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Sunset's character has obviously grown much more since 2 years ago, and that made me thinking, for both men and women, about Sunny's possibility of a role model?
My guess is what would make her appealing as a role model would be her admirable but relatable character. Maybe not so much towards the first movie, but more to how she is now. She's faced the challenge of exclusion and isolation (and somewhat depression to a degree); an issue which many people struggle with today, and being that many fans are high school students, only adds to her admirable character as she managed to overcome it. Rainbow Rocks and the newer shorts display her struggle through her dark time, which personally is when I felt most connected and relatable to Sunset.
What baffles me though is the stereotype that men cannot have female role models, and vice versa. If you asked many men or boys, you can 99% guarantee that they'll mention a male person. To me, especially growing up without any significant male role models, female role models seem to be a natural to me, yet people still seem to be a bit confused to the whole idea.

So what do you guys think about Sunset as a role model?

Yeah, I've never really understood the idea that men should not see women as role models, and vice versa.

Also the idea that Barack Obama provides a role model for young black Americans. Why couldn't, say, Bill Clinton have been their role model? Because he's white? So what? Obama himself has cited Abraham Lincoln as being one of his role models.

Is Sunset a good role model? Yes, probably.


Sunset volunteers at big sisters of America

someone write that shit !


Sunset IS a role-model, in fact, the entirety of her character, as a redeemed villian, is behind that. She's proof that you can fall, yet come back if you have good friends in your corner and work to be a better person.

And that's great, that's something people really need.


Also the idea that Barack Obama provides a role model for young black Americans. Why couldn't, say, Bill Clinton have been their role model? Because he's white?

Clinton isn't living proof it's now possible for a Black Man to reach the highest office in the country. That's kinda a BIG deal.

4603208 I think Sunset is a great role model. I find her the most relatable to me in her struggle with the demons of her past just like I have demons from my past that I'm not proud of. But, at the same time, she displays a willingness to move on from that and not let her past actions define who she is now, leading to her being more openly accepted as a result. I don't understand this whole mindset of "males can't have female role models" because I'm a guy and I have quite a few (fictional) role models who are female like Katniss Everdeen from The Hunger Games or Elsa from Frozen or Elphaba from Wicked or even each member of the Mane 6, each one having different personalities/character traits that I find within myself. Anyways, those were just my thoughts.

4603208 She could certainly be a role model, but then again so could any great fictional character. A role model is a person you can look up to, admire, and inspire to be like.

4604244 I don't really see how it was that Clinton directly paved the way for Obama to become president.

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