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So, first of all, I hope this kind of post is allowed, I really don't know, I read the rules and there wasn't any specific mentions not to do it so....


I haven't slept in a few days, I'm tired and I have been fighting off a wave of desmotivation.

Now, you might check out my profile and be like "But wait! You have been posting stories almost daily for a few days now, even if in portuguese".

Well, that is correct, basically I have been hit with a wave of desmotivation regarding Toph Goes to Equestria, in particular.

I don't know the reason, I just had all the story planned up in a google drive file that took me days to make, and I was writing a chapter each 3 days.

And then I go to write the next chapter and somehow I can't do it

I've tried to write it 14 times in the last 2 months, and still nothing.

It's not an issue with the story, I have it all on paper, and it's not an issue with my will to write, daily fanfics prove I'm still pretty able to do so.

I don't know what it is.

So yes, this is turning pretty long, and I will get to the point.

Is anyone willing to either take the story off my shoulders and continue it or just give me some motivation? I thought with the new season maybe it would come, and though the new season seems amazing, with zuko, a new member of the avatar gang, and two different sets of villains.

Nothing comes out.

Any of you have some tips on what I can do to recover my motivation?

Once again, I hope this kind of post is allowed, if not, I'm sorry. Delete it, then.

Thank you

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