 20' to the ground and was hospitalized. Not being human the hospital can't give her a blood transfusion, and even by Equestria's standards she has a rare blood type. You can see where I'm going with this. If I wrote it it will probably be one of the angstyiest things I've done.

4483464 So like Zuko and Iroh basically?

I'm gonna guess something like this:

And all the feels that come with it. :pinkiesad2:


Yes, exactly like that. Word for word.

4483373 Wrote it. Wouldn't happen in canon, but I wrote it.

There would be hugs involved, if it happened in canon. And Celestia would definitely say that she was so very proud of Sunset, because you never stop being proud of your kids, actual or not.


So how would you imagine the great reunion between student and teacher?

Extremely understated. Never give the readers what they want! :twistnerd:

Realistically, it'd be like Zuko and Iroh's reunion.

I don't think I would write it that way though, at least not initially. Too obvious.

4483920 Well I don't want it, so that's fine.

If IDW Studio actually did it... yeah it'd probably be exactly like how Zuko-Iroh went down.
But realistically... It would probably be less than that. Sunset's not as sappy as most ponies. And also it's just been too many years and she's changed a lot. I think she can eventually have a sappy scene with Celestia, but it's not going to be like *Walk into throne room -> Turn on the tears -> Hugs*. It'll take a bit of time and mending.

So in your opinions who do you think did the reunion between Sunset and Celestia best among any fic you've read?

4483373 I always figured if I approached this, I would do it in a more interesting context than just "Sunset comes to Celestia to apologize". My ideal reunion would involve some kind of crossover between the EQG-verse and Equestria (kinda like at the climax of Friendship Games), where there's a monster (or monsters) to fight. Maybe Sunset and Celestia end up back-to-back fighting off a swarm of whatevers. Maybe Sunset is knocked unconscious, and Celestia finds her body in the aftermath. Either way, there's some kind of urgency to keep them from just hashing out all the feels.

4483527 I don't know about word for word, but certainly something similar. What Sunset did was worse than Zuko, what with trying to overthrow Celestia and all. As much as I love Sunset Shimmer I do think she should have to beg for Celestia's forgiveness. I also hope for some acknowledgement of the fact that Luna was still Nightmare Moon at the time of Sunset's betrayal, making Celestia abandoned by TWO Ponies close to her. Sunset's probably aware of this, and that probably increases her guilt a decent amount. A scene where Twilight tells Sunset that the first thing Celestia did when she returned after the Fall Formal was ask if Sunset was okay.

It seems very possible that the reunion could happen in one of the three episode-length EG specials next year. A perfect time to explore stories that couldn't be stretched into a feature. Though as some have suggested, it probably shouldn't be the only reason she visits Equestria. Summer Knight's Tell Us That You Want Us comes to mind.

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