Comments ( 17 )
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Well, I personally believe that Season 3 is off to a good start.
now, thoughts:
Korra has seemed to mellow out a little. Yay for that... Not so much for the president taking a couple levels in jerkass (perhaps he needs time to adjust)
Bolin is awesome!
Bumi is awesome!
The new villains are awesome (and I do believe that the magma dude is well on his way to raking up a nice body count)
And I'm pretty sure the Earth Queen wants to invade the United Republics.
Yeah... that's all I can think of off the top of my head

3395846 If I had one; I watched the premier on TV


Like you said most every character is awesome (especially those villains), they've really set up some interesting things (people randomly becoming airbenders, the Queen making an army of airbenders, meeting Bolin and Mako's family).

All I can say is that queen is a b:yay:tch, I can't wait to learn more about the White Lotas (I've been wanting to since the end of Avatar when Iroh, Bumi, and Sokka's master (forget his name :twilightblush:) led a united charge under their flag).

And those villeins I can't get over them, I mean come on they're just begging to be awesome!

I also loved that line when they were going to check on the final one ("She's a powerful firebender with the ability to create explosions with her mind, ironically I once hired a mercenary with a similar power to kill the Avatar................ Well I failed." We all know who he was talking about


Only thing I really can't get behind a hundred percent is Zuko's dragon I mean they're supposed to be extinct, I know the same could be said about the Bison, but I can only accept so many hidden alcoves of extinct animals.

Other than that I can't think of anything not to love.

I'll end with an amazing quote from Tenzen, "I really thought I had that last guy, who doesn't want a bison as their best friend?"

Youtube alright? I also saw it on TV but looked this up for a friend, episode three will be easy to find from there.

wait... what? It premiered?

3396243 The dragons aren't extinct. Remember Ran and Shao? Also, it could have also been the case like the Air bison where Zuko helped repopulate the dragons.

How could I forget them? And I mentioned that possibility but said that I can only accept so many hidden alcoves of extinct animals.

Also this is just an odd thing, why is it a European style when all other dragons have been Chinese?

3396654 I haven't watched it yet , but, If the Chinese dragons are supposed to be extinct, maybe he found another species of dragons? I mean, who knows? If Zuko appears, I got to watch it, does he still have dante's voice? Did they give him another voice actor? Got to find the episodes!

3395788 What? Legend of Korra Book 3 is airing? When did this happen?! :pinkiegasp:

3396243 His bonding with Eska was great :rainbowlaugh:

3395788 It looks like the queen will only be a secondary villain. She's way to generic to be anything but and there is no way that the writers will make the same mistakes as they did with the last book of Korra,

3404411 He has a different va, yes, but it sounds like an older Zuko

3404704 I was hoping for a family reunion and a lampshade hanging.

"So how are you iroh"
"I'm fine, thank you grandfather"
"You know...your voice really reminds me of something.....can't quite figure out what..."

I have the episodes right here. Let's watch them.

I guess I could get behind that explanation.

Friday, hour and a half premier.

Well no duh the queen's only a secondary villein, did you see those prisoners!? Those are some villein's, they are awesome. I'm also taking it as a sigh that we'll FINALLY learn about the Order of the White Lotus something I've wanted to do since they assisted in leading a charge to liberate Ba Sing Se from the Fire Nation during the final episodes of the orignal Avatar.

On an unrelated note, I also cling to the theory that Sokka was in the order, having been invited by Piandao after my personal favorite episode.

But that's just a theory and has nothing to do with anything at the current moment, so feel free to forget it.

3404967 Ah, dang it. Why did no one tell me about this?! Do you know if there will be reruns of the first three episodes any time soon?

Alright just saw this on their facebook

Missed the first three episodes from Book 3? We'll be re-airing them Friday, July 4 at 8pm/7c!

So there you go.

3405817 Alright, thanks. Can't wait to see how Book 3 starts off. I wonder if this will be the final book of Legend of Korra, just like how Book 3 was the final book of Last Airbender?

I think they said there'd be a forth but don't quote me as I could be wrong, and plans might change if I'm right.

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