High Quality Spike Shipping 1,528 members · 779 stories
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I am giving you guys ideas of stories I thought would be good. Of course, it is your choice to write them. If anyone gains inspiration, I am glad to have helped.

Kidnapped: Basically, I thought of a Humanized version of Spike. Body of a child or teenager, yet 18 years old. The story is a large woman, a "dragoness", kidnaps Spike and keeps him as a mate and prize. It would switch through the Mane 6 and Spike, and of course, would be mature, a clop. (Just because he has the body of a kid doesn't he has the-) Anyway, he learns that this tough, winged, scale covered tail woman has a soft spot for Spike, often cuddling and treating him like a son (You know, if you ignored the sex)

Smoke and Mail: This would be a mostly cuddling and relationship starting story. Also, human characters...well, as Human as magic and wings get you. Basically Spike dates Derpy, the "child" dating the older woman after sharing an emotional connection. Of course, this could be a teen rated story or mature, but this pair is not seen often, so, I thought this would add onto it.

Logan: Basically, Spike and the others replace the Old Man Logan and Logan (movie). Spike, as a teenaged dragon blood, takes care of Twilight. Two years have gone by since the disappearance of Celestia and Luna, gangs and evil run Equestria. Spike, having a dragon like tail and brandishing metal claws shaped like dragon talons, with tough skin and regeneration, run across the country when a gang destroys his home, taking Twilight and a new person (turns out to be Spike' s clone, or his son, if you prefer). Of course you could start the "Power Ponies" timeline to cross with this, having X-Men first class, Days of Future Past, and Apocalypse to be the Power Ponies thing that Spike experiences.

I gots a shit-tun of ideas for the little guy... just nobody wants to write 'em... and I hear ya: I wish I could get more Spike stories just by throwin my spike ideas out there... but that ain't how it works :fluttershyouch:

5873750 You can put your ideas here, I do not mind. As long as someone sees it, I ma sure inspiration will strike.

5873899 Well, I got about 150 right now... and some of them are kinda long in the details I got about 'em... like long enough to be published here as their own stories... but if you insist, I'll put down 4 here and 4 on the other thread; here

Basically starts off like "Spike's Monster Mash" by Regvarde, where the revelation of Spike's birthday usually leads to chaos if anyone in ponyville knows its the date (PTSD from the greed growth disaster) so the first time this happens, thanks to Pinkie trying to get the town to celebrate his birthday, he runs into the forest, thinking that that's where monsters should live, and while there, he finds a portal to another world, one where he goes on a year-long adventure before he can return, but the thing is that when he gets back, he realizes that hardly any time has passed at all, and even more strangely, when he goes back, time barely changes for them, too, so with that, every year he goes back into that world with the excuse to Twilight that he's going to Canterlot to celebrate with his mom, but one year, Celestia comes to Ponyville to actually celebrate his birthday, because this year she has some spare time to finally see her son during his birthday... Though the problem is, I'm not exactly sure what to have happen in that other world: I kinda thought something like Game of Thrones, or having pirates capture him, or having slave drivers make him fight in a coliseum, or something... I duno, I haven't worked that part out, especially since I haven't seen game of thrones, or anything like that

The Draconic tongue is an innate thing to dragons, so the language Spike "made up" to be able to talk to himself without anyone listening to him, was actually the true language of the dragons, and so far, Twilight has never been able to decipher it, despite all her attempts, which even she admits weren't that laborious, thinking that it was just childish, incoherent ramblings, since that made the most sense to her findings. But here's the kicker, The form he's been speaking/writing was the language that the old royals knew, many generations ago, and passed down through the bloodstone scepter, which can only be used at its full power, without corruption, by sed royal blood

Late one night Applejack hears an intruder in her apple orchard, quickly prompting her to jump up, grab her shotgun, and race to the noise, weapon at hand, and when she catches the intruder red handed, she sees that it's a rather ragged orphan boy seemingly half her age (possibly because he's been discriminated against for his race; being part dragon) , who apologizes and begs her for some food, since he hasn't eaten in days, which was apparent to her by his stomach, and now that she got a better look at him, he didn't look like he's had a good meal in years, perhaps enough to make him seem only half his age. So, with the kindness of her heart, she takes the boy in and talks the family (Granny and Big Mac) into letting him stay (with supervision of course) and he's ever grateful, slowly telling them all his story and how he never had a home he could remember, and slowly but surely getting his health back, though his stature will forever be tainted, and through his rehabilitation, he always sticks close to his savior, wishing for anything he could do for her, and she grows a fondness towards him as well, not pity, mind you, but a genuine respect and care for this outstanding boy with sharp eyes and fast hands, sometimes cursing the fates to give him such a rotten life, while thanking them for giving him it just so they could meet... and so they spend more and more time alone, talking about this and that, leaning onto one another as they stared off into the beautiful world around them, coming ever closer to the tender kiss and the start of their newest beginnings

Spike takes up a job as a metalworker, where he utilizes his talents and abilities to their full extent, in that his fire breath, draconic strength (that grows stronger as he works there) , attention to detail (draconic eyes) , temperature resistant body, and nimble, delicate, strong, and finely sharp claws, make him one of, if not THE, best blacksmith, smelter, crafter, darn well near anything that has to do with heating and forming metals, EVER. even to the point where he's creating simplistic devices in his spare time... but as for a plot, I can't honestly think of much to do with it, other than a slice of life kind of deal with him adapting or finding his place in the world, or a romance about him trying to work for his love as well as his passion

heres my idea, this takes place a year after the "gauntlet of fire" ep. basically when spike gave ember the bloodstone scepter he had inadvertently asked ember to marry him and she "technically" said yes, also he's still the dragon lord he just gave her temporary rule.

5873920 I really like the first one, but perhaps he is treated like a God inside the portal? Worshipped and such?

5874033 An unintentional proposal? I like the sound of that.

5874033 I had a few ideas basically like that, in that Spike's the real lord, but Ember has partial control/leadership because she was given the scepter as a symbol of being the Lord Consort, and if I'm not mistaken, the story "Power Struggle" by "Free Shavacado" has the same element within it

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