Sunset Shimmer 4,951 members · 6,843 stories
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Hello, everyone. I was just looking round a bit and I noticed something rather odd. There have been plenty of fics where Nightmare Moon, Discord, Chrysalis, and Sombra have pwned our heroines like noobs, but why can't I find any stories or groups where Sunset Shimmer manages to take over Equestria with her own little teenage army? Or, something like that. Am I not looking hard enough? If so, please point me in the right direction. If here actually aren't any fics like that out there... why not? Thanks!

4557441 Probably because the teenage army part was just dumb as hell. Now, Sunset going through the portal by herself and fighting Celestia, that's interesting.


Teenagers are scary. What with the texting and the vacant stares. :pinkiegasp:

Parents spend the first two years getting their kids to walk and talk, then the next sixteen years getting them to sit down and shut up.


Sixteen years if they're lucky. :rainbowlaugh:

4557490 "Mommy, why did the raging she-demon win?"
"Sometimes the bad guys win honey. Now come on, let's go home and make some cookies, that'll cheer you up!"

4557441 Maybe because anyone who follows the fandom knows that Sunset would get her butt handed to her the instant she stepped through. Celestia, Luna, Cadance, the other bearers, SHINING FREAKING ARMOR, all of them together would trounce her so badly, she'd be a stain on the crystal floor.

Seriously, Shining alone would probably take her out. He can put an entire shield around Canterlot, he can put it around a magically-transformed pony. And if she'd killed his sister, well, I know how I'd react if someone killed a member of my family.

4557500 The scars will toughen them up, making them better able to handle themselves later in life.

True, Sunset would get pounded into a puddle of nothing if it was just her alone, but I'd love to see them fight off what would amount to an army of dopplegangers of nearly every single pony in Canterlot, maybe even Equestria.

Should've been, though. I mean, name one episode prior to this movie where Cadence and Shining Armor were by themselves. Please note that I said PRIOR.

I found the Shining Armor fan. Sure, he'd be able to help stop her, but he's got nothing on Celestia or Luna. :ajbemused:


I'm going for it. I am going to be one of, if not the, first person to write a "Sunset Shimmer Wins" story. And, I think I have a good title for it, too: "Sunset Supreme." Although, I'd appreciate any alternative names.


Call it, Rise of the Sunset. :rainbowwild:

I'll read it.
Now the question is: Will this be a serious story where Sunset and her army fight the princesses and co., or will it be a comedy where Sunset marches her army to Equestria, only to be immediately shut down by the princesses and co.?

4557441 Hate to be that guy, but go to 20:37 to see what would happen.

Well, it'll be a serious one where Sunset and her army take on the Princesses' and co, and actually win.


I thought about that, too.

Followed swiftly by rebellion.

4557654 You could try these:
Shimmering Malevolence
The Setting Sun
Fading Light
Last Lights

I see. I have considered writing a story that took the comedy route before, but I don't think I've ever considered her actually winning.

I have seen your video, and I say to you... I'M STILL GOIN' FOR IT! Besides, who says the surviving members of the Mane 6, the Princesses would know Twilight was dead and/or seriously injured until the bad guys came out of the mirror and all Hell broke loose?

4557521 Which was a horrible oversight on the part of the writer. Seriously, just because this is a series aimed at little girls doesn't mean the boys should get the shaft.

4557533 Trouble is, it was only the student body of a high school, plus the odd faculty member. And excepting Snips and Snails, they'd be shambling about like zombies. At best, they'd be a distraction - at worst, cannon fodder.

4557604 Agreed, but he'd give her a really grisly death. A force field around her? She'd either suffocate or smother.

If someone wants to write a story where it happens, go for it, but good luck explaining and justifying everything.

4557713 Guess you have a point, but still her teenage army lack serious attitude. Unlike these six teens.

Eh, I don't know... I've seen some zombies do some shit.

4557441 Probably something like this.


"Sunset Supreme."

Sounds delicious.

I think Demon Flash just squandered a good chance to French-kiss Rainbow Dash.


Sounds delicious.

You'll need a drink with it though, I hear that it's really hot!

I welcome our new demon-pony overlords.


Production update, everypony!
So far the prologue is shaping up like a cheap knock-off of the last ten or twenty minutes of Equestria Girls, which is part of my master plan. Just when you think it's gonna be a blatant rip-off of the movie, WHAM!!! GOTCHA!!!

Then she got her dream she always wanted

Group Admin

Unless I'm remembering wrong, EqG1 was between S3 and S4. ACW was end of S2. There were a lot of scenes in ACW without Cadance, and technically the real Cadance wasn't even around til the very end. Quite a bit of Shiny all by himself. Also, Crystal Empire part 1 had, towards the beginning at least, Shining by himself facing Sombra to help the girls get to safety. Then later on in season 3, had Games Ponies Play where Cadance was by herself getting her mane done with Rarity, while Shiny spent most of his time playing coach at the track.

Unless you're referring to a complete episode, like Three's a Crowd, where one or the other of Shiny or Cady make zero appearances at all. That hasn't happened yet, unless you're willing to count A Canterlot Wedding part 1. But I'm not entirely sure why that technicality would be important. The two are depicted together a lot, but I don't think that is unreasonable for their characters, nor is it done excessively to the point where either are an incomplete character without the other.

That said, I don't see how any of that is at all important or really relevant to EqG1. The parts that take place in Equestria were purposefully brief. There wasn't any reason to include Shining Armor. Hell, there had been a security breach. I imagine he was busy inspecting the guards and wards. "He should have been" isn't a very well-grounded opinion.

I don't think her plan was -that- bad. Zombie Teen ponies to storm into a small area of the castle to tackle the Elements of Harmony, which are allbeit exceptional ponies, have no realy umf with the Element of Magic under Sunset's control. It also helps lessen the threat of the Princesses as they wouldn't be able to just blash the crud out of everything because oh noes collateral damage, freeing Sunset to blast away with impunity because who cares about their zombie minions?

Finally, somebody on the same wavelength as me!

Meh, those are just technicallities.


Okay: Ways that Sunset Shimmer could have made a good case for winning.

1). Mind Control Spam - Holy snap! Demon Sunset has a spell that can mind control people? And judging from the way it worked, it's really good for taking out large numbers of weak-willed pawns. I mean, she cast it once and suddenly everyone in the school except for the Humane Five and Twilight were playing for Team Sunset. Granted, they were all zombies and she apparently had to order Snips and Snails to 'round them up', but at the very least a single casting should be able to take out every guard in the castle as soon as she steps through the portal.

Matter of fact, we have no guarantee that Twilight and her friends were immune to Sunset's Mind Whammy... or that the Sirens would be immune to it either and they were just a block or two away at the taco place when this was going down. With a bit of preparation, Sunset could have tried practicing her Mind Control a few more times to give her pawns more complex orders, or to try and mind control Twilight and co... or head into town, pick up some adult minions (possibly armed with guns) and add them to her hastily formed army.

Imagine if instead of throwing a fireball, she had used the mind-control spell on them ("Ooh, the gang's all back together again! Well, now you're my friends!") and managed to mind control Twilight on account of her being human without any way to magically defend herself. Now she's got an army of teenagers and a whole set of mind-controlled Elements of Harmony.

2). Demonizing - Sunset Demon's first act was to turn her henchmen into flying demons, which implies she can at the very least grant flight and claws to her army. Cue Sunset turning all of her teenage army into demonoids complete with wings, claws, and possibly some form of magical power. Basically, she can re-enact the Invasion of Canterlot using brainwashed and demonized dopplegangers instead of changelings. Some of which might have guns.

Add that to brainwashing the Humane Five and Twilight, and Sunset could walk through the portal with two henchmen, a set of demonized Elements of Harmony (including Twilight which means the Mane Six can't use the Elements against her), and an army roughly on par with the changelings. Oh, and if the royal guards and townsponies manage to put up a fight against the army, all it would take is one spell and Sunset mind control them too.

3). The Element of Magic - With the Element of Magic on her head, Sunset would at the very least ensure that the Mane Six couldn't use the other five Elements against her. In fact, considering she was able to corrupt the Element for her own use implies that she might know a way to use the other five Elements. Which means if Sunset manages to beat the Mane Six in Equestria (either with her own magic, her army, or their own demonized dopplegangers) and grab their elements, she might be able to use them for her own twisted purposes.

Even without the other Elements... well, I'm not sure if a single corrupted Element of Magic would be able to counter something like the Crystal Heart or ponies like Celestia and Luna, but if you're doing a fanfic where she wins then you could have Sunset tap into it's power to resist some of the heavy artillary the heroes would throw at her.

4). Teleportation - Sunset demonstrated some fancy teleporting moves when she stole the crown and it wouldn't be surprising if she kept that skill in demon form, or even got a boost due to having increased magical power. So, she could step through the portal, see the shocked Mane Six and the Princesses waiting on the other side, then teleport outside of the castle in the blink of an eye. Cue her army marching through the portal while Sunset teleports willy-nilly through the streets turning the local military and civilians alike into a second army under her control with her mind control spell.

Really, teleportation is like the get-out-of-jail-free card that you give to yourself whenever you want! Celestia attacking you? Teleport away. Luna preparing a devastating attack? Teleport away! Cadance runs to the Crystal Heart to activate it? Teleport right next to her, steal the heart, then teleport away! The only place she shouldn't teleport around is the very top of the tower where Sombra set up that teleport trap... which might not be a problem any more if the Heart destroyed all of Sombra's magic.

5). Plant Growth - Wasn't shown in the movie, but the comics had a scene where Sunset used magic to grow a tiny plant into a massive beanstalk thing for an exam. If she keeps that spell then she can start growing big tangling vines all over to wreck havoc. Granted, might not be useful against Celestia and Luna directly, but it's still a powerful spell.

6). Principle Celestia and Vice-Principle Luna - Yeah, I have no idea how Celestia and Luna have counterparts in the high school, but they're canon. Sunset brainwashes them and she's got two ponies who might have the same raw power as the Princesses. Granted, they're zombies and shouldn't have the same skill in magic as their Equestrian counterparts... but if this is a fanfic, she could Demonize them to "unlock their inner power" and get two beastly minions with the same power (though not skill) as Celestia and Luna. Would at the very least be useful to keep the Sisters of the Sun and Moon busy and off-balance while Sunset does her thing.

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