Sunset Shimmer 4,951 members · 6,843 stories
Comments ( 18 )
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Well, we all know that Sunset Shimmer turned into a raging she-demon at the Fall Formal. The real question is, is there any trace of that demon still left inside of Sunset or even the Element of Magic?

Well, that is up to your personal headcanon. Asking a question like this is useless, because everything could be possible. If you want an answer to that question, just write a story where you address it.

Who knows?

I think this thing could be a representation of Sunset's old evil self. That could take every opportunity it could to try and tempt her back to evil.

4543269 I'd say yes considering how Sunset Satan is a physical manifestation of Sunset Shimmer's dark side.

Maybe, but the chances of Sunset going raging she-demon again in canon are slim.

4543336 Asking the question was more so to see what you guys had for ideas.

4543348 I like where you're going with that. :twilightsmile:

4543417 I know. But still, it's fun to imagine the possibilities.

4543269 There are entire fanfics about this. Go read "All That Shimmers" by Justice4243.


In my opinion Sunset has reformed herself in the same way that Luna has, in which Sunset COULD conceivably go bad, but her conscience is so strong there's no way she would do anything truly evil again.

I wouldn't call this question useless at all. If you make the argument that the question itself is useless because everything is possible, then you really have to say the same for all the stories on this site as well. Every story is just one of those endless possibilities that may or may not ever "happen". Also, this place IS kind of a discussion group. So all questions are valid, especially ones like this that aren't absolutely stupid.

Well, yes, I'd love to see how someone might turn this concept into a story. I am pretty sure I have read a story like that already. However, the question "Could Sunset still have some of that demon personality inside her?" has only one reasonable answer: "Yes, that's entirely a possibility."
If you want to turn it into a story, fine, good idea. If you want to ask others whether there are stories like that, fine by me. If you are looking for ideas what that demon might be like, or what kind of developments it could start, I'm also in.
However the question you did ask was useless.


Only one reasonable answer, and that answer is yes? I'm not so sure about that... See, if anything the answer should be a hard 'no, there's no way that demon still exists'. She got absolutely blasted by pure, unadulterated friendship and harmony. That process physically stripped away her evil-self, and emotionally cleansed her so fast that she was IMMEDIATELY regretful for all she had done and was ready to embrace friendship. It was miraculous. That demon no longer exists inside of Sunset. No way.

4544195 Since the show never really explained how the elements actually work, everything you said is pure speculation. It is possible yes, but saying that it is the only possibility is objectively wrong.

4543269 yes. Imo? Definitely. I'd be surprised if it weren't the case. It's something she has to accept and live with it i guess, it could serve as a great motivation to better her self as a person.


is there any trace of that demon still left inside of Sunset

This question assumes that the demon is a separate entity external from Sunset. No, the demon is Sunset, just like you when you are angry and spiteful is still you. Her form changed and her personality was warped due to magic, but everything still came from her.

So no, there is no more of the demon. It was a magical construct. But Sunset's anger and spite is still a part of her, just like it's a part of any human/pony. Given the same opportunity, Sunset can transform into the same demon.

That's what she's afraid of, and what Luna is afraid of.

or even the Element of Magic?

How do you think she transformed in Rainbow Rocks? Sunset is an Element of Magic.
Her connection to the Element had never been lost. In EQG, the Element punished her for her misuse. In RR, the Element deemed her worthy.

Look at that. According to the recent survey, it would seem that Sunset Satan/Demon Sunset/Searing/whatever her name is is getting her own character tag. I guess after Midnight Sparkle, evil forms got a lot more popular.

The demon is a eternal part of Sunset. But, in a way that's a good thing, because it makes her so much stronger, for the demon is the GOD DAMN REASON Daydream Shimmer exists. The angel is her full redemption come full circle. The demon is, let's say, her 50% power level, and based on what we see in friendship games, Daydream can rival Midnight, who can possibly destroy worlds, and win, so she is her final form, or the beginning of her rise to godhood.

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